Part 18

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Avery and Kelley stand outside of the tattoo shop, Kelley is extremely reluctant to want to go in and Avery is trying to convince her.

"I don't want to."

"Kel, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but getting you to come inside with me is part of my task for this week. I would really like to think we have reached a point in our relationship that you trust me. You have nothing to be afraid of, I'm the one who will be getting inked, all you will be doing is watching and holding my hand if necessary."

"You know if there weren't any cameras around I would probably baulk at this right now."

"I do, but I'm asking you to forget they are there and do this for me, please."

Kelley takes a couple of deep breaths, "Okay, let's do this." Avery smiles and takes her hand, "Thank you."

They enter the shop and Avery continues to hold on tightly to Kelley's hand as they are led back to a room. After a few minutes, discussion over the placement and size, the artist leaves the room and Avery releases Kelley's hand. "Babe, I'm gonna need to take my shirt off and lay down on the table now."

"But you don't have anything on underneath it."

"Kel, do you normally wear anything when you are getting a massage?"

"No, but, you're my wife and I don't want him to see you like that."

Avery leads Kelley over to a chair and sits her down. She crouches down in front of her, and takes her face in hand, "Kel, you need to relax, take some deep breaths with me. Everything will be okay if you really don't want to watch then you can leave, but I'd really like for you to stay." Avery leans over and kisses her, before standing up and removing her top layer of clothing.

She turns and smiles at Kelley, revealing her nakedness before getting comfortable on the table.

"You okay, Kel?"

"Not really, no."

The artist returns and places the outline on her back, verifying the positioning with her, before starting.

Kelley watches on as he leans over and injects Avery's back with black, hearing her moan as he hits a sensitive spot is too much for Kelley, and the next thing she knows she is waking up on the floor, with Avery looking down at her.

"What happened?"

"You fainted."

"Oh, that's not good." Avery laughs, "No, it's not, can you sit up?"

Kelley sits up and Avery hands her a bottle of water, she takes a couple of sips from it and places it on the floor beside her. "Is it done?"

Avery shakes her head, "No, it's barely started. I called Erin, she should be here anytime to pick you up and take you home."

"Aren't you coming?"

"Kel, I'm getting this done and then I will be home later."


A short time later, Erin shows up to pick her sister up and can't stop laughing at her.

"Did the cameras catch you going down? Cause if so, I want to see it."

"No, there were no cameras allowed in the room."

"Damn, I'm sure it was pretty funny."

"Not for me."

"You're okay though right, Squirrel?"

"Yeah, I think so. It was weird Er, I just felt overwhelmed."

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