Chapter 52

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You walked through the tombs to cell block C hoping to find Daryl in your shared cell. You walked in the door shutting it behind you and walked up the stairs. "Daryl?" You called out. You moved the sheet but he wasn't there. You turned around heading back down the stairs and into the common area but he wasn't there either. You walked outside heading for the guard tower.

  You saw Adam coming towards you. "Hey! How'd the run go?" He asked you "It was good. We got a lot" you said. "That's great! Any trouble getting the meds?" He asked. "Yeah, every time we're out there something happens. The people at the college had the same sickness as we have here" you said. "Really?! Anyone survive?" Adam asked you. "No. They were all dead. They all had blood trails coming from their eyes,ears,nose and mouth." You told him. "Wow. This seems to be a pretty serious flu" he says. You just nodded your head.  "I have to go find Dary. I told him we'd talk when we got back." You said. Adam looked at you nodding his head.

  You started walking away when what Adam said next stopped you in your tracks making you whip around to look at him with wide eyes. "I don't understand why you're with a guy like him. You're too good for him. Way out of his league," he said. "Excuse me?!" You said anger was building up in you. "He's no good for you." He says walking up to you. "He can't possibly know how to treat a woman like you." He brushes a strand of hair out of your face then cups your cheek. "I could give you everything. I've always wanted you Y/N. Why be with a redneck loser when you can be with me, someone who understands you, knows everything about you." He says leaning in and placing his lips on yours holding you tight against him. You try pushing away but his grip is too tight.

  Daryl was up in the guard tower and he walked out on the landing walking around making sure everything was okay. He looked down seeing you talking to Adam. He started getting jealous again seeing him push a strand of hair out of your face but that turned into pure anger once he saw Adam grab you and kiss you. He was going to just turn away until he noticed you trying to pull away. Daryl quickly ran down the stairs and out of the tower. He ran over grabbing Adam by the shirt, throwing him away from you. You just stood there in shock. Daryl grabbed Adam by the collar of a shirt slamming him against a wall. "The fuck ya think ya doin?!" He yelled. "Claiming what's mine asshole!" Adam says, smirking. Daryl pulls his fist back punching Adam who falls to the ground. Daryl straddles him and continues to punch him. "If I ever see you near her again I'll kill ya!" Daryl yells. "Daryl!" You yell trying to pull him away.

  Rick comes running over to you yelling "what's going on here?!" He pulls Daryl off Adam. Daryl pulls out of Rick's grasp going back over to Adam who was trying to get up but Daryl kicks him a few times knocking him back down. "Daryl! That's enough!" Rick yells. You were just standing there shocked. You didn't know what to say or do. You never thought Daryl would be that guy. The guy that got jealous like that. He's usually quiet and shy and pushes himself away. "What's going on here? What happened?" Rick asked. "He was all over Y/N! Little bastard was kissing her without her wanting it!" Daryl yelled trying to go back over to Adam but Rick held him back. "Oh she wanted it" Adam said smirking and winking at you. You felt nauseous, how could you not see it. I mean he flirted with you a lot at work but you never thought anything of it. "The hell she did! " Daryl yelled, pushing past Rick punching Adam again. "Damnit Daryl enough!" Rick screamed, pulling him off Adam again. Adam just laid there laughing then had to open his big mouth again. 'Man, she's always wanted me even before the world ended. Would have given in sooner or later" he said looking Daryl in the eye. "That's enough for you!" Rick said going over and pulling Adam up. "You can pack your shit and leave" Rick told him, taking him to his cell.

  You stood there with your arms wrapped around you, looking down at the ground. "Ya alright?" Daryl said. You nodded your head. "Yeah. I'm okay.... Daryl I'm sorry. You were right. Thank you for saving me and not thinking that I would do anything like that to you." You told him, finally looking at him. Daryl was standing there biting on his thumb a nasty habit he had when he was nervous, or overwhelmed. "Was nothin. Ya ain't gotta be sorry wasn't yer fault" he said. "No in a way it is. I must have at some point whether it was before or now must have made him think he had a chance. He used to flirt with me all the time at work but I never thought anything of it. I never saw him that way." You said.

Daryl looked at you, you looked so small with your arms wrapped around you looking down. He walked up to you putting two fingers under your chin and his thumb on your chin and lifted your head up to look at him. "It ain't yer fault. Ya hear me" he said sternly. You nodded your head. Daryl wrapped his arms around you pulling you close to him. You wrapped your arms around his waist, laying your head on his chest. He kissed you on the top of the head and held you for a little bit before saying "how bout we go sleep in the guard tower tonight?" "Okay. Yeah that sounds good" you said, pulling away. Daryl grabbed your hand and you walked to the tower walking up the steps and through the door. You laid down on the mattress Daryl laying behind you pulling you to him and you fell asleep.

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