Chapter 11

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Finding himself on top of the mechanical monstrosity, Naruto looked at the magic circle it was creating. "I still don't know much about magic, but even I can tell that thing is almost complete. I better get Bunta to cut off the arms."

He was about to summon the chief of toads when it started raining. "This again? Then that would mean..." He turned to find the rain woman making her way towards him.

"Drip, drop. Hello again Mr. Sun." Juvia greeted with a neutral expression.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the nickname. "Mr. Sun?"

The girl blushed lightly and pointed at his hair.

Looking up to where she was pointing, he realized what she was referring to. "Oh, you mean my hair- wait, no! How do I stop this thing from destroying the town?"

Juvia looked at him with sad eyes. "Juvia's sorry, but Juvia cannot say, please hand over Lucy if Mr. Sun wants it to stop."

Juvia blushed again and turned around, confusing the blonde again. 'It's happening again, this pitter patter in the chest!' She turned and looked at the confused boy, he was tapping his foot impatiently. 'I must make him mine no matter what!'

Running out of patience, Naruto spoke. "Hey are you okay? Whoa!" A sphere of water enveloped his entire body. He fruitlessly tried to swim out but found that no matter how hard he swam, he didn't move an inch. 'I can't get out! This is just like Zabuza's water prison jutsu!'

She looked at him sadly again. "No one can escape Juvia's water lock. Good bye, Mr. Sun of love!"

'What the heck is she saying!? Wait, now's not the time for that! I'm running out of air!' Naruto frantically thought of ways to escape and finally found a way, which is to heat the water that holds him.

He muttered "Fire god's kagutsuchi" Naruto spreads his arms and legs and unleashes a giant ball of black flames around himself, while in process boiling the water  that holds him back.

Juvia's eyes widened in shock. 'He escaped the Water Lock!? Juvia was sure it was inescapable! Is this fate?' She thought, heart-stricken.

Naruto fell to the ground and glared at her, while steam seems surrounding him.

'Why is he looking at Juvia with such cold eyes? Yes, this man is an enemy. Juvia must be strong! It is war!' Her eyes now determined, she shot streams of water at him. "Water Slicer!"

Naruto ducked out of the way and threw a couple shuriken at the water women.

The throwing stars merely passed right through her with a splash. "What the heck!?"

"Yes, Juvia is made of the rain itself."

"That's so cool!" Naruto exclaimed excitedly, this time catching her off guard.

"W-what?" Juvia was completely taken aback. 'He said Juvia was cool? He... likes Juvia? Love!?' Her head began to steam up. 'He said he likes me. He said he likes me. He said he-'

"Hey watch out!" Naruto called out, snapping Juvia out of her thoughts. She realized she was now dangerously close to the edge. "Wha-"

The building suddenly shook a little and she fell off. "Ahh!"

Naruto lounged over to the edge and grabbed onto her hand. "Hold on!"

Juvia looked up at him with wide eyes. 'He... he saved Juvia...'

Naruto pulled her up and sat down. "That was close! What were you thinking walking so close to the end?"

Juvia put her head down as the blonde scolded her. "…Why would you save Juvia? We're enemies."

Naruto stopped talking and scratched his cheek awkwardly. "Well, enemy or not I can't just stand by and watch a pretty girl like you fall to her doom, can I?"

'Pretty? He called me pretty?' Juvia's mind was going in all these different directions when Naruto spoke again.

"You know you're pretty weird you know that? You kinda remind me of someone back home, even if it's only that you're both weird. Though, I like weird people like you." He said and grinned a foxlike grin.

Juvia's mind overloaded and she passed out.

"Uh... are you okay?" Naruto asked, waving a hand in the girl's face. This woman really was weird.

"Naruto!" Elfman and Mirajane were running towards him.

Naruto stood up and walked towards the siblings, meeting them halfway. "Mira-Chan? What are you doing here?"

The barmaid shook her head. "A lot happened but there's no time for that. Is she one of the Elemental Four?" Mirajane pointed at the unconscious Juvia.

Naruto shrugged. "I think so, she was pretty strong."

Elfman pumped a massive fist. "Then we just need to beat one more!".

With Naruto, Mirajane, and Elfman....

"So the Elemental Four are this thing's source of power?" Naruto asked as they ran through the building.

Mira nodded. "Yes, now all that's left is Aria, the wind."

Elfman growled. "He's the bastard that drained the the master's magic power."

Naruto nodded. He was lucky to have run into that Juvia girl then. "Where's Natsu and Gray?" There was a slight explosion and the building started rumbling again. "This place is really starting to get on my nerves with all the shaking!"

"This must mean Abyss Break was stopped!" Mirajane cheered.

"Attention Fairy weaklings. We have succeeded in capturing Lucy." Jose spoke through the speakers.

The three gasped. "How did they get her!?"

"Ahh! Let me go!" Lucy's voiced shrieked.

"Stop it!" Mirajane screamed.

"Stop it!" Mirajane screamed.

A black fire started foaming around Naruto, making the Strauss siblings take a step back. "Naruto? What's th-" Their words stopped there as blonde's appearance changed.

Naruto's eyes were now bloodshot red and his whisker marks were thicker. His nails both on his hands and feet grew long and sharp. To put it simply, he looked possessed.

"Naruto... that appearance." One moment he was just standing there, and the next he was gone in the blink of an eye.

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