Chapter 16

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A crowd was gathering where Naruto dragged the demon he slayed. Though it was to be expected. It wasn't every day you saw a teenager dragging a giant tiger into town.

"Is it dead?"

"Who is that guy?"

"I heard he's from Fairy Tail!"

Smiling at their astonishment, Naruto spoke with the mayor. "I believe this is the cause of the destruction in the jungle?"

Giving a shaky nod, the mayor handed him a large envelope. "Y-yes, I believe so. Here, this is for you. You've well earned it."

Taking the package and sealing it into a storage scroll, he thanked the man and turned to leave.



A blonde man ran up to him holding a notebook.

Naruto pushed him away to get some much-needed space. "Whoa man, too close!"

"Are you the rumored new member of Fairy Tail?" He asked eagerly.

"Y-yeah." The ninja answered hesitantly.


Naruto took a step back from the strange guy. "Um... who are you?"

"I'm Jason, a reporter for Weekly Sorcerer Magazine! What is your name?"

"Naruto Uzumaki-"

"COOL! What kind of magic do you use?"

"Um, it would be fire god slayer magi-"


Naruto was starting to get a little annoyed. "Well if that is all, I got a train to catch-"

"Is it true that you defeated Phantom Lord's master Jose and Iron Dragon Gajeel single handed?"

Seeing as there was no end to this anytime soon, Naruto took off running. "Yeah! See ya!" He heard a fading series of "Cool!" as he got farther away.

"Man, that guy was crazy! Hope I don't run into him again anytime soon."

Fairy Tail guild...

"Hey guys! I'm back!" Naruto said as he walked into the guild bar.

The other guild members greeted him before going back to whatever they were doing.

He sat down at the bar in front of Mirajane. "Hey Mira-Chan, can I get some miso ramen? I'm starved!"

She giggled. "Do you eat anything besides ramen?"

The blonde shrugged.

Cana sat down next to him. "Hey Naruto, long time no see."

"Hey Cana, how's it been?"

She took a swig from her barrel. "It's been pretty boring lately. Want some?" Cana asked, offering him a drink.

"No thanks." Naruto declined. He never really saw the appeal of alcohol. Whenever the pervy sage had made him drink the stuff, it only got in the way of his training.

Cana shrugged. "If you say so."

Naruto looked around. "Have you seen Lucy around?"

Looking around as well, Cana shook her head. "Not sure, last I heard she was getting ready for a trip-"

But interrupted when Mirajane walked back with his steaming noodles and placed it in front of him. "Here you go!"

Naruto smiled at her gratefully, completely forgetting about everything else. "Thanks!"

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