blissfully unaware

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Hhhh- I'm so sorry for not updating this for so long! I have the story planned out! I swear! But it's just that I've been forgetting about this and when I do remember I don't have enough motivation to write-

No! I'm not discontinuing it! I'm just taking a break from it...a hiatus I guess? I'm so sorry but my focus is a bit jumbled at the moment...anyways! Have this crappy and short-ish chapter!

Tw: mention of past toxic friendship/relationship mention of verbal abuse, mention of gaslighting, Virgil being so gay, Roman being so gay. Both of them are very very gay but they're idiots

" Well...better?" Roman asked Virgil, keeping his voice soft and gentle. Virgil smiled slightly as he fiddled with the sleeves.

"Better," Virgil responded sinking deeper into Roman's hoodie. What? He couldn't help it, it was nice and warm. It was almost as if he wasn't on the brink of a mental breakdown a few moments earlier.

What he didn't know was that Roman was, for the lack of a better word, having a gay panic. Sure, he thought Virgil was cute with him being small and all but he never expected him to be this cute- wait is he gay? He still didn't know but he was almost as red as the hoodie he lent Virgil. Roman sighed in relief when he heard the School bell ring, indicating that classes were starting soon.

Virgil seemed to snap out of his small daze and quickly grabbed Roman's wrist, "C'mon, Princey. We don't wanna be late, do we?" Virgil said while dragging a very flushed Roman into the building. Once they got in, they quickly parted ways towards their lockers.

Virgil opened his locker with a soft smile on his face, feeling a thousand times better than earlier that morning. He never really thought he had to put those clothes on ever again, he only kept it because...because...why did he? Did he actually miss dressing up like that? Even though she forced him, criticized him, belittled him, and insisted that he wore those clothes. Did he miss the overly sweet and fake comfort? Did-did he actually miss her? No... no! he can't think like that, he- he shouldn't. Not after all the things she did to him! No, he's better now...

He's better now.

He shook his head and closed his locker, walking off to his first period.  His first period zoomed by as if anything that the teacher said was static and didn't matter. Virgil walked out of class and onto his next period. He continued zoning out, too distracted by Roman's warm and comfortable hoodie, he couldn't help but to constantly stuff his face in the hoodie. Virgil nuzzled into Roman's hoodie, breathing in the comforting scent of dark chocolate and cherries. He felt like he could almost melt into it. Why did it make Virgil feel safe? That he didn't know. it's just that it somewhat comforts him?? Or maybe it's the person that comforts him..?

Virgil pursed his lips as he thought about it. I mean, if you think about it, maybe? Roman's always been there for him when he was having a bad day- but so were Patton and Logan, what makes Roman any different? Is it because they were suddenly growing closer? Is it because Roman gave off calming vibes- no, he's too dramatic to be calming...right?...Is it because Virgil might actually like him? No, no, that can't be. That's absurd! Look, he may be gay but that doesn't mean that he immediately falls in love with attractive men- wait, did he think Roman was attractive? Well, Roman does have a tall semi-muscular build, perfect brown-tan skin, wavy red-brown hair and amazing sparkly green eyes that one might mistake for emeralds, nice slight pink and thick lips, and strong arms that Virgil could see himself being wrapped i-

Virgil's very gay thoughts were cut short by the loud sound of the bells ringing, signifying it was now lunch. Virgil jumped in surprise and quickly got his stuff, making his way to the cafeteria. He quickly walked in and spotted the group there already, geez, did it take him that long to get here?

Virgil sighed and made his way to the group and sat at the last remaining spot which, miraculously, was next to Roman. Roman seemed to notice the Emo's presence and tugged on Virgil's- er, his jacket, catching the smaller male's attention as he unpacked the small bit of lunch he brought.

"How you feeling, Virge?" Roman asked, speaking softly as he leaned in closer, not wanting the other two questioning what Roman meant.  Virgil glanced to Roman and saw the amount of concern on his friend's face.

"It's- I'm fine..your hoodie sorta helps... I guess" Virgil mumbled, shrugging as he stared at Roman. The Princely male suddenly smirked as he nudged Virgil's shoulder slightly, "well, I guess I should start lending my hoodies to you from now on.." Roman teased, getting a playful shove from Virgil as he chuckled.

"And have the whole school think we're dating? Yeah, no thanks." Virgil laughed, picking a grape up and popping it into his mouth. Roman continued smirking, his eyes gleaming with playfulness as he did so.

"I don't know, seem really cute in my hoodie right now.."


"Sorry, sorry..I'll stop now..." Roman paused, "....though you should really consider it" Roman said, picking up his juice box and taking a sip. Virgil shrugged as popped another grape in his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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