Chapter 87

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Chapter 87

You finally got back to Alexandria but when you pulled up the place was swarming with walkers. You seen Glenn over by the wall walkers all around him. She she and Abraham jumped out of the truck and stood on the one platform and started shorting at the walkers around him. You stayed in the truck with Daryl as he pulled up to the platform where Maggie and Enid were. Shane and Abraham on top of the tanker to help them jump over. Glenn ran around the side of the truck and jumped in beside you shutting the door. "What the hell happened?" Daryl asked him. "I don't know, I just got back" he said looking over at the two of you. "We can... We can lead some of them away. But they're scattered." Glenn told you. "Nah, keep 'em all together. We won't have to lead ' em away." Daryl told him.

  Daryl took his fist and pounded on the ceiling to let the others know he was moving. He started to the truck, put it into drive and started driving making Sure to go slow. He went over to the pond and backed up to it. "Stay here" he said looking at you and you nodded. He kissed your forehead and opened the door, jumping down and going around to the back of the tanker. Once back there Daryl pulled out the hose and started pouring fuel into the pond. Glenn got out of the truck and the others got off the top and made sure walkers wouldn't swarm the truck while Daryl poured the fuel in the pond.

   When Daryl felt that he had poured enough fuel into the pond he stopped the fuel and put the hose back. Daryl came around front seen you were okay and grabbed The grenade launcher. He climbed up on top of the tanker with the grenade launcher while you moved over to the drivers seat. Abraham got in beside you, Sasha climbing in next and sitting on his lap, Enid sat next to him, Glenn got in and then Maggie got on sitting on Glenn's lap and shut the door. You slowly moved forward until you heard Daryl banging on the roof "Alright, that's it" he said and you stopped. Daryl stood up and put the grenade launcher to his shoulder and aimed it at the pond and pulled the trigger letting a grenade fly into the pond. You looked out of the side mirror and seen the pond explode into flames setting the whole pond on fire. The walkers started walking towards the pond, walking into the water right into the flames.  You all got out of the cab, Daryl climbing down off the tanker and started to fight. You held tight onto your machete and started slashing at walkers heads. Everyone was hand to hand against the walkers trying to save our home.

  After all the walkers were dead the next day you all went to the imfirmary Rick had told you that Ron had shot Carl and the bullet had gone through his eye. Denis was able to stitch and patch him up and now he was unconscious upstairs in one of the bedrooms. You grabbed Daryls hand and pulled him inside the imfirmary "whatcha doin?" He asked. "I need to clean and stitch that cut on your shoulder remember" you told him. He nodded his head and let you lead him to the metal table. "Sit" you said. He jumped up on the table and you went to get what you needed to clean and stitch him up. You walked back over to where he was sitting on the metal table and sat your supplies down. He took his shirt off for you and you examined the cut. "Not to bad but you will need stitches" you told him. "Okay" he said softly.

  Daryl could hear the exhaustion in your voice. The two of you have been through a lot the past few days. Thst asshole and his bitch taking his bike and crossbow and knocking the two of you out and tying you up before that. He flinched when you put the alcohol to his skin. "Sorry" he heard you whisper. "You're fine" he told you. You continued to clean his cut and then prepped the suture kit. You threaded the needle and told him you were going to start. He griminced at the first stitch but once you had started the second one he was fine. You were working on the sixth stitch when Abraham walked in saying hey to Daryl. Daryl nodded his head and turned his head best he coukd to watch you. You got done with the sixth stitch and tied it off snipping the remaining thread. "There, all done"  you said and kissed his shoulder. You put the needle and suture sissors down and sighed. "Hey, come here"  Daryl told you hold his hand out. You took it walking around and he pulled you in between his legs close to him, wrapping an arm around your waist and taking the other one thst had your hand to put around his neck then put it on your cheek and rubbed his thumb over your check bone. "Ya alright?" He asked you. You looked at him "Yeah, I'm just tired" you told him. He nodded his head and kissed your forehead. He then got off the table and put his shirt on and lead you outside.

  After a few more hours Rick came out to tell you that Carl was awake. You had went over and hugged him and told him you were here if he needed anything. After that you and Daryl went back to the house. "God I need a shower. I feel so gross" you said walking in the door. Daryl walked in behind you shutting the door "You look gross too" he said with a smirk on his face. You stopped and whipped around with a gasp, eyes wide, jaw open. "You look even more gross" you said laughing. Daryl gasped and put a hand iver his heart pretending to be hurt by what you said. You loved how he was when it was just the two of you. You busted out laughing, smiling wide. Daryl chuckled and looked at you. He loved you smileand your laugh and he loved that he was the one that made you do both.  Daryl walked over to you kissing your forehead "Come on. Let's get you cleaned up you smell" he said smirking. You hit his chest lightly "so do you" you said. "That's it" he said grabbing you and throwing you over his good shoulder. "Daryl!" You squealed and he started walking up stairs and towards the bathroom.

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