Part 8

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The following morning, they lay awake in bed, neither ready to get up just yet. Kelley turns over and looks at Avery, with sad eyes, "I'm sorry about last night, it's just that most of my closest friends don't even know what happened to me and I've only known you for a few days and I felt like I could share my darkest moment with you."

"Kelley, it's okay, I'm glad you felt comfortable enough with me to share what happened. Can I ask if you went to any form of counselling afterwards? I'm certain that the experience was very traumatic for you."

"I've spent more than a few hours on the couch, Doc; I've talked it through and I understand it wasn't my fault, but that doesn't mean, that every now and again that the thoughts and feelings don't come back."

"I know, I'm glad you were able to speak with someone about it and I want you to know that I'm always here to listen if you need to talk."

"Thank you."

"You shared your darkest moment with me, so I feel that I should share mine with you. When I was younger, I wore glasses, had braces, was overweight and wore hand me down clothing. It led to me being bullied throughout high school. I had hoped things would be better when I moved to California, but they were worse and by the time I finished school I was clinically depressed and considered taking my life on more than one instance. 

I started UCLA and was struggling, I had no friends and no one that I felt comfortable talking to, that all changed when one of my instructors took an interest in a paper I had written. Having someone in my corner allowed me to grow and with lots of determination and hard work, I became the person I am now. I still battle my own insecurities and like you, the thoughts and feelings have never completely gone away and tend to emerge at inopportune times like when I'm intimate with someone. The phoenix tattoo on my back is a symbol of rebirth, a reminder of who I was, who I am now and our ability to start over."

Kelley reaches over and pushes some stray hairs away from Avery's eyes and face, before kissing her on the forehead, "You are beautiful inside and out Avery, never let anyone tell you otherwise, and I'm really happy you are here with me and that I'm getting a chance to know the real you." "Thank you."

"Kel, would it be a bother if I wanted to go for a run this morning, I'm missing out on my workouts."

"No bother, do you mind if I join you? I've been slacking a bit in my training."

"I'd love for you to join me. I'm assuming that we have to let the powers that be know that we leaving the hotel."

"Yeah, let's get changed, see how they want to handle us being mobile, go for a nice long run, then come back have breakfast, get cleaned up and then we can go to the zoo."

"I don't suppose you are going to tell me what your task is for today?"

Kelley smiles and shakes her head, "I can't, it's top-secret! Now, we should get up and ready because I really want to kiss you and I have morning breath."

"I can deal with a little morning breath, can you?" Kelley nods as Avery moves closer and joins their mouths in a slow kiss. Once they separate, they smile at each other, "I could totally get used to waking up like this." "Me too, Kel."

After getting ready, and obtaining permission from the network, Kelley and Avery head out for a run and take in the sights around them, before heading back to the hotel, stretching out, ordering breakfast and then taking turns to shower and get dressed.

They arrive at the Ardastra Gardens, Zoo and Conservation Centre just before lunchtime and wander around for a little bit taking in the flowers and gardens before Kelley takes Avery's hand and leads her towards the flamingos, "Let's take some pictures." They proceed to play around with the birds and mimic their one-legged stance, then have the opportunity to view the flamingo march that the zoo is known for. Heading over to where the Lorikeets are, they feed them and laugh as one lands on Avery's head, which Kelley manages to get a picture of, "You're sending that to me Kel." "I'll send you all of them Doc, now relax and smile." Avery looks at Kelley and gives a big smile.

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