Liber 5: Vel Reguli

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A.·. A.·. publication in Class D.
Being the Ritual of the Mark of the Beast:
an incantation proper to invoke the Energies of the Aeon of Horus,
adapted for the daily use of the Magician of whatever grade.

[The title is Latin and means Book 5 or Book of the Prince. Regulus is also the name of the star which marks the beginning or 0 degree of the constellation Leo.]


The Oath of the Enchantment, which is called The Elevenfold Seal.The Animadversion towards the Aeon.

1. Let the Magician, robed and armed as he may deem to be fit, turn his face towards Boleskine, that is the House of The Beast 666. {Note 1: Boleskine House is on Loch Ness, 17 miles from Inverness, Latitude 57.14 N. Longitude 4.28 W.}

[Note that this implies that the direction of Boleskine should be taken as "East" in the temple, as is specified in Liber XV, the Gnostic Mass. However it does not necessarily have to be so.
Since later the text specifies that the Magician must grasp his Wand, the "robed and armed as he may deem to be fit" is not as wide-ranging as it may sound.]

2. Let him strike the battery 1-3-3-3-1.

[Eleven knocks, eleven being the number of magical energy - see Liber AL I, 60. Note that there are four sets of eleven knocks during the complete ritual, making 44 in total, representing the materialisation of magical energy, and also being a number of Ra-Hoor-Khuit. See Liber XLIV, The Mass of the Phoenix.]

3. Let him put the Thumb of his right hand between its index and medius, and make the gestures hereafter following.

[The thumb being the finger attributed to Spirit, and also containing an important centre of cakkric energy. Again see also Liber XV.]

The Vertical Component of the Enchantment.

1. Let him describe a circle about his head, crying NUIT!

[The Sahashara Cakkra, above the head, attributed to Ain Soph on the Tree of Life.]

2. Let him draw the Thumb vertically downward and touch the Muladhara Cakkra, crying, HADIT!

[The Muladhara (Earth centre, attributed to Malkuth on the Tree of Life) is found at the base of the spine, or at the perineum just behind the genital region, opinions differ. I'd suggest the latter in practice, since touching the base of the spine during the rite is somewhat awkward.]

3. Let him, retracing the line, touch the centre of his breast and cry RA-HOOR-KHUIT!

[The Anahata Cakkra - the solar centre, attributed to Tiphareth, or perhaps more accurately to the triangle Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth. This will especially make sense to initiates of the Second Degree of OTO. Note that the symbol of Ra-Hoor-Khuit is a downward pointing red triangle of fire.]

The Horizontal Components of the Enchantment.

1. Let him touch the Centre of his Forehead, his mouth, and his larynx, crying AIWAZ!

[The centre of the forehead is the location of the Ajna Cakkra, the larynx the location of the Vishuddha Cakkra, attributed to Saturn and Da'ath. The mouth is the only one of these which is not a primary Cakkra - perhaps because Aiwaz is the voice of the Gods - see Liber AL. Interestingly the mouth is a minor Cakkra - the Kala Cakkra.]

Magical Theory by: Adalbert WafflingWhere stories live. Discover now