Still rocking your hoodie

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Hi, I have come from the depths of Sanders sides stuff to bring y'all another chapter. I'm pretty ok with how it turned out so I hope you'll like it!

Tw: cursing, mention of past toxic friendship, slight mention to verbal abuse, let me know if there's more! Stay safe!

Roman's eyebrows furrowed in worry for his anxious friend, "Virgil? You ok?" he asked, seeing the slight fear in Virgil's eyes. It made Roman's heart crack a bit despite not exactly being particularly close to him- ok scratch that, his heart was absolutely shattered. What happened? 

"I-..." Virgil paused, biting his lip. Panic and numbness overtaking his mind. Too many memories, so much toxicity. Everything was fuzzy and static yet it was so clear, the absolute disgust in their eyes when they found out- no no no, not again. But she always did it anyways and he let her. Fuck, no, don't remember- 

"It-It's just..really complicated, Ro.." Virgil said. He didn't want to tell him yet. Not now. Roman saw the way Virgil uncomfortably looked around and hug himself tightly. He decided it was wise to not ask and instead, changed the topic. They talked for a while until Remus came barreling over to Roman, Virgil giggling softly as Roman apologized multiple times as he left along with Remus.


Roman sighed as he laid in bed It's been a few days since that happened, the whole weekend to be exact, seeing as it was Friday when that happened. It just shook Roman up a bit to see the usually sarcastic emo suddenly freeze up and went his eyes filled with panic. He felt guilty, is essentially what Roman felt. If he hadn't asked Virgil that question, if he hadn't been so curious, he wouldn't have to see Virgil like that.

He sighed once more as he turned over and felt for his phone. He grabbed it and opened it up, the screen displaying the date, day, and time. It was 6:02 in the morning. He sighed as he, begrudgingly, got up. He went to his closet, put on a simple red shirt and white jeans with a red jacket the he wore sometimes, he should most probably wash it after today. 

He looked over to the other side of the room and saw his twin on his bed- well, if you count his upper body almost falling to the floor as his legs were still on the bed, maybe. Seriously, how did he end up with a twin like this? And the fact that Remus was 10 minutes older than him was baffling, considering that they were twins for heaven's sake, but according to his ma; "Remus is older than you, Kaya ikaw yung bunso, just follow ang mga susundoin ng mga kapatid mo." 

Essentially, that means that even though they're twins, Roman's the youngest and therefore should follow whatever his older siblings say, which Roman thinks is bullshit. But, too late, his brain's too used to being ordered around, he wouldn't be surprised if he ended up being an assistant in the near future.

Anyways, Roman rolled his eyes and walked over to the rat man. He looked down at his head that was on the floor and gently (or maybe not-so-gently) kicked his face, "Hey, shithead, wake up." Roman said flatly. Remus' eyes opened slightly, "how about no?" He said then proceeded to attempt to fall back asleep. Roman scoffed and crouched down.

"If you don't wake up, I'll leave you behind." He said while poking Remus' cheek repeatedly.

"I can deal with that"

"Ok, no pancakes then."

That was when Remus' eyes shot open, "ok, I'm up!" He said while clambering to get up. Roman smiled while he shook his head fondly. Hey, even though Remus is annoying, he's still his brother.

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