Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

  Daryl got on the radio "Rick!" He said. "I'm here" you heard rick on the other side. "What the hells going on back there?" Daryl asks. "Half of them broke off. They're going toward Alexandria." Rick said. "Towards you?" Abraham asks. "We ran ahead. There's a horn or something. Loud, coming from the east. It's not stopping." Rick says. "I'm gonna gas it up, turn back."  Daryl says. "We have it. You keep going." Rick tells him. "They're gonna need our help." Daryl says. "Gotta keep the herd moving." Rick tells him. "Not if it's going down, we don't." Daryl argues. "The rest of that herd turns around, the bad back there gets worse. Daryl?" Rick says into the radio. "Yeah, I heard you." Daryl tells him.

  Daryl looked over to Abraham "Hey, we gone five miles out yet?" Daryl yells asking him. "Give or take some yardage. You got a reason for asking?" Abraham tells him. "Next intersection we're gonna spin around and go back." Daryl tells him. "The plan is to go 15 more." You say. "Yeah, I'm gonna change that. Five's gonna have to work." Daryl said. "The magic number's 20. That's the mission. That's making sure they're off munching on infirm raccoons the rest of their undead lives instead of any of us." Abraham tells him. "You want to go, we can't stop you. "But without you, they could stop us."  Sasha tells him. You pass a sing for Alexandria and Daryl looks at it. You know what's wrong he doesn't want to lose another place again not so soon. "Baby, if you want to go back then let's go back. We won't lose our home not again" you tell him and he takes one hand off the handle bars and places it on yours. "Nah, I got faith in ya." Daryl says and takes off. "Daryl!" Sasha yells. "Don't do it, man!" Abraham tells out the window.

  You held on to Daryl as tight as you could as he flew down the road. "Daryl?" You heard Rick say through the radio. "I'm here" Daryl told him. "Won't be long now. They're almost here. I'll get them going your way again." Rick says. "How 'bout that, Daryl?"  He's gonna be coming our way. Sasha says into the radio. Daryl doesn't say anything just keeps going. "There's gunfire coming from back home. We gotta sit with it and hope they can handle it. I think they can. They have to. We keep going forward for them. Can't turn back 'cause we're afraid." Rick says. "We ain't afraid." Abraham tells him. "This is for them. Going back now before it's done, that'd be for us. The herd has to be almost here." Rick says.

  You heard gun fire through the radio. "Was that gun fire!" You yell. "Rick? Rick?" Daryl calls on the radio but gets no answer just static. You go a little more up the road before Daryl comes to a stop. "Rick? Rick?" He asks again but gets nothing. Daryl starts the bike and turns around. Eventually you come to a Y intersection and meet back up with Sasha and Abraham. The horde behind you a few feet slowly following.

  You drove a while more the walkers following you about half a mile away.  "All right." Sasha said in the radio. "That's 20?" Daryl asked. "It will be. 642 is a mile ahead. We gotta put distance between us and them before the turnoff." Sasha said. "So floor it." Abraham said. "All right, try to keep up." Daryl told them. "Hild on tight" Daryl told you. "Daryl, have you looked at this car? Believe me, we want to get back there, too" Sasha says chuckling. You speed up leaving the herd of walkers behind. You drove a mile turning left on 642.

  You were driving down the road when someone started shooting at you. "What the fuck!" You said. Daryl ended up skidding and you both fell off the bike.  "Ya Alright?" Daryl asked. "Yeah I'm fine" you told him. You got back on the bike and took off a car following you and shooting. You make a turn running into some walkers but Daryl drove around them. The car that was following ran head on into an old bus. Daryl drove down the stone path with another car behind you. You drove off the dirt path onto a road and Daryl turned into another path hiding until the car passed by you then crossed the road to the other side.

  You drove down the path into the woods. Everything was burned and blackened. Daryl slowed down and stopped. Daryl fell off the bike making you fall on top of him. "Ugh" he said When you landed on top of him. "Sorry" you said. And he just held you. You laid there with your forehead against his chest taking deep breaths when you heard snarling. You jumped a little and you both look over to see a burned to the bone walker with a motorcycle helmet on. "Great" you muttered laying you head back on Daryls chest. Daryl wrapped his arms around you holding you to him. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm okay. What about you?" You asked. "I'm good" he said.

  You finally got off Daryl and stood up holding your hand out. Daryl took your hand and you tried pulling him up but he just ended up pulling you back down in top if him. "Daryl!" you squealed. He just chuckled and you rolled off of him. He stood up and then helped you up. "Now what?" You asked. "Guess we walk back" he said. Daryl picked his bike up and started pushing it. "Come on" he said and you followed after him. You walked through the blackened burnt woods weaving around chard walkers. After awhile Daryl stopped and ended up falling over with the bike.

"Oh my god are you alright?" You said. "Yeah" he told you stand up. He looked around out of breath and pulled the walkie out. "Sasha? Abraham, are you there?" He asked. But you got nothing but static. You looked down to see a burned skeleton and noticed blood dripping on it. "Daryl" you said. "Huh?" He asked. You looked at his hand and seen that it was all bloody. "You're bleeding" you told him. He looked down at his hand and brought it up taking off his glove. You helped him take his vest and jacket off.  He through his jacket over on the ground by the bike and looked at his arm.

  You took his arm to look at it seeing a gash on his upper arm. "You must have cut yourself when we skidded" you told him. You went over to the bike and unclipped  his bag. You walked back over to him when you heard a twig snap. You both looked up and Daryl went over getting his crossbow. He put his finger to his lips to tell you to be quiet and you nodded your head. Daryl took his back outing over his shoulder and dragged the blacked branches and coveted his bike and jacket. You walked behind him as he raised his crossbow and walked towards the noise.

  You came around a tree and two woman jumped up one woth long brown hair am d another with short blonde hair. "You found us, okay? Here we are. We earned what we took."  The girl with brown hair said. You heard another twig snap and as you and Daryl went to turn around a man came up hitting both of you with a thick branch knocking you both out.

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