Something there that wasn't there before

453 28 23

Tw:  Anxiety, self depreciation, Zoning out, squint-and-you'll-see-it mention of force-eating, let me know if I need to put more! Be safe!

UncertifiedRoyalty: Remus was being a jerk and took a REALLY long time to get ready...-_-
UncertifiedRoyalty: I have no clue why I still have to drive him to school but I'll be there in about 5 minutes

Virgil let out a slightly relieved sigh and smiled softly as he re-read the text. He looked up to see his other two friends staring at him, Patton with a grin and slight facination in his eyes while Logan was simply studying Virgil with shared facination with Patton.

Did he do something wrong? Why were they staring?? Was it something behind him? He looked around and only saw a few students walking into school and a few chatting on the grass. He looked back to his two friends that were still wearing the same expressions.

"Um, is there something wrong?" Virgil said with uncertainty, starting to fidget with his phone cover.
Patton was the first to speak up with a giddy smile on his face,.

"Oh, it's just that you smiled..!" Patton said while pointing to his own smile. Virgil was confused with what he said, Patton has seen him smile before, what was different??

"Um, yeah..? Pat, you've seen me smile before?" Virgil said, starting to fidget a bit with his phone cover, He was starting to worry...over him smiling? That's unusual.

"...what's new?"

"well, it's because those were small smirks and well..." Patton shifted his feet around like a small dance.

"they didn't look as genuine as that one.. " Patton said with a small and slightly sheepish smile.

Wait, did it look genuine?? He was just reading Roman's text! He was just relieved, that's all! Wait, this is Roman we're talking about. He's annoying, loud, and obnoxious, all of the things Virgil hated! Why was he relieved in the first place?? Unless- no. he does not! Its not like Roman will like him anyways! Yea--no wait-

Virgil was just staring blankly at the spot between Logan and Patton. A few seconds had passed and Virgil hadn't done anything, concerning Patton as he tapped Logan's shoulder and looked to him with an extremely worried face.

"Do you think he's ok? Did I break him??" Patton said with increasing worry in his voice, glancing toward Virgil a few times.

Logan just offered a small yet slightly stiff smile as he crossed his arms and looked to the currently blanked-out emo..

"He will be fine, he's just trying to process some information. It's a possibility that he might be overthinking and is currently in a small trance due his brain generating thought after thought and repeating it's pattern over and over like a cycle."

Patton looked to Logan with a mix of a dad stare and a look of concern. "well, shouldn't we help him? He might spiral if we don't!" Logan blinked a few times before readjusting his glasses.

"ah, I suppose we should..."

Logan simply took a step forward and waved a hand in front of Virgil, waiting for a second for a sort of response. Logan then tried another method, less softer than the last one, he raised his hand near to Virgil's ear and snapped twice.

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