The Magical Theory of the Universe

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There are three main theories of the Universe; Dualism, Monism and Nihilism. It is impossible to enter into a discussion of their relative merits in a popular manual of this sort. They may be studied in Erdmann's "History of Philosophy" and similar treatises. All are reconciled and unified in the theory which we shall now set forth.The basis of this Harmony is given in Crowley's

"Berashith" --- to which reference should be made. Infinite space is called the goddess NUIT, while the infinitely small andatomic yet omnipresent point is called HADIT.

I present this theory in a very simple form. I cannot even explain(for instance) that an idea may not refer to Being at all, but to Going. TheBook of the Law demands special study and initiated apprehension.These are unmanifest. One conjunction of these infinites is called RA-HOOR-KHUIT, More correctly, HERU-RA-HA, to include HOOR-PAAR-KRAAT.a unity which includes and heads all things.

The basis of this theology is given in Liber CCXX, AL vel Legiswhich forms Part IV of this Book 4. Hence I can only outline the matter in avery crude way; it would require a separate treatise to discuss even the truemeaning of the terms employed, and to show how The Book of the Law anticipatesthe recent discoveries of Frege, Cantor, Poincare, Russell, Whitehead, Einsteinand others.(There is also a particular Nature of Him, in certain conditions, such as have obtained since the Spring of 1904, e.v.) This profoundly mystical conception is based upon actual spiritual experience, but the trained reason

All advance in understanding demands the acquisition of a newpoint-of-view. Modern conceptions of Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics aresheer paradox to the "plain man" who thinks of Matter as something that onecan knock up against.can reach a reflection of this idea by the method of logical contradiction which ends in reason transcending itself. The reader should consult "The Soldier and the Hunchback" in Equinox I, I, and Konx Om Pax.

"Unity" transcends "consciousness". It is above all division. The Father ofthought --- the Word --- is called Chaos --- the dyad. The number Three, theMother, is called Babalon. In connection with this the reader should study "TheTemple of Solomon the King" in Equinox I, V, and Liber 418. This first triad is essentially unity, in a manner transcending reason. Thecomprehension of this Trinity is a matter of spiritual experience. All truegods are attributed to this Trinity.

Considerations of the Christian Trinity are of a nature suitedonly to Initiates of the IX Degree of O.T.O., as they enclose the final secretof all practical Magick.An immeasurable abyss divides it from all manifestations of Reason or the lower qualities of man. In the ultimate analysis of Reason, we find all reason identified with this abyss. Yet this abyss is the crown of the mind. Purely intellectual faculties all obtain here. This abyss has no number, for in it all is confusion. Below this abyss we find the moral qualities of Man, of which there are six.The highest is symbolised by the number Four. Its nature is fatherly

Each conception is, however, balanced in itself. Four is alsoDaleth, the letter of Venus; so that the mother-idea is included. Again, theSephira of 4 is Chesed, referred to Water. 4 is ruled by Jupiter, Lord of theLightning (Fire) yet ruler of Air. Each Sephira is complete in its way.; Mercy and Authority are the attributes of its dignity. The number Five is balanced against it. The attributes of Five are Energyand Justice. Four and Five are again combined and harmonized in the number Six,whose nature is beauty and harmony, mortality and immortality.

In the number Seven the feminine nature is again predominant, but it is themasculine type of female, the Amazon, who is balanced in the number Eight bythe feminine type of male. In the number Nine we reach the last of the purely mental qualities. It identifieschange with stability.

Magical Theory by: Adalbert WafflingWhere stories live. Discover now