As time passes

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  Will is getting worse and its hard watching him in pain. Its been two months since we started dating and it's been wonderful but.... I hate seeing him suffer like this. It literally kills me inside.

  Tonight me and his mom have to go shopping for him. I just hate the thought of leaving him at home alone but I Know she needs my help. I basically live at there house now. Im never home.

   "Ready to go hun? " Eva ask me.

   "Yeah just let me kiss Will goodbye" I say as I run upstairs to his room.

I go to his bed side and take a stran of hair thats in his face and brush it aside. I smile as I see him sleep. He makes me happy every day.

   "Hey beautiful" He says and pulls me close to him". "You getting ready to leave?"

  "Yes" I tell him as we kiss, once again when we kiss my body turns to water and I melt. His kiss makes me feel better, and most importantly safe.

"I love you Ice" Will tells me.

I laugh at the nick name he gave me a few weeks back when I fell on ice and whisper back " and I love you" I say as I leave his bedroom and go downstairs.

  Me and his mom leave and I drive. I park as we arrive at our first stop ew whats that smell? I mentally think as I smell a horrible stinch. I crincle my nose and me and Eva head inside.

  About seven stores later and fifteen medical bags later we start to head home. But I'll have to admit me and Eva have become closer and we've talked a lot. I've got to know her a lot better and know about her life story.

Sadly its snowing really bad and I have to drive home. I'm getting worried because I've never drove in bad weather before. Plus on the radio the weather people said there is black ice and recks everywhere. Not to mention it is now night.

  "You'll be fine honey just drive slow and be very aware" Eva tells me softly.

  "Okay" I tell her and she gives me a reassuring smile.

  Quickly though everything takes a turn. I see bright lights and then boom.

                  73 hours later

I wake up and see will beside me holding my hand and crying. Im in a hospital bed, hooked up to am monitor and everything. Suddenly it hits me like lighting. Oh no...

  I suddenly start bawling and Will is there holding me, comforting me. He doesn't scream at me and tell me it's my fault. He just holds me and tells me that he loves me so much.

                  One week later

  I've been home for a few days and Will is always taking care of me even though he's the sick one. But in reality I think it's to get his mind off of missing his mom. Everything happened so fast, so quick, and then it was over. Just like that. But I know how hard it is for Will. I'm so lucky to have him. I hope though, that in time his mom dying will get easier, as time passes.

I am so sorry for not updating for a long time. But I've been sooo busy. I Love you all.


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