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Since Tim had been grounded from patrol for a week, the other Batkids took turns in doing his shifts. In the meantime, Barbara had to accompany her father, Jim Gordon, out of city so Tim had taken over the position of Oracle.

It was convenient enough for him because in that way, he got to be aware of all that was happening on patrol nights without stepping a foot out of the Manor himself.

Patrol nights with Nightwing were always the best, in his opinion. Dick had a quick sense of humor and his narrations of the events he faced at patrol were always quite capable of livening up Tim's mood.

On the contrary, patrol with Red Hood was always rather straightforward. He wouldn't refrain from reminding Tim every couple of minutes that he missed Barbara because she did a way better job than him. To which Tim would obviously reply something that would either result in Jay threatening to quit the patrol or forcing Tim to apologize.

However, it was the fourth night and Steph's turn on patrolling Gotham as Batgirl. She was quite excited because even though she went on patrol every now and then, it wasn't as frequent as the three brothers. And complete night stake outs were something she hadn't done often.

Currently, Batgirl was on her watch on a building that offered a clear view of the Iceberg lounge; a club owned by Gotham's infamous Oswald Cobblepot.

The vigilantes were informed that Oswald Cobblepot aka the Penguin was intending to make an arms deal which had to be prevented at all costs.

Hence Steph was positioned in the vicinity of the Iceberg lounge in order to check up on Penguin and his supposed deal.

"Batgirl, any sight of Penguin yet?" Tim asked through the microphone which connected him to the device attached in Batgirl's mask.

"Nope," she replied, using the binoculars to scan the area, "so far all I have is an empty street and cold gusts of wind."

He scanned the area through the Batcomputer, keeping track of the nearby street cameras as well, "keep me informed."

"About what? The cold?"

"No, about Cobblepot. I know your suit is insulated so it's useless for you to complain," he spotted Oswald's car heading towards the lounge, "he's arrived though."

"Noted, Captain," she replied zooming in on the car, "though it would have been better if stake outs had donuts too."

"If you finish this stake out well, the donuts will be on me," he answered, a small smile flickering on his face for a second.

Oswald Cobblepot was a strange man with a short but round stature and he waddled about exactly like a penguin wearing a tux and carrying an umbrella. He stepped out of the black saloon car and stopped at the entrance of the lounge as a man stepped up to him.

"Oh there goes, Mr Cobblepot has arrived," Steph mumbled, "but I don't think he's making the deal right now. Might have thought of waiting to go in, dontcha think?"

"Focus, Steph."

Tim himself was eyeing the footage closely which was being transmitted to the Batcomputer via the binoculars Steph was using.

Nothing suspicious happened as Oswald and his bodyguards stepped inside the club. Penguin's car was driven off as well and the street was empty again yet cold.

"Are you sure? Shouldn't I just go and catch him in the middle of it? I'm a hundred percent sure there's a deal going on in there," she reasoned.

Tim knew Steph was a little hot-headed and preferred to deal with each situation by force and at once. But he was also aware that if she stepped in the Iceberg lounge at that moment, it would only result in worse consequences for her.

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