Part 10

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Kelley and Avery arrive back in Atlanta and both agree that it would be a good idea for them to stay in their own apartments that evening and until they decide where they will be living for the next 7 weeks.

Kelley arrives home and promptly crashes on her couch. It's lights out for her, for several hours until she wakes up to her tummy rumbling. Heading into the kitchen she realizes there aren't many choices available to her. She opts to throw together some spaghetti for supper. Taking a seat and eating, she opens her laptop to finally start catching up on her messages that she hasn't dealt with for the past week and a half.

Most of them are questioning her whereabouts and if she is okay, as she has been required to uphold a social media blackout and not posted any pictures as of late.

She takes to her twitter page and posts a simple message

"Thanks for the concern everyone, I'm fine; just taking a break from social media." #youllknowwhysoonenough

The notifications start to roll in, but she just ignores them and reads through the important emails and messages. Returning those only that she deems important.

Kelley heads into her bedroom, dropping her suitcase at the door. She searches out clean clothes to sleep in before changing, completing her nighttime routine and climbing into bed.

It suddenly feels weird to have the bed to herself, after spending the last week sharing it with Avery.

New Message

Kelley: Hey, did you get home alright?

Avery: I did, thank you. Just getting ready to call it a night, had a ton of emails and messages to return.

Kelley: Had a few of those myself. I'm already in bed; it feels different being here alone.

Avery: I was thinking the same thing earlier, even asked you what you wanted for supper, only to realize I was talking to myself.

Kelley: Be careful who you admit that too Doc or they might make you talk out your thoughts and feelings with them.

Avery: That's my job.

Kelley: I know. I was just playing with you.

Avery: How about you come by my office around 4 tomorrow, I'll bring you by to check out my apartment and if you're good, maybe I'll even make us supper.

Kelley: Will there be any dessert?

Avery: No, not for at least another couple of days.

Kelley: Ok, do you want me to bring anything?

Avery: Just you, a toothbrush and change of clothes.

Kelley: Oh, is that your way of telling me I'm staying over?

Avery: You need to try out the bed, to see if you like it. Goodnight Kel, I'll see you tomorrow.

Kelley: Night Doc, sweet dreams.

The next morning both women are up early and back to completing their normal routines. Kelly starts her day off by going out for a long run, down the familiar sidewalks of Atlanta while Avery heads to the gym, doubling up with kickboxing and then lifting session.

Avery heads into her office and with the exception of running down to the lobby grabbing a coffee and sandwich works right through. While Kelley meets up with her sister Erin for a lazy lunch at a nearby spot.

"So, are you going to fill me in on the honeymoon? Or do I have to wait until the episodes air?"

"Well, considering there's a camera crew focused on us right now, I suppose it's alright to talk about it. They can always edit out anything you don't want or need."

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