Chapter 4

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Naruto and Natsu had just gotten their reward for their mission and were start walking down a road to the guild.

"Man, you really are bad with transportation." Naruto said as he helped Natsu off the train.


They walked into the guild to find that it was completely silent.

'Why is it so quiet?' Naruto wondered as he looked around. Everyone was either siting properly or shaking like they'd seen a ghost.

Natsu paled and began to sweat. "E-Erza's back."

"Who's Erza?"

Natsu pointed.

Looked to where Natsu was pointing, Naruto saw a red-haired girl clad in armor that covered her upper body and a blue skirt. An odd choice of clothing, but the woman was beautiful none the less.

Erza must have noticed the three, because she started walking towards them.

"There you are Natsu. Keeping out of trouble I hope?"

"Aye!" He squeaked.

Naruto took a step away from Natsu, shocked to see the normally hyperactive teen act so timid.

Erza then turned her attention to Naruto.

"Are you the other new member I've been hearing about? Naruto, was it?"

Naruto laughed nervously at her serious tone. This girl held so much authority to her presence that it scared him. "Yeah, that's me"

Erza visibly softened. "Oh, I see." She turned back to the other boy. "Natsu."


"You and Gray are coming with me to help me with something."

Natsu looked over at Gray in disgust, who was looking back with a similar expression.

Naruto, taking the opportunity to leave, crept his way towards Lucy who was sitting at a table with Levy. "Hey guys, we're back from our job."

Lucy waved back. "How'd it go?"

Naruto grinned and took out an envelope. "Looks like i won't have to worry about food for another month."

Levy laughed before pointing at Erza. "So, what do you think about Erza?"

Naruto sweatdropped and took a seat. "She's almost scarier than my teammate back at home…" He shivered at the thought of seeing Erza when she was angry.

"Well she is the strongest woman in Fairy Tail."

"Fine! But if I have to go with Gray, then we gotta take Naruto too!" Natsu shouted and pointed at the now confused ninja.


Erza looked at Naruto for a second before she nodded in approval. "Very well. Naruto, you shall come too."

Naruto just sat there with a dumb look on his face. "Eh!?"

On The Train...

Lucy sighed and leaned back in her seat. "Why did I have to go too?"

Naruto sent her an apologetic expression before whispering. "It couldn't be helped, Erza's scary!"

They both looked at Erza holding an unconscious Natsu on her lap, she had just knocked the dragon slayer unconscious because he was complaining about being another train.

Gray spoke up and asked what they had all been wondering. "What exactly are we doing Erza?"

Erza nodded and filled them in, about how they were going to take on a dark guild. They were just getting off of the train when she finished.

"That just about sums it up, we'll take on Eisenwald."

Lucy gasped while Gray and Naruto both smirked, both liking the idea of a good fight.

"Sounds good to me."

"This should be fun."

"Natsu's still on the train." Happy said while pointing at the now leaving vehicle.

Everyone stopped in their tracks.

"This is all my fault! Somebody, hit me!" Erza panicked and braced herself, expecting someone to hit her.

"I can go get him if you want?" Naruto offered.

They all looked at him in disbelief.

"You, catch up with a train on foot? I'll believe it when I see it." Gray scoffed.

Naruto smirked before taking off in an black blur, leaving everyone speechless. Even Erza seemed impressed by the shinobi's showcase of speed.

With Naruto...

Naruto was slowly catching up to the train, and was now just behind the last cart. He pulled up to the side of it and was about to grab on when Natsu suddenly burst through the window right in front of him.


The pink haired teen crashed into the surprised blond and they both fell onto the ground, tumbling to a stop.

"Ugg..." Naruto groaned in pain. "Why would you jump out of a train?"

"Sorry..." Natsu apologized, his head still spinning.

They both got up and dusted themselves off.

"Why did you jump out anyway?"

"There was this guy making fun of Fairy Tail and picking a fight with me. Then the train started to move again and I didn't want to be on that thing anymore. I think he said he was from a guild called... what was it? Ei... Eisen...wald?"

Naruto's eyes widened. "Did you say Eisenwald!? That's the dark guild we're after!"

"Oh, really? He also had this wooden flute thing with him that had a skull with three eyes."

"A flute with three eyes? That's weird."

They both heard a noise that was gradually getting louder behind them and they turned around to see a small vehicle driving towards them. As it got closer, they could see Erza in the front and Lucy leaning out of the window.

"Naruto! Natsu!"

The vehicle came to a stop next to them.

"Hm. You really did get him." Erza said and motioned for them to get in.

"No more transportation... blurg..." Natsu choked out.

Naruto wasted no time and jumped into the seat next to Erza. "Follow the train! It has a member of Eisenwald in it!"

"What!? Why didn't Natsu get him?"

"Never mind that, let's go!"

The red head nodded and floored it.

"He also said that the guy had a flute with a skull that had three eyes." Naruto added.

Lucy poked her head out. "Did you say a flute with three eyes?" When Naruto nodded, she gained a worried expression. "I've read about something like that in books, but I think that flute might be the evil magic Lullaby!"

"What does it do?" Naruto asked curiously.

Erza frowned. "Nothing good, and if Erigor got his hands on it...".

Naruto already know, of what will happen, and it's not good at all.

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