Chapter 22

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Jack Gilinsky's POV:
I sit beside Jack's bed, waiting for him to wake up. I'm holding his hand in mine tightly, rubbing it with my thumb.
I run my fingers through his hair.

It's only been about 2 days or so, Charlie and Nicole stopped by a few times to leave gifts and to say hi.
I've been here almost every second of the day, besides when I had to go to school. Speaking of school people are worried about Jack. They ask me if he's ok, I tell them that there's a chance he'll wake up soon.

There's no guarantee he'll wake up soon. I hope he does though, I can't take this.. being away from him. I know I'm here with him but I wish he was here with me.

Like I wish he could respond, it's hard just telling someone about your day when they can't say anything about theirs.

I wonder what this is like for him, like is he stuck in an on going dream? Is that how comas work?

Well anyway I hope he wakes up ok and we can continue our lives together. After I explain what happened the other night at the party.

I just wish I knew who took advantage of me like that. Was it someone I know? Or knew? Was it someone I did wrong? Was this an act of revenge?

I stand up from Jack's bedside and pace around the room thinking of all the possibilities.

"I just wish I knew who did this.." I say out loud.

"Me too.." I look over to Jack's bed, he's awake.

"Jack? Jack! You're awake! Oh thank god!" I rush over to him and kiss him and then I pull him into a hug.

"What are you doing?" He asks pushing me off of him with the little strength he has.

"Hugging you? Is that not ok?" I ask looking at him with sadness in my eyes.

"Don't act like I'm the bad guy here, you're the one who cheated on me.." He says looking towards the door as the doctor returns.

"Ah Jack you're awake, great! Well I'll take this time to discuss your diagnosis with you." The doctor says sitting on his stool.

After the doctor finishes informing Jack of his accident and the damage he leaves again.

Jack stares at the door, even after it closes he just stares at it.

"Are you ok?" I ask waving a hand in front of his face.

"Of course I'm not ok.. First of all I was cheated on.. And now this." He says, I can see the tears forming in his eyes.

"Jack.. Let me explain the other night ok? You'll feel a lot better after you learn what actually happened."

"Ok what's your excuse?" He says staring at me angrily.

"Ok I was at the tables-"

"Yeah I know that, Charlie told me you were with someone." He cuts me off.

"Will you let me finish?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Sure." He whispers.

"Ok anyways, I got drunk after a few drinks, someone came over to me and offered to help, I said that I didn't need help, they didn't listen so I tried to leave then I bumped into someone and they spilled their drink."

"That must be the girl Charlie saw you with.. So if you bumped into a girl.. who were you with?" He asks staring at me as if he's trying to figure it out.

"That's what I'm trying solve.. That night is a total blur up until when you rushed out." I say.

"Ok well do you remember if it was a boy or a girl?" Jack asks.

"I-I don't know.. It might've been a boy?" I say confused.

"Well what guy would sleep with you knowing you had a boyfriend?"

"Had?" I ask hesitantly.
He looks away for a second, then back to me.

I ignore it and continue talking, "I don't know anyone that's ever flirted with me that I know of.."

"Maybe it's someone with a grudge." Jack says.

"That's another thing I was thinking." I say sitting down with my face in my hands.

"Who wanted revenge on you?"

"The only people I can think of are either Colton or Isabel.." I say looking at my hands.

I hear Jack shift in his bed, "I know you didn't want to hear that, but I'm just ruling out people here." I say reaching over to hold his hand.

"I know, I know but I hate both of them with a burning passion." He says letting me hold his hand.

"Me too, it was just a guess though."

"I wish I knew who did this to me, if it was one of them then they seriously want you badly enough to ruin everything for us." Jack says.

"That sounds like them.." I say. We both chuckle.

"Wait a second.. The doctor said this condition comes from head trauma.." I say standing up.

"Like hitting your head.." I continue.
Jack freezes, he's thinking what I'm thinking.

"And I hit my head in the locker room.. When Colton pushed me.." Jack says sitting up.

"Dammit! I'm gonna kill him! This is too far!" I yell flipping my chair angrily.

"What if him and Isabel are working together to take you from me?" Jack says tears falling from his eyes.

"Even if they are, there is nothing in this world that will split us apart." I say kissing him.

"I-I love you Jack.." He says kissing me back.

"I love you too Jack." I reply hugging him tightly.

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