ɰısһ • Mina

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My alarm clock rang.I stretched my arms and stood up.I sighed.Another boring day.I groggily went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.

I decided to walk around the park since its Saturday and we don't have any classes.I wore some comfortable clothes and went downstairs.I sighed again.My house is so quite.I'm tired of being alone.

I just want someone to give me a goodmorning kiss when I wake up.Someone to cook breakfast for me.Someone I can walk to school with.Someone I can walk with going home.Someone I can cuddle with.

I sighed for the third time.I'm just being dramatic again.I chuckled at my thoughts.

Since I'm lazy to cook,I just made some cereal and ate it.After eating,I placed my bowl in the sink and washed it.

I slipped in my shoes and went outside.Cold air greeted me when I stepped out.I started to walk to the park.


When I reached the park,I looked for a bench.I sat on an empty bench and watched the people walk around the park.I looked around,my eyes landed at a group of children.They're throwing some coins in the wishing well.They're just wasting their coins,their wishes won't even happen.

I sighed.I averted my eyes to somewhere.Suddenly,I heard a girl crying.I looked at the group of kids beside the wishing well.

"Give it back!"The poor little girl begged.

"Why would I?This is my coin now!"A boy yelled at the little girl.His friends laughed.The little girl started to tear up.I immediately went to them.

"Hey kid!"I called the boy.

He looked at me with a questioning look.

"Give it back."I commanded.

"No!"He shouted.

"Give it back to her or I will throw you in the well instead of the coin."I scared him.Call me bad,I don't care.He deserve it.I don't care if he's just a kid.

He quickly gave it to me with a nervous look and ran away with his friends.I smirked in victory.

I turned to look at the little girl.She's sobbing,making me awe because of her cuteness

I bent down to reach her level.I patted her head and comforted her.

"Hey it's okay,here's your coin"I softly said to her.She looked at me and stopped crying.She get the coin.

"Thank you."She mumbled.

"You're welcome kid."I smiled at her.

She returned the smile."Since you helped me,I will give this other coin to you unnie!You throw this in the well and you need to wish!"She happily extended her hand with the coin in it.

I shook my head,"No it's okay.Just use it.Besides,it's yours and I don't believe in those things."I chuckled.

"But unnie!My wishes came true when I threw some coins in the well!Just try it at least unnie!Please?"She pouted.

How can I resist this cutie?

I laughed,"Okay okay."

I accepted the coin."Oh unnie,I need to go home now.Bye unnie!See you next time!"She cutely waved her hand at me and smiled.

"Bye!Take care alright?"I waved back and smiled.

She giggled and nodded.I watched her walk away until she's out of my sight.I looked at the coin.Trying won't even hurt right?

I decided to try it.I threw the coin. I closed my eyes and wished,

'I wish...I wish I can meet the one for me very soon.'

I opened my eyes and sighed.Would my wish happen?Well,we'll see.

I checked the time on my phone.It showed '12:37'.Wow,it's already lunch time.I didn't even realize.My stomach growled.

Okayyy,I will just eat somewhere.I'm in the mood to eat Japanese food.So I went to a Japanese restaurant.

I entered the restaurant and ordered some food.I sat on a table for two person.I waited patiently for my food.


My food arrived.I started eating.While enjoying my food,someone tapped my shoulder.I looked behind me to see a gorgeous girl.

Damn,she is so beautiful.Why am I lucky today?

"Yes?Is there something you need?" I asked her with my shaking voice.I just embarrassed myself in front of a goddess.I'm so dumb.

"Uh,mind if I sit here with you?There's no available table already."She smiled shyly.She can literally kill someone with that super cute gummy smile.

"No I don't mind.You can sit here."I returned the smile.

"Thanks!"She smiled widely and sat in front of me.

"Uhm by the way,I'm Mina."She introduced herself."And,you?"

"Uh,I'm Y/N."I smiled shyly at her.

"Nice to meet you Y/N!"She extended her hand.

"Nice to meet you too."I gladly accepted her hand.

"So...do you go here often?"She asked.

I shook my head,"No,it's my first time here.How 'bout you?"I asked her.

"It's also my first time here!Actually,I just arrived here in Korea yesterday.I came from Japan."She said.

"Really?That's why you don't look like a Korean."I chuckled."But your Korean is good!"

"Thanks!I studied the language before I went here."She cutely smiled.

Our conversation was interrupted when a waitress came.She have Mina's order and left.We talked about some stuffs while we're eating.

"Do you live near here?"She asked.

"Yep,I just walked from my house."I told her.

"Can I walk you home?"She offered.

"Sure!"I happily accepted her offer.

We finished our foods and went outside.We walked together to my house.


We reached my house.I faced her,"Thanks for walking me home.Do you want to go inside?"I thanked her.

"No it's okay,maybe next time.Oh and uhm,can I get your number?We should hangout sometime!I really enjoyed your company."She shyly said.

"Of course!Give me your phone."We exchanged numbers.

"Bye!See you next time!"She waved her hand.

"Bye Minari!"I waved back.She chuckled at the nickname and smiled at me.I watch her walk away.When she was out of my sight,I went inside my house.

I smiled like an idiot and thought,

'Well,my wish did came true.'

I get ready for bed and flopped down on my comfy bed.I went to dreamland with a smile plastered on my face,thinking about her.

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