Chapter 101

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  Chapter 101

  It's been a few days since Negan killed Abraham and Glenn and took Daryl. You finally came out of your room and decided to walk outside. "Y/N It's good to see you out of that room," Rick said. "Yeah well I figured seeing as I'm the one with the medical experience I should probably check and make sure no one needs anything," you said. "Hey, we'll get him back I promise," Rick said putting his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into a hug. "Rick! Negans here," Aaron said running up to the two of you. Rick walked down the steps and started for the gate and you were quick to follow.

  Walking down to the front gate you saw Negan with Lucille over his shoulder standing on the other side. "Well, hello, there. Do not make me have to ask," Negan as soon as he saw you and Rick. "You said a week. You're early," Rick said as he motioned for the gate to be open. You and Rick walked closer "I missed you," Negan said. A walker started limping out from behind one of the trucks "Oh, Rick, come on out here. Watch this. Calling it!" Negan said and walked over to the walker and smashed his bat down on its head. "Hahaha! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" He said as the walker fell.

  "All right, everybody. Let's get started. Big day. Hey, Rick, you see that what I just did? That is some service! I mean, we almost get turned away at the gate. "Who is that guy, anyway?" Do I get mad? Do I throw a fit? Do I bash some ginger's dome in? Nope. I just take care of one of these dead pricks that could've killed one of y'all. Service," Negan said standing in front of you and Rick. "You're an asshole," you spat. Negan looked at you and raised his eyebrows "Y/N/N don't," Rick said. "No. No, it's okay Rick. She's got every right to be mad I mean I did kill two of her friends and took her lover boy," Negan chuckled.

You glared Negan down balling your hands into fists. "Hold this," Negan said handing Rick Lucille and walks passed the two of you. You turned and followed a little bit."Hot diggity dog! This place is magnificent! An embarrassment of riches, as they say. Yes, sir, I do believe you are gonna have plenty to offer up," Negan said looking around. You watched him as he looked around at Alexandra. "Daryl, hey --" you heard Rick and snapped your head around. "Daryl," you said breathlessly He looked broken just standing there looking down. "Daryl," you said and he looked up at you couldn't help tears that fell seeing him like that. His eyes were vacant and glossy, his left he was black and blue, he had cuts and bruises all over his face, and he was wearing dirty sweats pants and shirt with a big orange A on it.

You slowly started making your way towards him but Negan stopped you by wrapping an arm around your waist "No. Nope. He's the help. You don't look at him, you don't talk to him, and I don't make you chop anything off of him," Negan said looking at Rick then at you "sorry sweetheart," he said. 'Don't touch me!" You spit out and pushed him away from you. "Damn do I like you. So damn feisty," he said chuckling. He saw Rosita and walked over to her and stood in front of her. "♪ Same goes for everyone ♪" he sang. "Right?" He said getting closer to her. "Rosita just stood there arms crossed over her chest. She took a deep breath and looked up and him with a glare and then walked away.

  Negan looked at you and Rick and smiled. He walked over and let out a breath "A lot of suspense there. I don't think she even knew how much,"  All right," he said. "All right, let's get this show on the road. See what kind of goodies you got in the cupboard," Negan yells. "We put aside half the supplies," Rick told him. "No, Rick. No. You don't decide what we take. I do. Arat," Negan tells him.
"You heard the man. Move out!" Arat yells and they all start heading towards the houses. "They're just gonna search the houses a bit, keep the process movin'." Negan said gesturing with his hands. He Sighs and looks at you "All right. You gonna show me around or not sweetheart?"  He says looking at you. "Well?" He said walking up and towering over you. "I guess I have no damn choice," you said and walked around him. "Hot damn Daryl you got one hot sassy girl," Negan said and walked after you.

  You walked up towards the houses to see his men talking anything they wanted. Chairs, lamps, beds, food, anything, and everything. "You see this? This is the kind of thing that just tickles my balls. A little cooperation and everything is pleasant as punch. You see, we really are reasonable people once you get to know us. Honest," Negan said and opened up a cooler. "Ohh. Man," he said pulling out a soda and pulling the tab and take a drink of it. "Ahh!" He said as he throws the Can to the side. "Damn, I love this place!" He said. "Sweetheart where are you at?" He said. You rolled your eyes and walked over to him standing beside him.

  "Ahh, there you are. Now make sure you stay beside me at all times," he said. "Fuck sakes," you mumbled. "Negan!" One of his men came walking up to him and handed him a video camera "Somethin' you might wanna see," he said. Negan took the camera "Well, well, well. What do we have here? I got my fingers crossed for a little freaky-deaky," he said smiling at you. "Gross," you said with a disgusted face. He opened the camera and watched it. It popped up to Rick's interview. "Jee-hee-sus!" Negan said. He walked over to Rick "

"Is that you, Rick, underneath all that man-bush?" Negan asked him. "They're dead so my family, all those people out there, can be alive." Rick's voice said in the video. "Shee-ot. I would not have messed with that guy. But that's not you anymore... is it? Nope," Negan said rubbing his chin. "I really gotta shave this shit," he said. He handed the camera back to one of his men and then looked at you.

"Whatever happened to that sick girl? That seemed like a hell of a stressful night for her. The way she was carrying on, she was married to number two, right?" Negan asked and Rick looked at him. "Careful. Careful how you're lookin' at me, Rick. Widows, especially ones that look like that ...they...are special. I love 'em. Right after their husbands go, they are just... empty side. But usually not for long. Ahh.," he said. "Where is she?" He asked looking at you "I would love to see her," he said and you looked down.

  Before you could say anything father Gabriel came up behind you "Do you care to pay your respects?" He said. You and Negan turned around "Ho-ly crap! You are creepy as shit, sneaking up on me, wearin' that collar with that freaky-ass smile," Negan says. "My apologies. I'm Father Gabriel," he says introducing himself. "She didn't make it?" Negan asked sounded a little... What was that guilt? You let tears fill your eyes as you looked at him and slowly shook your head.

  You didn't know how but Gabriel had dug a grave and covered it and put a cross up to make it look like Maggie had died. "Damn tragedy. That's what this is.  Well, this must really suck for you guys. Number one? That was on me. No choice there. Lessons had to be learned. But number two? That didn't need to happen. Daryl and Y/N here, they forced my hand," Negan said. You looked up to see Daryl looking down. He was blaming himself and you were blaming yourself too. He looked up at you with sad broken eyes and when Negan wasn't looking you slightly shook your head and put your hand to where you could point without Negan seeing. You wanted to let him know Maggie wasn't actually dead. "Probably put her right on her back, huh? Damn. I was gonna ask her to come back with me. Oh, I know what you're thinkin'. How could I have a shot, guy that just bashed her husband's head in? You'd be surprised. Boy, people, they --" Negan was saying but was cut off by a gunshot. "Fuck," you said. Negan looked at you and chuckled "such a mouth. I might just take you back with me," he said. "Not even in your dreams asshole," you said and walked towards the gunshot and everyone followed behind you. 


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