Chapter 18: Merging of Realities

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As you may have suspected already, things are merging a lot quicker in very odd ways. For one, did you realize when we reality jumped Sam Carter did not realize how to morph, but she did when she was with her beloved, Jack O'Neill as if she was Sam Carter in the 11th story? There are other clues too, and I will allow you to reread those chapters to find them all.

My point is all this is to get you up to speed on these changes if you realize them or not. By any means does this make all the Sam Carters in all the multi-realities the same person, but it does make you the reader realize the importance of them having the same memories, experiences, and all the rest. You may realize how one Sam Carter was kidnapped and easily rescued in the Spice Mines on Coruscant. True, there are no real spice minds on that planet, but there were more or fewer factories of the real ones, like the spice mines of Kessel.

That is right, reader, there is more to my first story than meets the eye, and it has everything to do with the Sam Carter that met her adult version human Twi'lek daughter at Stargate Command. Chari Skale Carter O'Neill Baas has everything to do with her mother being rescued in those Spice Mines from that reality and keeping Sam Carter of the reality of story eleven from going through the same fate. What is that reader? You thought it all started with my first story, Sam Carter? If time was only linear, then it might have started there.

If you have read the other stories in the order given, then you have been taught that time is so much more. With the two Time Lords from Gallifrey, time may never be the same for the Jedi Knights, Stargate Command, and everyone on Earth when it is all said and done. All that I have written so far is barely a primer of what needs to be said about it all...

Commander Riker was with Guinan. Since he and the others of his away team were realizing the realities were merging far more than they anticipated, he knew she had to know something.

She smiled, "Yes, Will, I knew this would happen. The realities are not merging as you may think, but bits and pieces of it. They are very important ones so that our Sam Carter can get all she needs for her to complete what she had started so long ago."

In frustration, "If this is all for her, why are we here?"

Still calmly and peacefully, as Guinan is most of the time, she answered, "Earth is for all living beings on it no matter what time we may have come from. That is why Satele Shan cannot directly interfere."

He studied her for a moment and asked, "But it appears you can?"

She smiled, "Because of the strong and personal relationship I have with her Majesty... yes. The same goes for the Doctor and his daughter Susan. Trust me, no one group can fight the Dark-side of the Force or anything."

"Are you telling me that more will fight us?"

"Anything is possible. The Borg has attacked us already and many others. I can't say they will be part of this star wars in the future, but we have fought them."

Still confused, "Are you saying all that we have been dealing with is somehow connected with all the Jedi mess?"

She thought it over for a moment and answered, "I really can't answer that, but I can't deny that there is a possibility in one way or the other. Not everything, but a possibility of most. Right now, I have no evidence to support it."

Rubbing his chin and lower face in complete hopelessness, "How things are going for us since we have known of these Jedi Knights, I have to believe you. I wonder how far back the Federation has been involved with all this?"

"What might be scaring you, could be why the Federation exists in the first place. Earth had to change in order to be where they are now. Believe it or not, the Federation is the sum total of the Jedi Order... but in a unique way."

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