Libers Samekh - Theurgia Goettia Summa (Congressus Cum Daemone)

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being the Ritual employed by the Beast 666
for the Attainment of the Knowledge and Conversation of his Holy Guardian Angel
during the Semester of His performance of the Operation of the Sacred Magick of ABRAMELIN THE MAGE.

Prepared An XVII Sun in Virgo at the Abbey of Thelema in Cephalaedium
by the Beast 666 in service to FRATER PROGRADIOR

Class D for the Grade of Adeptus Minor.POINT I

Evangelii Textus Redactus
Magically restored, with the significance of the
Etymologically or Qabalistically determined
and paraphrased in English.

Section A.
The Oath

Thee I invoke, the Bornless One.Thee, that didst create the Earth and the Heavens.Thee, that didst create the Night and the Day.Thee, that didst create the darkness and the Light.Thou art ASAR UN-NEFER ("Myself made Perfect"):
Whom no man hath seen at any time.Thou art IA-BESZ ("the Truth in Matter").Thou art IA-APOPHRASZ ("the Truth in Motion").Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust.Thou didst make the Female and the Male.Thou didst produce the Seeds and the Fruit.Thou didst form Men to love one another, and to hate one another.

Section Aa.

I am ANKH - F - N - KHONSU hy Prophet, unto Whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries, the Ceremonies of KHEM.Thou didst produce the moist and the dry, and that which nourisheth all created Life.Hear Thou Me, for I am the Angel of PTAH - APO - PHRASZ - RA (vide the Rubric): this is Thy True Name, handed down to the Prophets of KHEM.

Section B.

Hear Me: -

AR - 
"O breathing, flowing Sun!"
ThIAF 1 "O Sun IAF! O Lion-Serpent Sun, The Beast that whirlest forth, a thunder- bolt, begetter of Life!"RhEIBET "Thou that flowest! Thou that goest!"A-ThELE-BER-SET"Thou Satan-Sun Hadith that goest without Will!"A "Thou Air! Breath! Spirit! Thou without bound or bond!"BELAThA "Thou Essence, Air Swift-streaming, Elasticity!"ABEU "Thou Wanderer, Father of All!"EBEU "Thou Wanderer, Spirit of All!"PhI-ThETA-SOE "Thou Shining Force of Breath! Thou Lion-Serpent Sun! Thou Saviour, save!"IB "Thou Ibis, secret solitary Bird, inviolate Wisdom, whose Word in Truth, creating the World by its Magick!"ThIAF "O Sun IAF! O Lion-Serpent Sun, The Beas that whirlest forth, a thunder- bolt, begetter of Life!"

The conception is of Air, glowing, inhabited by a Solar-Phallic Bird, "the Holy Ghost", of a Mercurial Nature.

Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me; so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the water; of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me.

1 The letter F is used to represent the Hebrew Vau and the Greek Digamma; its sound lies between those of the English long o and long oo, as in Rope and Tooth.

Section C.

I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit: -

AR-O-GO-GO-RU-ABRAO "Thou spiritual Sun! Satan, Thou Eye, Thou Lust! Cry aloud! Cry aloud! Whirl the Wheel, O my Father, O Satan, O Sun!"SOTOU "Thou, the Saviour!"MUDORIO "Silence! Give me Thy Secret!"PhALARThAO "Give me suck, Thou Phallus, Thou Sun!"OOO "Satan, thou Eye, thou Lust!" Satan, thou Eye, thou Lust! Satan, thou Eye, thou Lust!AEPE "Thou self-caused, self-determined, exalted, Most High!"

Magical Theory by: Adalbert WafflingWhere stories live. Discover now