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The next days we're fun and I will admit that Taehyung always lighten up my mood.

Well, being six years as his best friend is probably one of the best thing happened in my life. I wonder why he didn't even feel anything for me.

I hugged my bandmates as soon as I stepped my feet on our dorm.

"Omo! I miss you!" Jisoo eonnie shouted happily and hugged me tight.

"How's the vacation?" Jennie eonnie asked and gave Jeonie to me.

I pinched Jeonie's cheeks. "It went very well, kyeopta!" I giggled.

Lisa faked a laugh and I stare at her with jokingly blunt look. "Ehem..What's the feeling of being with Taehyung?"

I ruffled Jeonie's hair and kissed him on the cheeks before giving back to Jennie-eonnie. "It's fine, what's with that looks?" I asked.

She shook his hand and grabbed her phone. "Oh well, Jungkook said that Taehyung has a lot of story to tell for them.." She smirks.

Jisoo cut the scene. "Of course, don't be malicious, Limaro! In fact, Rosé also needs to tell us stories!" Jisoo eonnie jumped like a child.

Jennie came back without Jeonie. I guess, the little boy is already asleep.

"Well, Jimin texted me and he said that Jin is always telling something about him and Jisoo.." Jennie said and showed the text. I read it loudly.

"Jin hyung, always has a story facts of Jisoo. He really idolized her.." I read and looked at Jisoo who is red as tomato.

"We all idolize a perfect girl!" Lisa shouted with much energy.

"Perhaps, can the four of us eat together outside?" Jennie asked.

We all look at her. "How about Jeonie?" We all asked. Wow, it's coincidence.

"Oh.." She smiled. "Jimin is coming to fetch our son..So?"

We all agreed.


"I can't believe! I lost a lot of money because of you!" Jisoo shouted and pointed at Lisa.

The three of us laughed at her. Well, after eating a dinner. We went to the department store. Surprisingly, there's 'Timberland' store that recently opened today.

And since, Lisa didn't bring any money because we thought that we will just eat. She asked Jisoo to pay for the things she will buy. But it ended up, Jisoo is under Lisa's 'cringy cute spell'.

While Jennie eonnie, went to the 'Chanel' and 'Gucci' Store. She buy a lot of clothes, bags and shoes. Well, she's the fashionista of the group, what do you expect?

While me? I only bought a 'Gucci Watch' for Taehyung as a gift. They didn't notice it since I already put it on my bag. The watch cost almost $10 000 that's why I'm not able to buy things for myself. But it's okay though, as long as Taehyung is happy and my sisters/bandmates are happy, then I'm also contended and happy.

{ If you didn't know who is JEONIE well, he is the child of Jimin and Jennie from the book of the first series of instagram which have three parts. While if you're wondering why Lisa and Jungkook are texting each other, better read the second instagram series LISKOOK. While Jisoo, let's wait for her story, mkay? }

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