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It was way past her bedtime but as usual Sayuri couldn't sleep. Each time she closed her eyes, painful memories from her past would flash before her and she would sit up again in her bed, aching to find some other distraction that would force her mind away from the haunting images.

She filled a glass of water and drank it, switching open the lights as the darkness had suddenly become intolerable for her. However, there was a slight fumbling noise by her window which startled her.

Not knowing the reason of that noise, she got out of bed and cautiously inched towards the window. The sound came again followed by a short tap and when she was sure that there was definitely someone out there, she pulled back the curtain.

She was surprised to see Richard Grayson dangling upside down from his rope. Seeing her sent a smile on his face and Sayuri, recovering quickly from the shock at seeing him there, shifted back the glass pane.

"Grayson, what the hell are you doing here?" she asked as she stepped aside to let him come in. Deep inside, she was grateful that he had turned up. Because she knew very well that Richard could be the perfect distraction for her to drive away her nightmares.

"I hope I haven't disturbed you," he replied, noticing the rumpled sheets on her bed.

She followed his gaze and nodded, "of course not. I wasn't asleep so no disturbance caused."

His smile widened in relief, "thank goodness."

"But really, why are you here?"

"I was just passing by and thought I might pay you a visit?" he spoke but it came out as if he was a little uncertain of that, "now that I think about it, it was rather stupid of me to do so. I shouldn't have come, I'm sorry."

"Hey," she dismissed his apologies with a gentle smile, "when I said all of you are welcome any time you want, I had meant it. Besides, it gets quite boring here without any company so I'm glad you came."

He took off his mask as well as the gloves at which she noticed that his face was badly scratched and his hands were bruised too.

"Grayson, what happened to you?"

He was a bit surprised at the question but laughed upon realizing what she was referring to, "oh... That's what we call a slightly rough patrol night."

Her voice had a trace of concern, "you're injured?"

"I'm used to it, I'll be fine," he smiled, "Alfred is an expert medic. He'll look after me when I get home."

She nodded but her eyes still lingered on the bruises, "you do know that you're risking an infection if you leave the wounds untreated."

He raised an eyebrow questioningly, "don't tell me, are you a medic too?"

A shadow passed over her eyes as if reflecting on his words, "the first training I had was medical training. Personal survival happens to be the foremost priority."

He wasn't sure whether she would tell him anything more about the rest of the training she had received so he refrained from asking as well.

"Wait here for a minute, will you?" she disappeared out of the room and returned holding a medical kit. Placing it on the bedside table, she lifted the clasps and opened it.

He was surprised to see how extensive her medical kit was, complete with bandages, ointments, syringes as well as stitching thread and needles. "Woah, Sayuri, now I'm eighty percent sure that you have worked in a hospital part time."

She laughed, "I had worked in a hospital once, so rest assured you're in safe hands."

"But... I'm fine. Alfred will..."

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