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A chair was placed beside Richard's bed so Sayuri cautiously entered and made her way to it, taking her seat silently so that she wouldn't disturb him. But as always, Richard was rather vigilant of his surroundings even while taking a nap and his eyes fluttered open at the slight movement.

Dreamy blue irises looked up in her grey ones and a smile spread on his face, "if this is a dream, I would never want to wake up."

"You're not dreaming, Grayson, I am actually here," she replied, smiling back at him.

"Even better," his eyes dropped shut again as he was still drowsy from the painkillers but he had grasped her hand in his, interlacing their fingers together, "Jay was being extremely intolerant to me and I'm glad he left. Since you are here instead, I am even happier."

"He said you were being extremely dopey and he couldn't handle it."

"Not my fault," he mumbled, "I didn't ask them to inject me with such a lot of painkillers. It always make me sleepy and I can't usually keep track of what I think or say when I'm drowsy."

She nodded, "yup, Jason warned me already."

"Oh good, saves me the explanation."

Her hand reached out to gently touch his face, palm gliding softly across his sharp cheekbone, "though I must say, I am slightly disappointed in you, Richard John Grayson."

At that remark his wide blue eyes fluttered open in alarm, "but why?"

"Because I was going to ask you to accompany me as my date on the upcoming event but you went off and broke your leg. How can I expect you to accompany me now?"

Her words sank in and a slow smile spread on his face, "you were really going to ask me to be your date?"

"Of course, you're the top candidate for that position, y'know," she smiled. playfully pinching the bridge of his nose, "in fact, the only candidate if I'm being very honest."

His eyes lit up with enthusiasm as he replied, "just get me a pair of sturdy crutches and I'll be functional enough to accompany you."

She laughed and his eyes focused on her, entranced by the sound, "or I could delay the event until you recover fully. Because even though you are the most dashing person in Gotham, the crutches might subdue the charm a little."

"Oh... Of course, we can't risk that. Obviously the crutches would look terrible, we simply have to find out another way. And never a wheelchair, let's just rule that out before even mentioning it."

"So how about delaying the event for two weeks? You sure you can get better in that much time?"

"I got better the instant you stepped in through that door," he remarked his voice having a rather flirtatious edge to it, though he looked up at her with a sincerely fond expression in his blue irises.

Sayuri raised an eyebrow playfully at him, "really?"

"Without a shadow of doubt," though he added as an afterthought, "but don't ask me to get on my feet right now, I can't risk another injury if I really have to recover in just two weeks."

"Sure thing Grayson," she replied, "take all the time you need. And when you get recovered fully only then will I arrange the event. And you will be going as my date, no objections."

"As you say so, sweetheart," he tilted his face a little towards her, "but don't you think you'll be delaying it a great deal and that could become a problem later on? I don't want you to compromise your career because of me. You should put the company first."

She knew he would respond as such because Richard always put others before him and he never wanted anyone be held dear to get into any problem due to him. "You're my first priority, Richard. Of course I'm going to put you first."

Pure surprise dawned on his features before a smile broke out eventually on his lips, "I'm honored, my lady."

She laughed a bit at his response and he joined as well. It always felt better when she was around him and vice versa. Such that even though the effects of the painkillers were fading, her company made him forget about the injury altogether.

"Well... Recently I had been thinking something," she spoke up after a short while of comfortable silence between them, "remember you had once told me that we are friends but can be more but you want me to adjust first and know exactly what I'm in for before making any decision. You had said you were giving me time to think thoroughly so that I would not have any regrets in my decision if I chose you."

He nodded, sitting up for he knew that what she was about to say required his full attention. Though he allowed her to resume not saying anything just yet.

"And now I want you to know that I have taken my decision," she spoke in a soft tone though a gentle smile played on her lips, "I choose you from the depths of my heart."

He was a little awestruck as he breathed, "you do?"

She gently squeezed his hand that was entwined through hers, "I have thought of this very thoroughly. Life is too short for me to keep delaying it. And I don't want to lose any more time than I already have taken up."

Her grey eyes looked straight in his blue ones and he knew that she meant every single word that had passed her lips.

"Thank you," he spoke up at last, smiling sincerely at her, "I'm so glad that you chose me. If I had known breaking my leg would have such a rewarding outcome, I would have done that way earlier."

"Don't say that," she playfully shoved him before kissing him gently. She pulled apart much earlier for his preference as a slightly disappointed expression took over his face and he cupped her cheeks pulling her towards him.

"I promise you will never regret your decision," he spoke in a low voice, "you have my word on that."

He was mesmerized by her just like it always happened when they got too close. It was like every feature of hers, every single word and movement was drawing him in, weaving him into an intricate web which he never wanted to break out of.

She reached forward and kissed him again. It was delicate with their lips connecting for a short second but just as electrifying.

Richard's mind blanked out and all he could focus on was Sayuri. Gently pulling her down towards him, he kissed back, one hand still entwined through hers and the other holding her from the waist.

However, they were finally torn apart by a loud camera flash. Sayuri disentangled herself from his hold and looked up to see the rest of the Wayne boys standing at the doorway.

"Look what we've got here," Jason exclaimed, "ah, we all had waited so long for this."

Both of them were quite flustered at the sudden encounter. Sayuri saw that he had captured a photograph of the two. "Jason, stop being such a douchebag and hand this over right now."

"Such a masterpiece," Jay waved the Polaroid in front of her and flicked it away safely in his pocket before she could grab it, "oh no, you can't have this. My sincere apologies. I have already decided to slip this in the family album."

"What the hell, Jay!" Richard spoke up, "get out."

"How rude," Jason shook his head, "here we are to congratulate you at last on your changed relationship status and you're kicking us out. Disappointing."

Tim spoke up, "we should leave them, Jay, it was rude to barge in like that."

Damian agreed, "come on Drake, let's kick Todd out and give these two their much needed privacy."

"What the..." Jason's voice trailed off as the two of them pushed him out of the room, "you can't just do that, you little gremlins. I'll make you pay, both of you, just wait and see."

Damian approached the door once they had managed to push Jay out but before closing it he glanced at Richard and Sayuri who both had amused smiles on their faces upon Jay's reaction. "Congratulations," he remarked with an almost negligible smile and shut the door at last.


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