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Goodbyes are like a thousand knives at times
Cutting you deep inside when the person leaves
Holding yourself together as you start to re-climb

It stings and you're afraid this one might hurt too much
Too much for what is life without this other?
You miss them, their words, comfort, and touch

You now have to let go, because they chose to first
It's painful, burning, it may break your heart
The lesson isn't visible yet, still dealing with the worst

For goodbyes are like a thousand blades
The knives can be the person you pull from your life
Realizing in their absence, the anguish begins to fade

You find yourself better, possibly strong
They made you weak and now that they're gone
You can work on you, not simply being strung along

But then there comes those horrid dark nights
Where the memories of them wont stop flooding in
You second guess, was it wrong? Was it right?

You gave yourself up, put all of you in
your effort for a person who won't waste their time
They don't think of you, how it hurts. Can I ever win?

This game of pain seems so endless, only sinking farther
The good days are so few, the bad entirely overwhelming
Then something clicks one day, your scope gets larger

You haven't truly let go, if they've still got you torn
And for the better of me, I erased your name
Off the scars on my heart, every mark, every thorn

You don't get to control me, no not anymore
A thousand blades out from myself, but just watch as I heal
I said goodbye finally, pushed you out the door

But it's opened now to so many others
You caused my pain, some without knowing
I chose to forgive, and now I know wonders

Poetic PainsWhere stories live. Discover now