Chapter 32

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'I hope everyone's doing okay.' Naruto thought to himself as he jumped from tree to tree. He wondered if Juvia and Charla had gotten Wendy to Erza by now.

But his thought were cut short when a pillar of dark colored light suddenly lit up the forest, causing the blonde
god slayer to stop in his tracks.

'That pillar of light is no doubt Nirvana, I better check it out, before it can cause any more trouble' Naruto though before jumping off. He felt something pulling at the back of his mind, but decided to ignore it for now. Stopping the Oración Seis was his top priority right now, the fox could wait.

Unknown place...

Brain laughed as the controls of Nirvana expanded, the magic sequences flashing all around him. "Haha! The greatest weapon against the light is finally mine!"

Cobra watched with glee as the magic circles grew brighter. "So Brain, now that we have Nirvana, what's our first move?"

"Destroy that guild of course." The leader of the Oración Seis said darkly and the two smiled wickedly. With their first target decided, Brain raised his staff and shouted. "Go forth my ancient capital! Turn the light into my darkness!"

As the enormous legs began to move towards its new destination, Cobra's ear twitched. "Someone's here!" Just as he said that, a black and orange blur flew over the ledge of the tower and towards the two men. The person threw some small objects onto the ground and exploded, bring forth a cloud of smoke that completely blinded them.

"Cobra! Take them out!" Brain yelled out. It took most of his concentration to control Nirvana, so the mastermind had no choice but to rely on his comrade to protect him.

"Roger that." Cobra muttered and closed his eyes, his ears twitching as he focused on finding his opponent. "...I can hear you!" With the swipe of a hand, Cobra lashed out and made impact with something, causing the smoke around them to disperse.

As the gas disappeared, purple eyes met crimson red and the two fighters stared each other down.

'What's with those eyes, and this strength is insane! His arm won't even budge!' Cobra thought as he struggled to push forward. "Naruto Uzumaki I believe? Fairy Tail's one man army."

Naruto's expression didn't change as he continued to block the arm. "Yeah, you guys really did your research. Mind telling me where this thing's headed?"

Cobra smirked and Naruto's eyes widened when he sensed magic flare into the man's hand. The god slayer quickly jumped back as a magenta-like haze poured out of Cobra's limb. Naruto didn't waste any time and circled around his enemy at a neck-breaking speed. He then swooped in to attack, aim for the guy's head.

"It's useless, I can hear yo-" Cobra moved to avoid the teen's punch but was taken by surprise when the blonde swinging his right hand in an arc. "Fire god's great fang"

The blonde teen punch made contact with his cheek.
The impact sent him hurdling over the ledge of the tower and into the ruined city.

Naruto whistled as he watched the man fly through the air before turning to face the now frowning Brain. "That should take care of that guy, now it's just you and me." He pointed at the white-haired mage. "I didn't quite catch most of your conversation earlier, but I did hear you say something about destroying a guild. There's no way I'm letting you do that."

With that said, the whiskered teen dashed forward, but didn't get very far. Naruto was forced to jump out of the way as something snuck up from behind and snapped at him.

"Did you really think that was enough to finish me off!? Well think again!"

Naruto looked up to find Cobra standing on a giant snake, and it was flying. "Whoa! That snake is flying!?"

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