Dreamer's sleep

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(Tw: Cursing, things that allude to an eating disorder, let me know if I need to put more! Stay safe!)

He stayed there for a few minutes, thinking about what to do next. He decided to reach out for his phone to check the time, it was 7:53 at the moment, almost a few minutes to 8. Virgil sat up properly, sitting criss-cross applesauce style as he went over his possible options.

Hmm...he could make himself a small dinner but then again, he had limited options since he hasn't gone grocery shopping yet, plus, he didn't have much of an appetite at the moment so..maybe an apple? Yeah, that's ok. Then maybe he'll start on homework..that is if he'll be able to figure out how to solve complex, nearly incomprehensible, math problems then sure. Maybe he should ask Logan for help- no, no. He can't bother Logan right now, he's most probably preparing for some academic competition of some sorts...guess he'll just have to at least try to do it...

Virgil sighed as he stood up and left his room. It was quiet, as always but instead of it being calm, for some reason he felt that it was somewhat unnerving. He walked up to the kitchen counter, where a bowl of fruits resided, and grabbed an apple and walked back into his room, gripping at the apple slightly.

As soon as he got to his room, he took his bag with one hand and placed it on his bed as well as sitting down. Virgil took a bite of his apple as he unzipped his backpack and pulled out his- I don't even know what type of math this is- homework and began attempting to solve the problems. 

After about an hour of attempting to make a dent on the first problem, headaches and desperate attempts to make connections that made sense, he threw his notebook across the room and stood up in frustration. He stretched his arms and back before letting out a loud sigh and raked his hand through his hair, gripping at it lightly.

" This is exactly why I hate math..." Virgil muttered to himself as sighed once more and went to pick up his notebook, which had a bunch of papers that had fallen out during the throw and impact of the force.

He quickly gathered up the scattered papers and shoved them into a random page and placed his notebook back into his bag...maybe he should ask either pat or Lo if they're not busy...

Virgil dropped his bag onto the floor and fell back onto the firm mattress, huffing slightly as he stared at the ceiling. His thoughts turned to a blank, usually, he'd always thoughts one after the other, that's...strange. But it didn't matter.

He turned over to his side and soon fell into a dreamless sleep

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