The Formula of I.A.O.

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The Formula of I.A.O.This formula is the principal and most characteristic formula of Osiris, of the Redemption of Mankind. "I" is Isis, Nature, ruined by "A", Apophis the Destroyer, and restored to life by the Redeemer Osiris. There is a quite different formula in which I is the father, Othe Mother, A the child --- and yet another, in which I.A.O. are all fathersof different kinds balanced by H.H.H., 3 Mothers, to complete the Universe.In a third, the true formula of the Beast 666, I and O are the opposites whichform the field for the operation of A. But this is a higher matter unsuitedfor this elementary handbook. See, however, Liber Samekh, Point II, SectionJ.The same idea is expressed by the Rosicrucian formula of the Trinity: "Ex Deo nascimur. In Jesu Morimur Per Spiritum Sanctum reviviscimus." This is also identical with the Word Lux, L.V.X., which is formed by the armsof a cross. It is this formula which is implied in those ancient and modernmonuments in which the phallus is worshipped as the Saviour of the World. The doctrine of resurrection as vulgarly understood is false and absurd. Itis not even "Scriptural". St. Paul does not identify the glorified body whichrises with the mortal body which dies. On the contrary, he repeatedly insistson the distinction. The same is true of a magical ceremony. The magician who is destroyed by absorptionin the Godhead is really destroyed. The miserable mortal automaton remains inthe Circle. It is of no more consequence to Him that the dust of the floor. It is, for all that, His instrument, acquired by Him as an astronomerbuys a telescope. See Liber Aleph, for a full explanation of the objects attainedby the stratagem of incarnation; also Part IV of this Book 4.But before entering into the details of "I.A.O." as a magick formula it should be remarked that it is essentially the formula of Yoga or meditation; in fact, of elementary mysticism in all its branches. In beginning a meditation practice, there is always

If not, one is not working properly.a quiet pleasure, a gentle natural growth; one takes a lively interest in the work; it seems easy; one is quite pleased to have started. This stage represents Isis. Sooner or later it is succeeded by depression --- the Dark Night of the Soul, an infinite weariness and detestation of the work. The simplest and easiest acts become almost impossible to perform. Such impotence fills the mind with apprehension and despair. The intensity of this loathing can hardly be understood by any person who has not experienced it. This is the period of Apophis. It is followed by the arising not of Isis, but of Osiris. The ancient conditionis not restored, but a new and superior condition is created, a condition onlyrendered possible by the process of death. The Alchemists themselves taught this same truth. The first matter of thework was base and primitive, though "natural". After passing through variousstages the "black dragon" appeared; but from this arose the pure and perfectgold. Even in the legend of Prometheus we find an identical formula concealed; anda similar remark applies to those of Jesus Christ, and of many other mythicalgod-men worshipped in different countries. See J.G.Frazer, "The Golden Bough:" J.M.Robertson "Pagan Christs;"A. Crowley "Jesus," etc., etc.A magical ceremony constructed on this formula is thus in close essential harmony with the natural mystic process. We find it the basis of many important initiations, notably the Third Degree in Masonry, and the 5 Degree = 6Square ceremony of the G.'. D.'. described in Equinox I, III. A ceremonial self-initiation may be constructed with advantage on this formula. The essence of it consists in robing yourself as a king, then stripping and slaying yourself, and rising from that death to the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel This formula, although now superseded by that of HORUS, the Crownedand Conquering Child, remains valid for those who have not yet assimilated thepoint of view of the Law of Thelema. But see Appendix, Liber SAMEKH. Comparealso "The Book of the Spirit of the Living Gods," -- where there is a ritualgiven "in extenso" on slightly different lines: Equinox I, III, pages 269-272.

There is an etymological identity between Tetragrammaton and "I A O", but the magical formulae are entirely different, as the descriptions here given have schewn. Professor William James, in his "Varieties of Religious Experience," has wellclassified religion as the "once-born" and the "twice-born"; but the religionnow proclaimed in Liber Legis harmonizes these by transcending them. There isno attempt to get rid of death by denying it, as among the once-born; nor toaccept death as the gate of a new life, as among the twice-born. With the A.'.A.'. life and death are equally incidents in a career, very much like day andnight in the history of a planet. But, to pursue the simile, we regard thisplanet from afar. A Brother of A.'. A.'. looks at (what another person wouldcall) "himself", as one --- or, rather, some --- among a group of phenomena.He is that "nothing" whose consciousness is in one sense the universe consideredas a single phenomenon in time and space, and in another sense is the negationof that consciousness. The body and mind of the man are only important (if atall) as the telescope of the astronomer to him. If the telescope were destroyedit would make no appreciable difference to the Universe which that telescopereveals. It will now be understood that this formula of I A O is a formula of Tiphareth.The magician who employs it is conscious of himself as a man liable to suffering,and anxious to transcend that state by becoming one with god. It will appearto him as the Supreme Ritual, as the final step; but, as has already been pointedout, it is but a preliminary. For the normal man today, however, it representsconsiderable attainment; and there is a much earlier formula whose investigationwill occupy Chapter VI. THE MASTER THERION, in the Seventeenth year of the Aeon, has reconstructedthe Word I A O to satisfy the new conditions of Magick imposed by progress.The Word of the Law being Thelema, whose number is 93, this number should bethe canon of a corresponding Mass. Accordingly, he has expanded I A O by treatingthe O as an Ayin, and then adding Vau as prefix and affix. The full word isthen Vau Yod Aleph Ayin Vau

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