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Richard's alarm clock shrieked as usual, making him almost topple off the bed. Brushing his hair back from his face with one hand, he glanced at the calendar.

The current date was circled with a single letter as reminder: S. A smile spread on his face at seeing that. It was the day Sayuri was going to be discharged from Arkham State Hospital.

Without wasting any time, he got up and went to take a shower. He knew Tim would already be waiting for him at breakfast so he did his best to be as quick as possible.

Changing into his everyday wear jeans and polo shirt, he grabbed his jacket and headed downstairs.

True enough, Tim was seated at the breakfast table and Jason was also present. Damian though was nowhere to be seen, which had evidently resulted in an even more cheerful atmosphere for Tim.

"Morning kiddos," Richard exclaimed as he sat down, filling his plate with salad.

"Who you calling a kid huh?" Jason remarked, "that title fits Tim only. Though I'd love to see you try it on Damian."

He chuckled in reply, "I don't have a death wish, Jay."

"Call me kiddo again and I'll act as if you do," Jason threatened though his eyes were sparking with mischief as always.

"Dick, I'm done. So I'll be waiting for you outside," Tim picked up his plate and dropped it at the kitchen before heading out to the garden.

Jason eyed Richard skeptically, "you guys having another secret meetup?"

"Nope," he replied, smiling a little, "we're going to bring Sayuri back home."

Hearing that, he stood up as well, "hell yeah, I'm coming too."


"What? Why should you always be the one to help Tim and his sister? I'm accompanying you this time."

Richard considered the options before nodding in approval, "fine. But don't create any ruckus, okay?"

"I don't create any ruckus, it just happens around me all by itself," Jay shrugged, steely eyes making a 360 degree before landing on him again, "but I'll try, Dickybird."

"Good, hurry up now we're getting late."

The trio took Richard's car and reached Arkham. Jason offered to stay in the car as he had full intention of surprising Sayuri so Dick and Tim went inside.

Sayuri was called soon as the papers were all signed and she was no doubt really glad to go home. She bid farewell to all the staff there and finally came out.

Since she was quite overjoyed to get discharged, a wide smile was clearly visible on her face and her grey eyes too sparkled in the sunlight.

She looked beautiful and even more so to Richard. He felt relieved to see her like that and wished that she would remain as joyous in the rest of her life too.

"Sayuri, I haven't seen you smile that much ever before," Tim remarked though a light smile was playing on his features too.

She shrugged but the smile lingered, "I'm very happy today, that's why. I've missed my little apartment so much. It's not that I thought Arkham was bad, it just isn't quite like my own home."

They reached the car and Richard opened the door for her to sit. Jason was being extremely silent at first and soon as she got seated, he spun around with a wide grin on his face, "surprise!"

Her eyes widened a little as she hadn't been expecting to see him but then her features softened, "Jason, hi!"

"More like Jason hi-jacker!" He chuckled, "so how're you doing this fine morning?"

"Absolutely great," she replied.

Jason had switched his seat while they had gone in to retrieve her so now he was in the driving seat and Richard had to sit in the passenger's seat, much to his annoyance.

"Buckle up everybody, we're taking down the fast gear today," Jason announced as he revved up the engine.

Richard drew back in alarm, "Jay, I'm warning you; if you crash my car or even cause a single scratch on it, I swear to God I'll not spare you."

"Chill bro, I have passed the driving test twice so no need to worry. Though to be honest, it's so dumb I'm certain I could pass it even in my sleep."

"But you still drive like an asshole," Richard argued but he had paid no need to him as he sped off. "Holy firecrackers, Jason, there's a speed limit here!"

"Well, I am intrigued now. How does an asshole drive anyway?" Jay mumbled but he wasn't slowing down even though Richard was freaking out beside him.

"By running over some policemen and getting tickets at every stop then not paying them at all?" Sayuri suggested.

Jay's stormy eyes had a mischievous glint, "oooh... Wanna see me try?"

"Absolutely not!" Richard and Tim almost shouted in unison because they knew very well that he was extremely unpredictable and could do it if given the opportunity.

Jason laughed at the reaction and spoke, "ah come on Dickybird, even though it would definitely be worth seeing your face if I did it, I still won't because I kind of like your car. And it would be horrible if the car got damaged in the process."

"Thank God," Dick breathed in relief.

Sayuri spoke up, "don't you think it's kinda alarming that Jay cares more about non living things rather than living?"

Tim shrugged, "yeah, because those are his kind. Us living things don't matter to him anymore."

"Hey!" Jason spun around but Richard forcefully turned his head back so that he could focus on the road.

Sayuri was a bit surprised at the remark since it seemed like an inside joke among the three.

"I would be grateful if you stop referring to me as a dead person, okay? It's been years now and I'm as much alive as you all."

"Yeah yeah, were not saying you're dead, we're just saying that you're undead. Like a vampire or a zombie."

"The Walking Jason," Richard smirked, "or better still Jason Untold."

"I'm warning you Dick, one more remark from you and I'll ram your car on the next traffic signal."

Richard held his hands up in surrender though one could easily tell from his face how he was yearning to burst out in laughter. The only thought preventing him to do so was the well being of his own car.


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