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TW: This chapter includes mention of violence. Read at your own discretion.


Metal clanged against metal as the swords clashed ferociously. The heavy stench of blood ensnared her senses as she spun quickly, catching the opponent off guard, swiftly succeeding in disarming him.

It was no ordinary fencing contest.

She was up against a squad of armed assassins and the only means she had of defending herself and gaining her freedom were the two swords in her hands.

Grey eyes blazed like embers glinting in the silvery blade of the swords she held, the edges of which were dripping with the blood of her enemies.

She was ferocious and merciless because everything she held dear had been snatched away from her; her friends, her lover as well as her child. She had nothing left to lose hence she had no boundaries.

The only thing she wanted was revenge. Revenge and freedom.

And as she slashed through the masked warriors one by one, the determination was evident from her blazing eyes; she wasn't going to stop until she had achieved what she wanted.

She wasn't going to stop until she killed every last one of them.

The delicate figure that danced among the flames of blood, slashing through whoever stepped in her way, was a terrifying sight to behold. The two swords cut through each and every human that dared to stop her.

Not even hesitating for a second before going for the kill, she finally came to a halt when her swords landed on either side of a boy with equally ferocious green eyes.

She threateningly held her swords against him, the blades so close to his neck that the blood dripping from the swords tainted his skin. He didn't even flinch though he was well aware that she could decapitate him in one swift blow.

But no matter how deadly she had been, she couldn't bring herself to take the life of a child.

Even though the child was none other than the grandson of the man who had destroyed everything she had, still he was just a child, not even of ten years old yet.

A boy who was born into the wrong people.

A boy who reminded her strongly of her own younger brother.

After all she had been through, she had got nothing left. Nothing except her younger brother and her father. And she knew that if she was alive until now, even after suffering so drastically at the hands of her captors, it was just because she yearned to lay eyes on her family once again.

Because out of all the people she had cared for, they were the only ones who had survived the menacing jaws of death.

The only ones she had got left.

And she knew that no matter what happened, she had to go back to them. She had to see them once again before her life ended as well.


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