ɞѧɞʏ • Jeongyeon

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I'm currently enjoying my beauty sleep when suddenly someone shook my body.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"I shouted at my annoying bestfriend,Dahyun.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!It's already 9:00 a.m!Did you forget that we're going to Jeongyeon's fan meeting today?!The fan meeting starts at 10:00!So get your ass up now sleepyhead!"She ranted like a mother,scolding her child.

"What!Why didn't you wake me up earlier!You annoying hooman!"

"I've been waking your ass up since 7:30!"

"Argh okay okay!I'm sorry!"I hurriedly went to the bathroom to do my morning routine.I managed to do it in 20 minutes.I quickly went downstairs to see my annoying bestfriend eating some pancakes.I joined her and ate some.After eating,we went to the sink to put our dishes.


"Hey Y/N!It's already 9:30!We need to go!"Dubu shouted.

"Okay jeez!You don't need to shout."

"Sorry."She hugged me and pouted.

"Stop,it doesn't suit you."I told her.

"Yah!Neomuhae."she whined.

"This kid."

"Yah,I'm not a kid anymore."She whined again

I just laughed at her.I wore my shoes and went outside.I unlocked my car and hopped in.I started the engine and Dahyun went inside.

She played some of Jeongyeon's song.Jeongyeon is a famous female soloist here in Korea.She also famous in other countries.I can't believe I'm gonna meet her!I have a big crush on her ever since she debuted.Well,who wouldn't fall inlove with her?

I started to drive.It was silent.Only the songs were heard.Then Dahyun decided to break the silence.


I jumped from my seat because of Dahyun's loudness.

"What the- You startled me."I scold her.

She smiled at me cutely and made a peace sign.I just sighed at her naughtiness.

We reached our destination at exactly 9:50.We hurriedly went outside the car and walk inside the place.

Dahyun dragged me inside.The place is pretty big.And there were many people.Jeongyeon is really famous.

We sat on our seats and waited for the fan meeting to start.


We started to cheer when Jeongyeon finally went to the stage.She performed some of her songs before the fan signing started.

All of her fans lined up.Of course,including the two of us.Dahyun was the first to meet and talk to her.So I waited patiently for Dahyun to finish.

The staff led me to the stage and let me sit on the chair,in front of my crush.

She smiled at me."Hey!What's your name?"

"I'm Y/N,Park Y/N". I answered with my shaking voice.

She laughed,"Don't be scared,I  don't bite."She winked at me.

I think I'm gonna explode right now.Yoo Jeongyeon just winked at me.I'm trying not to run and jump around here.Jeongyeon would look at me as if I'm a crazy person.But,I'm crazy for her-

"Hey you alright?"She asked worriedly.

"Yeah,I'm sorry."

I gave my albums for her to sign.She happily signed it and gave it back to me.I think she wrote something on the album.But I didn't bother to look at it because I was too busy staring at her gorgeous face.

She held my hand and intertwined our fingers.

Well fuck.

"You know what?You're cute."She said out of blue.

"R-really?T-thanks."I blushed at her words."But you're cuter."I told her.Where did I got the fucking confidence?

"Thanks."She winked at me,again.I can now die happily.

"Okay,times up.Next!"The manager said.But before I can stand,Jeongyeon held my wrist.

"Hey,make sure to text me.I can't wait to see you again,baby."

I almost choke on my own saliva when I heard what she just called me.I also got confused,

'How can I text her?I don't even have her number?'

I thought.Then I remembered something,I hurriedly looked at one of my albums.My eyes widened.She just wrote her number at my album.Fuck.

I looked at her again.I nodded with a shy smile.She returned the smile and let go of my wrist.

"Bye baby,see you next time."

"Bye Jeongie"I waved my hand.

I walked down the stage with a smile.

"Stop that,you creeping me out."I flinched when I heard Dahyun's voice.

"You shit!Don't scare me like that!Aish!"I slapped her arm.She just laughed while caressing the area where I slapped her.

"Oh,I saw Jeongyeon winked at you!That's why you're smiling like that!"She laughed loudly.

I blushed when I remembered how Jeongyeon did that.

"Actually,she gave her number."I told her.

"WHAT?!"She shouted,causing the people to look at her weirdly.

"Yah!Be quiet!"I scolded her.

"Wait,are you serious?"

"Yep."I answered her and gave my album to her.

"Shittt,what a lucky bitch!"She grabbed my shoulders and shook me.

"Stop it!"I removed her hands off my shoulders.

"So,are you gonna text her?"

"I...I don't know."I looked down.

"Dude,you should!She gave you her number!"

"Ugh,okay.But,let's eat first.I'm already hungry."I pouted.

"Let's gooo~"Dahyun sang and dragged me to the nearest restaurant.

We looked for an empty table and sat.We ordered our foods and waited patiently.

When our foods arrived,we started to dig in.


After eating,we decided to go home.We reached our house and I quickly plopped my body on the couch.

"I'm sooo tired~"I whined.

I heard Dahyun chuckle upstairs.Then suddenly,I remembered that Jeongyeon wrote her number.I quickly grabbed my album and saved her number at my contacts.I decided to text her.

Hi Jeongie!I just want to say that I enjoyed the fan meeting earlier😊I hope that I can attend your next fan meeting so I can see you again!😆
3:26 p.m.

Hey Y/N!I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed.😀But I don't think I'll be having my next fan meeting soon.😟But we can see each other tomorrow.😉
✔3:28 p.m.

But how?😂
✔3:28 p.m.

Meet me at the xxx café tomorrow at 11:00 a.m.See you baby.😉
✔3:29 p.m.

Okay Jeong.🙈See you.💖
✔3:29 p.m.

I was smiling like an idiot while reading her texts again and again.But I almost threw my phone when Dahyun scared me,again.

"Going on a date eh?"

"Jisoos- what the hell Dahyun?!"I threw a pillow on her head.But she just laughed and ran upstairs again.I just shook my head.

I'm fucking nervous for tomorrow.

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