Liber Yod

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(This book was formerly called Vesta. It is referred to the path of Virgo and the letter Yod.)


1. This is the book of drawing all to a point.
2. Herein are described three methods whereby the consciousness of the Many may be melted to that of the One.


0. Let a magical circle be constructed, and within it an upright Tau drawn upon the ground. Let this Tau be devised into 10 squares (See Liber CMLXIII., Illustration 1.)
1. Let the magician be armed with the Sword of Art.1
2. Let him wear the black robe of a Neophyte.
3. Let a single flame of camphor burn at the top of the Tau, and let there be no other light or ornament.{Note 1}
4. Let him "open" the Temple as in DCLXXI or in any other convenient manner.
5. Standing at the appropriate quarters, at the edge of the circle, let him banish the 5 elements by the appropriate rituals.
6. Standing at the edge of the circle, let him banish the 7 planets by the appropriate rituals. Let him face the actual position of each planet in the heavens at the time of his working.
7. Let him further banish the twelve signs of the Zodiac by the appropriate rituals, facing each sign in turn.
8. Let him at each of these 24 banishings make three circumambulations widdershins, with the signs of Horus and Harpocrates in the East as he passes it.

---------------- 1. In circumstances where this is inappropriate let him be armed with wand and lamp instead of as in text. --- N.

9. Let him advance to the square of Malkuth in the Tau, and perform a ritual of banishing Malkuth. But here let him not leave the square to circumambulate the circle, but use the formula and God-form of Harpocrates.
10. Let him advance in turn to the squares Jesod, Hod, Netzach, Tiphereth, Geburah, Chesed and banish each by appropriate rituals.
11. And let him know that such rituals include the pronunciation of the appropriate names of God backwards, and also a curse against the Sephira in respect of all that which it is, for that which distinguishes and separates it from Kether.
12. Advancing to the squares of Binah and Chokmah in turn, let him banish these also. And for that by now an awe and trembling shall have taken hold upon him, let him banish these by a supreme ritual of inestimable puissance; and let him beware exceedingly lest his will falter or his courage fail.
13. Finally, let him, advancing to the square of Kether, banish that also by what means he may. At the end whereof let him set his foot upon the light, extinguishing it1; and, as he falleth, let him fall within the circle.


1. Let the Hermit be seated in his Asana, robed, and let him meditate in turn upon every several part of his body until that part is so unreal to him that he no longer includes it in his comprehension of himself . For example if it be his right foot, let him touch that foot, and be alarmed, thinking, "A foot! ... foot! What is this foot? Surely I am not alone in the Hermitage!" And this practice should be carried out not only at the time of meditation, but during the day's work.
2. This meditation is to be assisted by reasoning; as "This foot is not I. If I should lose my foot, I should still be I. This foot is a mass of changing and decaying flesh, bone, skin, blood,

---------------- 1. If armed with wand and lamp let him extinguish the light with his hand. --- N.

Magical Theory by: Adalbert WafflingWhere stories live. Discover now