Principal Correspondence of the Qabalah

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Mostly everything written below is in the picture on top.
TABLE I.===========.=========================.======================.: I : II : III :: KEY SCALE : HEBREW NAMES OF NUMBERS : ENGLISH OF COLUMN II :: : & LETTERS : ::-----------+-------------------------+----------------------:: :Aleph-Yod-Nunfinal : Nothing. :: 0 :Aleph-Yod-Nunfinal : No Limit. :: :Samekh-Vau-Pehfinal : :: :Aleph-Yod-Nunfinal : Limitless L.V.X. :: :Samekh-Vau-Pehfinal : :: :Aleph-Vau-Resh : :: 1 :Koph-Taw-Resh : Crown. :: 2 :Chet-Koph-Mem-Heh : Wisdom. :: 3 :Bet-Yod-Nun-Heh : Understanding. :: 4 :Chet-Samekh-Dalet : Mercy. :: 5 :Gemel-Bet-Vau-Resh-Heh : Strength. :: 6 :Taw-Peh-Aleph-Resh-Taw : Beauty. :: 7 :Nun-Tzaddi-Chet : Victory. :: 8 :Heh-Vau-Dalet : Splendour. :: 9 :Yod-Samekh-Vau-Dalet : Foundation. :: 10 :Mem-Lamed-Koph-Vau-Taw : Kingdom. :: 11 :Aleph-Lamed-Pehfinal : Ox. :: 12 :Bet-Yod-Taw : House. :: 13 :Gemel-Mem-Lamed : Camel. :: 14 :Dalet-Lamed-Taw : Door. :: 15 :Heh-Heh : Window. :: 16 :Vau-Vau : Nail. :: 17 :Zain-Yod-Nunfinal : Sword. :: 18 :Chet-Yod-Taw : Fence. :: 19 :Tet-Yod-Taw : Serpent. :: 20 :Yod-Vau-Dalet : Hand. :: 21 :Koph-Pehfinal : Palm. :: 22 :Lamed-Mem-Dalet : Ox Goad. :: 23 :Mem-Yod-Memfinal : Water. :: 24 :Nun-Vau-Nunfinal : Fish. :: 25 :Samekh-Mem-Kophfinal : Prop. :: 26 :Ayin-Yod-Nunfinal : Eye. :: 27 :Peh-Heh : Mouth. :: 28 :Tzaddi-Dalet-Yod : Fish-hook. :: 29 :Qof-Vau-Pehfinal : Back of Head. :: 30 :Resh-Yod-Shin : Head. :: 31 :Shin-Yod-Nunfinal : Tooth. :: 32 :Taw-Vau : Tau (as Egyptian). :: 32 "bis" :Taw-Vau : --- :: 31 "bis" :Shin-Yod-Nunfinal : --- :.===========.=========================.===============================.: I : VI : VII :: KEY SCALE : THE HEAVENS OF ASSIAH : ENGLISH OF COLUMN VI ::-----------+-------------------------+-------------------------------:: 1 :Resh-Aleph-Shin-Yod-Taw : Sphere of the Primum Mobile :: :Heh-Gemel-Lamed-Gemel- : :: Lamed-Yod-Memfinal : :: 2 :Mem-Samekh-Lamed-Vau-Taw : Sphere of the Zodiac :: : : Fixed Stars :: 3 :Shin-Bet-Taw-Aleph-Yod : Sphere of Saturn :: 4 :Tzaddi-Dalet-Qof : Sphere of Jupiter :: 5 :Mem-Aleph-Dalet-Yod- : Sphere of Mars :: : Memfinal : :: 6 :Shin-Mem-Shin : Sphere of Sol :: 7 :Nun-Vau-Gemel-Heh : Sphere of Venus :: 8 :Koph-Vau-Koph-Bet : Sphere of Mercury :: 9 :Lamed-Bet-Nun-Heh : Sphere of Luna :: 10 :Chet-Lamed-Memfinal : Sphere of the Elements :: :Yod-Samekh-Vau-Dalet- : :: : Vau-Taw : :: 11 :Resh-Vau-Chet : Air :: 12 : (Planets following : MERCURY :: : Sephiroth corresponding): :: 13 : : Luna :: 14 : : Venus :: 15 :Tet-Lamed-Heh : Aries Fire :: 16 :Shin-Vau-Resh : Taurus Earth :: 17 :Taw-Aleph-Vau-Mem-Yod- : Gemini Air :: : Memfinal : :: 18 :Samekh-Resh-Tet-Nunfinal : Cancer Water :: 19 :Aleph-Resh-Yod-Heh : Leo Fire :: 20 :Bet-Taw-Vau-Lamed-Heh : Virgo Earth :: 21 : : Jupiter :: 22 :Mem-Aleph-Zain-Nun-Yod- : Libra Air :: : Memfinal : :: 23 :Mem-Yod-Memfinal : Water :: 24 :Ayin-Qof-Resh-Bet : Scorpio Water :: 25 :Qof-Shin-Taw : Sagittarius Fire :: 26 :Gemel-Dalet-Yod : Capricornus Earth :: 27 : : Mars :: 28 :Dalet-Lamed-Yod : Aquarius Air :: 29 :Dalet-Gemel-Yod-Memfinal : Pisces Water :: 30 : : Sol :: 31 :Aleph-Shin : Fire :: 32 : : Saturn :: 32 "bis" :Aleph-Resh-Tzaddifinal : Earth :: 31 "bis" :Aleph-Taw : Spirit :.=========.================.===================.=======================.: : IX : XI : XII :: : THE SWORD : ELEMENTS : :: : AND :(WITH THEIR PLANE- : THE TREE OF LIFE :: : THE SERPENT : TARY RULERS) : :: : :Do not confuse with: :: : :rulers of Zodiac. : ::---------+----------------+-------------------+-----------------------:: 0 :................:...................:.......................:: 1 : The Flaming : Root of Air :1st Plane Middle Pillar:: 2 : Sword follows : " " Fire :2nd " Right " :: 3 : the downward : " " Water :2nd " Left " :: 4 : course of the : " " Water :3rd " Right " :: 5 : Sephiroth, and : " " Fire :3rd " Left " :: 6 : is compared : " " Air :4th " Middle " :: 7 : to the Light- : " " Fire :5th " Right " :: 8 : ning Flash. : " " Water :5th " Left " :: 9 : Its hilt is : " " Air :6th " Middle " :: 10 : in Kether and : " " Earth :7th " " " :: : its point in : : :: : Malkuth. : : :: : : : ::11 :The Serpent of : Hot and Moist Air :Path joins 1-2 :: 12 :Wisdom follows :...................: " " 1-3 :: 13 :the course of :...................: " " 1-6 :: 14 :the paths or :...................: " " 2-3 :: 15 :letters upward, : Sun Fire Jupiter : " " 2-6 :: 16 :its head being : Venus Earth Moon : " " 2-4 :: 17 :thus in Aleph, : Saturn Air Mercury: " " 3-6 :: 18 :its tail in Taw.: Mars Water : " " 3-5 :: 19 :Aleph, Mem, & : Sun Fire Jupiter : " " 4-5 :: :Shin are : : :: 20 :the Mother : Venus Earth Moon : " " 4-6 :: 21 :letters, re- :...................: " " 4-7 :: 22 :ferring to the : Saturn Air Mercury: " " 5-6 ::23 :Elements; Bet, : Cold & Moist Water: " " 5-8 :: 24 :Gemel, Dalet, : Mars Water : " " 6-7 :: :Koph, Peh, Resh : : :: 25 :and Taw, the : Sun Fire Jupiter : " " 6-9 :: 26 :Double letters, : Venus Earth Moon : " " 6-8 :: 27 :to the Planets; :...................: " " 7-8 :: 28 :the rest, : Saturn Air Mercury: " " 7-9 :: 29 :Single letters, : Mars Water : " " 7-10 :: 30 :to the Zodiac. :...................: " " 8-9 ::31 : : Hot and Dry Fire : " " 8-10 :: 32 :................:...................: " " 9-10 ::32 "bis" : : Cold and Dry Earth:.......................::31 "bis" :................:...................:.......................:: : : : :{WEH NOTE: Row 29 has been corrected, original had a typo of Mars Fire}.=========.====================================.=======================.: : XIV : XV :: : GENERAL ATTRIBUTION : THE KING SCALE :: : OF TAROT : OF COLOUR ::---------+------------------------------------+-----------------------:: 1 :The 4 Aces :Brilliance :: 2 :The 4 Twos --- Kings or Knights :Pure Soft Blue :: 3 :The 4 Threes --- Queens :Crimson :: 4 :The 4 Fours :Deep violet :: 5 :The 4 Fives :Orange :: 6 :The 4 Sixes --- Emperors or Princes :Clear pink rose :: 7 :The 4 Sevens :Amber :: 8 :The 4 Eights :Violet purple :: 9 :The 4 Nines :Indigo :: 10 :The 4 Tens --- Empresses or :Yellow :: : Princesses : ::11 :The Fool --- (Swords) Emperors or :Bright pale yellow :: : Princes : :: 12 :The Juggler :Yellow :: 13 :The High Priestess :Blue :: 14 :The Empress :Emerald Green :: 15 :The Emperor :Scarlet :: 16 :The Hierophant :Red Orange :: 17 :The Lovers :Orange :: 18 :The Chariot :Amber :: 19 :Strength :Yellow, greenish :: 20 :Hermit :Green yellowish :: 21 :Wheel of Fortune :Violet :: 22 :Justice :Emerald Green ::23 :The Hanged Man --- (Cups) Queens :Deep blue :: 24 :Death :Green blue :: 25 :Temperance :Blue :: 26 :The Devil :Indigo :: 27 :The House of God :Scarlet :: 28 :The Star :Violet :: 29 :The Moon :Crimson (ultra violet) :: 30 :The Sun :Orange ::31 :The Angel or Last Judgment --- :Glowing orange scarlet :: : (Wands) Kings or Knights : :: 32 :The Universe :Indigo ::32 "bis" :Empresses (Coins) :Citrine, olive, russet :: : : and black(1) ::31 "bis" :All 22 trumps :White merging into grey::----------------------------------------------------------------------:: (1) The Pure Earth known to the Ancient Egyptians, during that :: Equinox of the Gods over which Isis presided (i.e. The Pagan Era) was:: taken as Green. :.=========.=============================.==============================.: : XIX : XXII ::KEY SCALE: SELECTION OF EGYPTIAN GODS : SMALL SELECTION OF :: : : HINDU DEITIES ::---------+-----------------------------+------------------------------:: 0 :Harpocrates, Amoun, Nuith. :AUM. :: 1 :Ptah, Asar un Nefer, Hadith. :Parabrahm (or any other whom :: : : one wishes to please). :: 2 :Amoun, Thoth, Nuith (Zodiac).:Shiva, Vishnu (as Buddha ava- :: : : tara).Akasa(as matter).Lingam:: 3 :Maut, Isis, Nephthys. :Bhavani (all forms of Sakti), :: : : Prana (as Force), Yoni. :: 4 :Amoun, Isis. :Indra, Brahma. :: 5 :Horus, Nephthys. :Vishnu, Varruna-Avatar. :: 6 :Asar, Ra. :Vishnu-Hari-Krishna-Rama. :: 7 :Hathoor. :Bhavani (all forms of Sakti). :: : : Prana (as Force), Yoni. :: 8 :Anubis. :Hanuman. :: 9 :Shu. :Ganesha Vishnu (Kurm Avatar). :: 10 :Seb. Lower (i.e. unwedded), :Lakshmi, etc. (Kundalini) :: : Isis and Nephthys. : ::11 :Nu. :The Maruts (Vayu). :: 12 :Thoth and Cynocephalus. :Hanuman, Vishnu (as Parasa- :: : : Rama). :: 13 :Chomse. :Chandra (as Moon). :: 14 :Hathoor. :Lalita(sexual aspect of Sakti):: 15 :Men Thu. :Shiva. :: 16 :Asar Ameshet Apis. :Shiva (Sacred Bull). :: 17 :Various twin dieties, Rehkt :Various twin and hybrid :: : Merti, etc. : Deities. :: 18 :Kephra. :..............................:: 19 :Ra-Hoor-Khuit, Pasht, Sekhet,:Vishnu (Nara-Singh Avatar). :: : Mau, Sekhmet. : :: 20 :Isis (as Virgin). :The Gopi Girls, the Lord of :: : : Yoga. :: 21 :Amoun-Ra. :Brahma, Indra. :: 22 :Ma. :Yama. ::23 :Tum Athph Auramoth (as Water):Soma (apas). :: : Asar (as Hanged Man), : :: : Hekar, Isis. : :: 24 :Merti goddesses, Typhon, :Kundalini. :: : Apep, Khephra. : :: 25 :.............................:Vishnu (Horse-Avatar). :: 26 :Khem (Set). :Lingam, Yoni. :: 27 :Horus. :..............................:: 28 :Ahephi, Aroueris. :..............................:: 29 :Khephra (as Scarab in Tarot :Vishnu (Matsya Avatar). :: : Trump). : :: 30 :Ra and many others. :Surya (as Sun). ::31 :Thoum-aesh-neith, Mau, Ka- :Agni (Tejas) Yama, (as God of :: : beshunt, Horus, Tarpesheth.: last Judgment). :: 32 :Sebek, Mako. :Brahama. ::32 "bis" :Satem, Ahapshi, Nephthys, :(Prithivi). :: : Ameshet. : ::31 "bis" :Asar. :(Akasa). :.=========.=============================.==============================.: : XXXIV : XXXV ::KEY SCALE: SOME GREEK GODS : SOME ROMAN GODS ::---------+-----------------------------+------------------------------:: 0 :Pan..........................:..............................:: 1 :Zeus, Iacchus :Jupiter :: 2 :Athena, Uranus :Janus :: 3 :Cybele, Demeter, Rhea, Here :Juno, Cybele, Saturn, Hecate :: 4 :Poseidon :Jupiter :: 5 :Ares, Hades :Mars :: 6 :Iacchus, Apollo, Adonis :Apollo :: 7 :Aphrodite, Nike :Venus :: 8 :Hermes :Mercury :: 9 :Zeus (as Air), Diana of :Diana (as Moon) :: : Ephesus (as phallic stone) : :: 10 :Persephone (Adonis), Psyche :Ceres ::11 :Zeus :Jupiter :: 12 :Hermes :Mercury :: 13 :Artemis, Hecate :Diana :: 14 :Aphrodite :Venus :: 15 :Athena :Mars, Minerva :: 16 :(Here) :Venus :: 17 :Castor & Pollux, Apollo the :Casto & Pollux (Janus) :: : Diviner : :: 18 :Apollo the Charioteer :Mercury :: 19 :Demeter (borne by lions) :Venus (repressing the fire of :: : : Vulcan) :: 20 :(Attis) :(Attis) Ceres, Adonis :: 21 :Zeus :Jupiter (Pluto) :: 22 :Themis, Minos, AEacus, and :Vulcan :: : Rhadamanthus : ::23 :Poseidon :Neptune :: 24 :Ares :Mars :: 25 :Apollo, Artemis (hunters) :Diana (as Archer) :: 26 :Pan, Priapus (Erect Hermes :Pan, Vesta, Bacchus, Priapus :: : and Bacchus) : :: 27 :Ares :Mars :: 28 :(Athena), Ganymede :Juno :: 29 :Poseidon :Neptune :: 30 :Helios, Apollo :Apollo ::31 :Hades :Vulcan, Pluto :: 32 :(Athena) :Saturn ::32 "bis" :(Demeter) :Ceres ::31 "bis" :Iacchus :(Liber) :.=========.=============================.==============================.: : XXXVIII : XXXIX ::KEY SCALE: ANIMALS, REAL AND : PLANTS, REAL AND :: : IMAGINARY : IMAGINARY ::---------+-----------------------------+------------------------------:: 0 :.............................:..............................:: 1 :God. :Almond in flower. :: 2 :Man. :Amaranth. :: 3 :Woman. :Cypress, Opium Poppy. :: 4 :Unicorn. :Olive, Shamrock. :: 5 :Basilisk. :Oak, Nux Vomica, Nettle. :: 6 :Phoenix, Lion, Child. :Acacia, Bay, Laurel, Vine. :: 7 :Lynx. :Rose. :: 8 :Hermaphrodite, Jackal, Twin :Moly, Anhalonium Lewinii. :: : Serpents. : :: 9 :Elephant. :(Banyan) Mandrake, Damiana, :: : : Yohimba. :: 10 :Sphinx. :Willow, Lily, Ivy. ::11 :Eagle or Man (Cherub of Air).:Aspen. :: 12 :Swallow, Ibis, Ape, Twin :Vervain, Herb Mercury, :: : Serpents. : Marjolane, Palm. :: 13 :Dog. :Almond, Mugwort, Hazel, :: : : (as Moon). Moonworth, :: : : Ranunculus. :: 14 :Sparrow, Dove, Swan. :Myrtle, Rose, Clover. :: 15 :Ram, Owl. :Tiger Lily, Geranium. :: 16 :Bull (Cherub of Earth). :Mallow. :: 17 :Magpie, Hybrids. :Hybrids, Orchids. :: 18 :Crab, Turtle, Sphinx. :Lotus. :: 19 :Lion (Cherub of Fire). :Sunflower. :: 20 :Virgin, Anchorite, any :Snowdrop, Lily, Narcissus. :: : solitary person or animal. : :: 21 :Eagle. :Hyssop, Oak, Poplar, Fig. :: 22 :Elephant. :Aloe. ::23 :Eagle-snake-scorpion :Lotus, all Water Plants. :: : (Cherub of Water). : :: 24 :Scorpion, Beetle, Lobster or :Cactus. :: : Crayfish, Wolf. : :: 25 :Centaur, Horse, Hyppogriff, :Rush. :: : Dog. : :: 26 :Goat, Ass. :Indian Hemp, Orchis Root, :: : : Thistle. :: 27 :Horse, Bear, Wolf. :Absinthe, Rue. :: 28 :Man or Eagle (Cherub of Air).:(Olive) Cocoanut. :: : Peacock. : :: 29 :Fish, Dolphin, Crayfish, :Unicellular Organisms, Opium. :: : Beetle. : :: 30 :Lion, Sparrowhawk. :Sunflower, Laurel, Heliotrope.::31 :Lion (Cherub of Fire). :Red Poppy, Hibiscus, Nettle. :: 32 :Crocodile. :Ash, Cypress, Hellebore, Yew, :: : : Nightshade. ::32 bis :Bull (Cherub of Earth). :Oak, Ivy. ::31 bis :Sphinx (if Sworded and :Almond in flower. :: : Crowned). : :{WEH NOTE: lines 11, 16, 28 & 32 bis corrected as to element; originalhad typos of Fire, Air, Fire and Water respectively.}.=========.=============================.================================.: : XL : XLI ::KEY SCALE: PRECIOUS STONES : MAGICAL WEAPONS ::---------+-----------------------------+--------------------------------:: 0 :.............................:................................:: 1 :Diamond. :Swastika or Fylfat Cross, :: : : Crown. :: 2 :Star Ruby, Turquoise. :Lingam, the Inner Robe of :: : : Glory. :: 3 :Star Sapphire, Pearl. :Yoni, the Outer Robe of :: : : Concealment. :: 4 :Amethyst, Sapphire. :The Wand, Sceptre, or Crook. :: 5 :Ruby. :The Sword, Spear, Scourge or :: : : Chain. :: 6 :Topaz, Yellow Diamond. :The Lamen or Rosy Cross. :: 7 :Emerald. :The Lamp and Girdle. :: 8 :Opal, especially Fire Opal. :The Names and Versicles, :: : : the Apron. :: 9 :Quartz. :The Perfumes and Sandals. :: 10 :Rock Crystal. :The Magical Circle & Triangle .::11 :Topaz, Chalcedony. :The Dagger or Fan. :: 12 :Opal, Agate. :The Wand or Caducesus. :: 13 :Moonstone, Pearl, Crystal. :Bow and Arrow. :: 14 :Emerald, Turquoise. :The Girdle. :: 15 :Ruby. :The Horns, Energy, the Burin. :: 16 :Topaz. :The Labour of Preparation. :: 17 :Alexandrite, Tourmaline, :The Tripod. :: : Iceland Spar. : :: 18 :Amber. :The Furnace. :: 19 :Cat's Eye. :The Discipline (Preliminary). :: 20 :Peridot. :The Lamp and Wand (Virile :: : : Force reserved), the Bread. :: 21 :Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli. :The Sceptre. :: 22 :Emerald. :The Cross of Equilibrium. ::23 :Beryl or Aquamarine. :The Cup and Cross of Suffer- :: : : ing, the Wine. :: 24 :Snakestone. :The Pain of the Obligation. :: 25 :Jacinth. :The Arrow (swift and straight :: : : application of Force). :: 26 :Black Diamond. :The Secret Force, Lamp. :: 27 :Ruby, any red stone. :The Sword. :: 28 :Artificial Glass. :The Censer or Aspergillus. :: 29 :Pearl. :The Twilight of the Place, :: : : Magic Mirror. :: 30 :Crysoleth. :The Lamen or Bow and Arrow. ::31 :Fire Opal. :The Wand, Lamp, Pyramid of Fire.:: 32 :Onyx. :The Sickle. ::32 "bis" :Salt. :The Pantacle, the Salt. ::31 "bis" :.............................:................................:.=========.===================.==========.==============================.: : XLII : LIII : XLIX ::KEY SCALE: PERFUMES :THE GREEK : LINEAL FIGURES OF THE :: : :ALPHABET : PLANETS AND GEOMANCY ::---------+-------------------+----------+------------------------------:: 0 :...................: :The Circle. :: 1 :Ambergris. : :The Point. :: 2 :Musk : (sigma) :The Line, also the Cross. :: 3 :Myrrh, Civet : :The Plane, also the Diamond, :: : : : Oval, Circle and other Yoni :: : : : Symbols. :: 4 :Cedar : (iota) :The Solid Figure. :: 5 :Tobacco : (phi) :The Tessaract. :: 6 :Olibanum : omega : Sephirotic Geomantic Fi- :: 7 :Benzoin, Rose, : epsilon : gures follow the Planets. :: : Red Sandal : : Caput and Cauda Draconis :: 8 :Storax : : are the Nodes of the Moon, :: 9 :Jasmine, Jinseng, : chi : nearly = Herschel and :: : all Odoriferous : : Neptune respectively. :: : Roots : : They belong to Malkuth. :: 10 :Dittany of Crete : Sampi : ::11 :Galbanum : alpha :Those of Airy Triplicity. :: 12 :Mastic, White : beta :Octagram. :: : Sandal, Mace, : : :: : Storax, all Fu- : : :: : gitive Odours. : : :: 13 :Menstrual Blood, : gamma :Enneagram. :: : Camphor, Aloes, : : :: : all Sweet : : :: : Virginal Odours. : : :: 14 :Sandalwood, Myrtle : delta :Heptagram. :: : all Soft Volup- : : :: : tuous Odours. : : :: 15 :Dragon's Blood. : epsilon :Puer. :: 16 :Storax. : digamma :Amissio. :: 17 :Wormwood. : zeta :Albus. :: 18 :Onycha. : eta :Populus and Via. :: 19 :Olibanum. : theta :Fortuna Major & Fortuna Minor.:: 20 :White Sandal, : iota :Conjunctio. :: : Narcissus. : : :: 21 :Saffron, all : kappa :Square and Rhombus. :: : Generous Odours. : : :: 22 :Galbanum. : lambda :Puella. ::23 :Onycha, Myrrh. : mu :Those of Watery Triplicity. :: 24 :Siamese Benzoin, : nu :Rubeus. :: : Opoponax. : : :: 25 :Lign-aloes. :xi (sigma):Acquisitio. :: 26 :Musk, Civet (also : omicron :Carcer. :: :Saturnian perfumes): : :: 27 :Pepper, Dragon's : pi :Pentagram. :: : Blood, all Hot : : :: : Pungent Odours. : : :: 28 :Galbanum. : psi :Tristitia. :: 29 :Ambergris. : koppa :Laetitia. :: 30 :Olibanum, Cinamon, : rho :Hexagram. :: :all Glorious Odours: : ::31 :Olibanum, all : sampi :Those of Firey Triplicity. :: : Fiery Odours. : : :: 32 :Assafoetida, : tau :Triangle. :: : Scammony, Indigo, : : :: : Sulphur, all Evil : : :: : Odours. : : ::32 bis :Storax, all Dull : upsilon :Those of Earthy Triplicity. :: : Heavy Odours. : : :{WEH NOTE: on line 9, Chi was omitted; lines 21 & 32 bis, Chi and Tauthere by error. These have been restored from Liber 777}TABLE II.=========.==========.===============.====================.============.: : LIV : LV : LXIII : LXIV ::KEY SCALE: THE :THE ELEMENTS : :SECRET NAMES:: :LETTERS OF: AND : THE FOUR WORLDS : OF THE FOUR:: : THE NAME : SENSES : : WORLDS ::---------+----------+---------------+--------------------+------------:: 11 : Vau : Air, Smell. :Yetzirah, Formative :Mem-Heh Mah:: : : : World. : :: 23 : Heh : Water, Taste. :Briah, Creative :Samekh-Gemel:: : : : World. : Seg:: 31 : Yod : Fire, Sight. :Atziluth, Archetypal:Ayin-Bet Ob:: : : : World. : ::32 "bis" : Heh : Earth, Touch. :Assiah, Material :Bet-Nunfinal:: : : : World. : Ben::31 "bis" : Shin : Spirit, :....................:............:: : : Hearing. : : :: : : : : ::=========+========.=.========.======.====.===============.===.========:: : LXVIII : LXIX : LXX : LXXV : LXXVI :: :THE PART: THE :ATTRIBUTION:THE FIVE ELEMENTS :THE FIVE:: : OF :ALCHEMICAL: OF : (TATWAS) :SKANDHAS:: :THE SOUL: ELEMENTS : PENTAGRAM : : ::---------+--------+----------+-----------+-------------------+--------:: 11 :HB:RVCh : Mercury :Left Upper :Vayu - The Blue :Sankhara:: :Ruach : : Point. : Circle. : :: 23 :HB:NShMH: Salt :Right Upper:Aupas - The Silver :Vedana. :: :Neshamah: : Point. : Crescent : :: 31 :HB:ChYH : Sulphur :Right Lower:Agni or Tejas - :San~~n~~a.: :Chiah : : Point. : The Red Triangle.: ::32 "bis" :HB:NPSh : Salt :Left Lower :Prithivi - The :Rupa :: :Nephesh : : Point. : Yellow Square. : ::31 "bis" :H:YChYDH: :Topmost :Akasa - The Black :Vin~~nanam: :Iechidah: : Point. : Egg. : ::---------.--------.----------.-----------.-------------------.--------:TABLE III:=========.===================.=============.==========================:: : LXXVII : LXXXI : LXXXIII :: : THE PLANETS : : THE ATTRIBUTION OF :: : AND THEIR NUMBERS : METALS : THE HEXAGRAM ::---------+-------------------+-------------+--------------------------:: 12 : Mercury 8 : Mercury. : Left Lower Point. :: 13 : Moon 9 : Silver. : Bottom Point. :: 14 : Venus 7 : Copper. : Right Lower Point. :: 21 : Jupiter 4 : Tin. : Right Upper Point. :: 27 : Mars 5 : Iron. : Left Upper Point. :: 30 : Sun 6 : Gold. : Centre Point. :: 31 : Saturn 3 : Lead. : Top Point. :TABLE IV.=========.======.=======.=================.=========.===================.: :XCVII : CXVII : CXVIII : CXXIV : CXXXIII ::KEY SCALE:PARTS : THE : THE CHAKKRAS OR : THE : TITLES AND :: : OF : SOUL : CENTRES OF :HEAVENLY : ATTRIBUTIONS OF :: : THE :(HINDU): PRANA :HEXAGRAM : THE WAND SUIT :: : SOUL : : (HINDUISM) : : (CLUBS) ::---------+------+-------+-----------------+---------+-------------------:: 0 :......:.......:.................:.........:...................:: 1 :YChYDH:Atma :Sahasrara (above : Jupiter :The Root of the :: : : : Head). : : Powers of Fire. :: 2 :ChYH :Buddhi :Ajna (Pineal : Mercury :Mars in Aries :: : : : Gland). : : Dominion. :: 3 :NShMH :Higher :Visuddhi : Moon :Sun in Aries Esta- :: : : Manas : (Larynx). :[Saturn : blished Strength. :: : : : : Daath] : :: -. .- .- : : :: 4 : :.......:.................: Venus :Venus in Aries :: : : : : : Perfected Work. :: 5 : :Lower -:Anahata (Heart) : Mars :Saturn in Leo :: : : : : : Strife. :: : : Manas : : : :: 6 : :.......:.................: Sun :Jupiter in Leo :: : : : : : Victory. :: : : .- : : :: 7 :-RVCh :Kama :Manipura (Solar : :Mars in Leo Valour.:: : : : Plexus). : : :: 8 : :Prana :Svadistthana : :Mercury in Sagit- :: : : : : : tarius Swiftness.:: : : : (Navel). : : :: 9 : :Linga .- -. :Moon in Sagittarius:: -. .Sharira: : : Great Strength. :: : : -:Muladhara (Lingam: : :: 10 :NPSh :Sthula : and Anus). : :Saturn in Sagit- :: : : : : : tarius Oppression.:: : :Sharira: : : :: : : .- -. : ::---------.------.-----------------------------------.-------------------:: XCVIII --- English of Col. XCVII :: The Self........... 1 The Intellect. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. :: The Life Force..... 2 The Animal soul which :: The Intuition...... 3 perceives and feels.. 10 :.=========.====================.===================.===================.: : CXXXIV : CXXXV : CXXXVI ::KEY SCALE: TITLES AND : TITLES AND : TITLES AND :: :ATTRIBUTIONS OF THE : ATTRIBUTIONS OF : ATTRIBUTIONS OF :: :CUP OR CHALICE SUIT : THE SWORD SUIT :THE COIN, DISC OR :: : (HEARTS) : (SPADES) : PANTACLE SUIT :: : : : (DIAMONDS) ::---------+----------------------+---------------------+---------------------:: 0 :......................:.....................:.....................:: 1 :The Root of the :The Root of the :The Root of the :: : Powers of Water. : Powers of Air. : Powers of Earth. :: : : : :: 2 :Venus in Cancer Love. :Moon in Libra :Jupiter in Capricorn :: : : The Lord of : The Lord of :: : : Peace restored. : Harmonious Change :: : : : :: 3 :Mercury in Cancer :Saturn in Libra :Mars in Capricorn :: : Abundance. : Sorrow. : Material Works. :: : : : :: 4 :Moon in Cancer :Jupiter in Libra :Sun in Capricorn :: : Blended Pleasure. : Rest from Strife. : Earthly Power. :: : : : :: 5 :Mars in Scorpio :Venus in Aquarius :Mercury in Taurus :: : Loss in Pleasure. : Defeat. : Material Trouble. :: : : : :: 6 :Sun in Scorpio :Mercury in Aquarius :Moon in Taurus :: : Pleasure. : Earned Success. : Material Success. :: : : : :: 7 :Venus in Scorpio :Moon in Aquarius :Saturn in Taurus :: : Illusionary Success.: Unstable Effort. : Success Unfulfilled.:: : : : :: 8 :Saturn in Pisces :Jupiter in Gemini :Sun in Virgo :: : Abandoned Success. : Shortened Force. : Prudence. :: : : : :: 9 :Jupiter in Pisces :Mars in Gemini :Venus in Virgo :: : Material Happiness. : Despair & Cruelty. : Material Gain. :: : : : :: 10 :Mars in Pisces :Sun in Gemini :Mercury in Virgo :: : Perfected Success. : Ruin. : Wealth. :: : : : :: : : : :{WEH NOTE: Two typos have been corrected in column CXXXIV by Liber777: 4, Moon in place of Sun and 6, Sun in place of Moon.}TABLE V.=========.====================.===================.===================.: : CXXXVII : CXXXVIII : CXXXIX ::KEY SCALE: SIGNS OF THE : PLANETS RULING IN : PLANETS EXALTED IN:: : ZODIAC : COLUMN CCXXXVII : COLUMN CXXXVII ::---------+--------------------+-------------------+-------------------:: : : : :: 15 : Aries : Mars : P. M. (Sun) :: : : : :: 16 : Taurus : Venus : Uranus (Moon) :: : : : :: 17 : Gemini : Mercury : Neptune :: : : : :: 18 : Cancer : Moon : P. M. (Jupiter) :: : : : :: 19 : Leo : Sun : Uranus :: : : : :: 20 : Virgo : Mercury : Neptune (Mercury):: : : : :: 22 : Libra : Venus : P. M. (Saturn) :: : : : :: 24 : Scorpio : Mars : Uranus :: : : : :: 25 : Sagittarius : Jupiter : Neptune :: : : : :: 26 : Capricorn : Saturn : P. M. (Mars) :: : : : :: 28 : Aquarius : Saturn : Uranus :: : : : :: 29 : Pisces : Jupiter : Neptune (Venus) :{WEH NOTE: Liber 777 gives different entries for column CXXXIX, andthese have been added in parenthesis without deletion of original.}TABLE I.=========.=======.=============.=========.============.========.: : CLXXV : : CLXXVI : CLXXVII : CLXXIX ::KEY SCALE:HEBREW : ENGLISH :NUMERICAL: YETZIRATIC :NUMBERS :: :LETTERS: VALUES OF : VALUE :ATTRIBUTION :PRINTED :: : : HEBREW :OF COLUMN: OF COLUMN :ON TAROT:: : : LETTERS : CLXXV : CLXXV : ::---------+-------+-------------+---------+------------+--------::11 :Aleph :A Aleph : 1 : Air : 0 :: 12 :Bet :B Beth : 2 : Mercury : 1 :: 13 :Gemel :G Gimel : 3 : Moon : 2 :: 14 :Dalet :D Daleth : 4 : Venus : 3 :: 15 :Heh :H He : 5 : Aries : 4 :: 16 :Vau :V or W Vau : 6 : Taurus : 5 :: 17 :Zain :Z Zain : 7 : Gemini : 6 :: 18 :Chet :Ch Cheth : 8 : Cancer : 7 :: 19 :Tet :T Teth : 9 : Leo : 11 :: 20 :Yod :Y Yod : 10 : Virgo : 9 :: 21 :Koph,Kf:K Kaph : 20, 500 : Jupiter : 10 :: 22 :Lamed :L Lamed : 30 : Libra : 8 ::23 :Mem,M-f:M Mem : 40, 600 : Water : 12 :: 24 :Nun,N-f:N Nun : 50, 700 : Scorpio : 13 :: 25 :Samekh :S Samekh : 60 : Sagittarius: 14 :: 26 :Ayin :O Ayin : 70 : Capricorn : 15 :: 27 :Peh,P-f:P Pe : 80, 800 : Mars : 16 :: 28 :Tzaddi,:Tz Tzaddi : 90, 900 : Aquarius : 17 :: : Tz-f : : : : :: 29 :Qof :(K soft) Qoph: 100 : Pisces : 18 :: 30 :Resh :R Resh : 200 : Sun : 19 ::31 :Shin :Sh Shin : 300 : Fire : 20 :: 32 :Taw :(T soft) Tau : 400 : Saturn : 21 ::32 "bis" :Taw :.............: 400 : Earth : -- ::31 "bis" :Shin :.............: 300 : Spirit : -- ::---------.-------.-------------.---------.------------.--------:: NOTE. "Ch" like "ch" in "loch". :{WEH NOTE: The English value in row 27 has been corrected, originalhad O.}.=========.=========================================================.: : CLXXX ::KEY SCALE: :: : TITLES OF TAROT TRUMPS ::---------+---------------------------------------------------------::11 :The Spirit of 'GR:Alpha-iota-theta-eta-rho :: 12 :The Magus of Power. :: 13 :The Priestess of the Silver Star. :: 14 :The Daughter of the Mighty Ones. :: 15:Sun of the Morning, Chief among the Mighty. :: 16:The Magus of the Eternal. :: 17:The Children of the voice: the Oracle of the Mighty Gods.:: 18:The Child of the Powers of the Waters: the Lord of the :: : Triumph of Light. :: 19:The Daughter of the Flaming Sword. :: 20:The Prophet of the Eternal, the Magus of the Voice of :: : Power. :: 21 :The Lord of the Forces of Life. :: 22:The Daughter of the Lords of Truth; The Ruler of the :: : Balance. ::23 :The Spirit of the Mighty Waters. :: 24:The Child of the Great Transformers. The Lord of the :: : Gate of Death. :: 25:The Daughter of the Reconcilers, the Bringer-forth of :: : Life. :: 26:The Lord of the Gates of Matter. The Child of the :: : forces of Time. :: 27 :The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty. :: 28:The Daughter of the Firmament; the Dweller between the :: : Waters. :: 29:The Ruler of Flux & Reflux. The Child of the Sons of :: : the Mighty. :: 30 :The Lord of the Fire of the World. ::31 :The Spirit of the Primal Fire. :: 32 :The Great One of the Night of Time. ::31 "bis" :.........................................................::32 "bis" :.........................................................:

Magical Theory by: Adalbert WafflingWhere stories live. Discover now