Chapter 31

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"Juvia, heads up!" Naruto shouted up to the girl as he sprinted up the rock wall.

"Naruto-Sa-Kyah!" The moment Juvia looked over the edge, two blurs burst up and into the air.

Naruto and Racer landed in front of one another.

"You're pretty fast." The ninja complemented and instantly his fists was covered with black flames.

The Oración Seis member clenched his teeth. "Don't mock me! I'm the fastest there is! How can you keep up with me!?" Even if he wasn't using his maximum slowing power, this guy was keeping up with him. And what was with those creepy crimson red eyes?

"I've fought people way faster than you." Naruto mocked, smirking when the man roared in anger. The mage charged at him again with twice the amount of speed than before.

Juvia could barely even see the two as the blurs danced around the clearing. She noticed something in the corner of her eye and looked up to find Charla carrying an unconscious Wendy.

The blurs stopped in their tracks and both looked up at the flying cat.

"You think I'd just let you get away!?" Racer growled and zoomed into the air to knock the them out of the air, but he was intercepted by Naruto at the last second. "You again!?"

"Juvia! Go and make sure they get to Erza safely! I'll catch up with you as soon as I'm finish things up here!" Naruto called out as he landed back on the ground.

Juvia nodded and ran into the forest.

Racer began to quiver with anger. "Not only can you keep up with me... but you stopped me in my tracks. Fine, I'll kill you first!"

'Here he comes...' Naruto thought as he suddenly sensed Racer behind him. "Wha-" The blonde barely had time to bring his kunai up and block the switchblade aimed for his throat. 'He's even faster than before! It's a good thing I have better control of Divine Overdrive mode now!'

"This end now..." Racer jumped back and lifted a hand. "Dead Grand Prix, begin!"

Naruto looked at the guy in confusion as he started to hear a deep rumbling. The noise kept getting louder and louder until a bunch of motorcycles burst out of the forest.

Racer mounted a passing bike as the others heading towards Naruto direction. "How do you like my motor show from hell?"

Naruto avoided bike after bike to keep himself from being run over. "Ah! These things are getting annoying!"

"Fire god's steel fist"
The enraged shinobi plowed a  punch that was covered by black flames into the ground, causing a large explosion of rocks and grass. All of the bikes around the blonde were destroyed in process and forced Racer to jump off his own motorcycle because of the wide range blast.

As the dust settled, the two fighters had a standoff. "It seems you're not as pathetic as the rest of those mages. I'll show you the true meaning of speed!" Racer declared and the two became a pair of blurs once more.

'This guy is really starting to get on my nerves!' Naruto thought as their fight went into the forest. This was starting to take too long.

Racer eventually found an opening and smirked as his knife will have contact with the blonde skin. "Hah! I told you I was the fastest!"

Just as he was went to stabbed his opponent, Naruto suddenly disappear with a black blur. He looked around furiously, trying to find his sneaky opponent. "Come out and let me kill you!"

"Fire god's bellow!"

Racer looked up and his sunglasses almost fell off when he saw a massive fireball of black flames, heading towards him.

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