Chapter 3

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After Naruto finished eating, he spent the next couple of hours talking with some of the members of Fairy Tail. So far, he'd met some interesting characters. Gray, who was the guy that always seemed to lose his clothing, was a pretty chill dude. He learned that the guy didn't get along with Natsu at all and were fighting again. Which kind of reminded him of his rivalry with Sasuke.

Elfman, who he learned was Mirajane's younger brother, reminded him of Lee back at home. Well, that is if Lee was a giant of a man that was obsessed with being manly that is.

Naruto was now sitting at a table with Cana, Elfman, and Team Shadow Gear.

"So, this Lucy girl, left with Natsu to go find this Macao person?" Naruto had asked where the boy had gone since he was nowhere to be found.

"Yeah, knowing Natsu and his keen sense of smell they shouldn't be gone for too long." Cana said and took a swig from her barrel. Yes, a barrel. Naruto just couldn't get over how much the girl could drink. She was already on her second barrel! He was sure that she'd even be able to out drink old lady Tsunade

"Hey Naruto, what kind of magic do you use?" The blue haired girl he came to know as Levy asked, she was a member of Team Shadow Gear.

'so should I use chakra, or simply use my god slayer magic...' The blond thought and rubbed his chin. "Um, well I'm using fire god slayer magic. As for techniques, I have many variants."

"Wow another slaying magic,Can you show us?"

Naruto shrugged. "I guess I can show you a few. Though most of my techniques are a little too destructive to use inside." He got up from his seat.

"Fire god's scythe" he muttered while forms a scythe of black flames off of his right arm.

"I can manipulate my fire into various forms, especially weapons" he exclaimed, while turning off the scythe-shape flame in his hand.


"It's so cool!"

Elfman stood up and slung an arm around the blonde shinobi. "What a man! Ahahaha!"

Naruto slumped back to his seat. "I'd show you more, but I gotta save some tricks for later ya know?"

"You said you're not from here, do you have a place to stay?" Cana asked.

Naruto smirking at that question. Of course I have a place to-"


Everyone's attention was drawn to the front of the guild when the doors burst open.

"Hey everyone! We brought Macao back!" Natsu yelled and charged at Gray, who was looking for his clothes again.

Everyone went to see Macao who was a bit bruised up, but for the most part seemed alright.

"Oh you must be Fairy Tail newest member." Lucy said and walked over to the ninja.

"Hey it's Lucy right. so I take it, the search went well then?" Naruto asked looking over at a now laughing Macao.

"Yeah..." Lucy said tiredly and slumped onto the seat next to him. "Fairy Tail mages sure are amazing though. Macao had defeated nineteen giant monkeys before being taken over by the twentieth."

Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Taken over?"

Lucy nodded. "I just learned about it too. It's a type of magic that you can use to take over someone's body."

"That's sounds creepy..." Naruto said before shuddering. That magic reminded him of Orochimaru and how he tried to take over Sasuke's body.

"It's nice to meet you, Lucy, but if you'll excuse me, I have to go now" he said while walking towards the request board looking for a job to do.

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