Chapter 33

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Lucy groaned to herself. Could things get any weirder? The moment she and Juvia made it into the ancient city, they ran into Jura and one of the Oración Seis members. Apparently, the guy, who's name they'd learned was Hoteye, was now on their side because of Nirvana.

But then they had a run in with another Oración Seis member that went by the name of Midnight who was apparently related to their leader. Hoteye urged that they leave Midnight to him, so they left without him.

As of right now, their little group was heading towards the control tower called "the king's tower".

"What's the matter Lucy?" Juvia asked while sending her a questioning look.

Lucy sighed. "Ah, nothing. I was just thinking about how crazy things have gotten all of a sudden. Man, I could really use a nice hot shower right about now."

"Lucy-Dono, Juvia-Dono, look sharp! The enemy is in front of us!" Jura said and pointed in front of them, they saw Brain walking into view. He seemed to be dragging something...

"Naruto!?" Lucy shrieked. Did Naruto get defeated? The thought of her fellow blonde losing was just unfathomable.

Juvia got into a battle-ready stance. "What do you intend to do with Naruto-Sama?"

Brain continued to frown at them before smirking. "I intend to make this boy one of the six demons. Our members have fallen to half of its members, he'll make a suitable comrade in the destruction of the light guilds.

"Naruto-Sama would never join you!" The water mage fumed. "He loves Fairy Tail and would never do anything to hurt it!"

Jura frowned. "Naruto-Dono doesn't seem to be unconscious... What is the meaning of this?"

Lucy raised an eyebrow at that statement and took a closer look at Naruto. He looked to be unconscious but..wait, no. Jura was right, he wasn't unconscious.

"Naruto, snap out of it!" Lucy yelled, she had to bring him out of his unconscious state before that Brain guy could do anything.

Brain chuckled. "It's useless, the same poison that incapacitated the one called Erza Scarlet now runs through his veins. I intend to turn him before removing it."

Juvia growled in frustration. She couldn't attack and risk hitting Naruto, what could she do?

As everyone seemed to be considering their options, Naruto cracked an eye open.

'Ah, he woke up.' They all thought at the same time.

Brain didn't seem to notice and continued his rant. "Soon this ancient capital will arrive at its first destination, Cait Shelter!"

The light mages were shocked to hear this.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, but stayed silent. 'That's Wendy-Chan's guild, isn't it? What does he want with her guild?'

Jura glared at the dark mage, who was laughing like a mad-man. "Tell us your purpose, why are you aiming for Wendy-Dono's guild?"

The Oración Seis leader stopped laughing and smirked. "I want to see what happens when I use Nirvana's super reversal magic on a light guild. In other words, hell." Brain shivered as a wave of killer intent washed over him, and he glanced down to see crimson red eyes glaring up at him. Shaking the feeling away, Brain's smirk returned. It's not like the teen could move with all that poison in his body.

"So, you're awake? Are you prepared to watch as I eliminate your frien-"


Brain didn't even get to finish his last word when Naruto smashed a fist covered in black flames into his face. The impact caused a shock wave as the man flew straight through an ancient building.

The others walked over to the whiskered teen. "Naruto-Sama!" Juvia cheered and jumped onto his back. "Juvia was so worried! Are you okay?" Her face then turned red and even began to drool a little. "Does Juvia need to suck out all of the poison!?"

Lucy sweatdropped. "Are you okay? You look pretty tired…"

Naruto laughed, she must be worried about the poison. "Yeah, I'm fine"

"That was an impressive show of strength, Naruto-Dono. As expected of the one that defeated Laxus Dreyar." Jura complimented before he turned towards the direction Brain flew. "But I fear that it is not over yet."

As if to go along with Jura's statement, Brain walked out of the building he crashed into. "Heh. That took me by surprise, I didn't expect you to be able to move so soon." He raised his staff and a familiar aura of magic began to ooze out of it.

Naruto acted fast and began to gathering fire into his mouth. Brain then thrust the staff forward and the dark magic zoomed towards them. 'Shit! I'm not gonna make it in time!'

"Iron Rock Wall!" Jura shouted out with his arm outstretched and a group of stone pillars came out of the ground to shield them.

The spell collided with the rocks and an explosion shook the group and threatened to knock them down. But it was no time to celebrate because Brain was already on the move again and shot out another spell.

Jura immediately created another wall to shield himself but was surprised to find the dark mage's spell penetrate through the earth like butter. "You can't block a penetration spell!" Brain yelled before his eyes went wide.

"Whoa..." The Fairy Tail members watched in awe as the wizard saint literally bent the stone as if it were rubber and sent the opposing spell sky-high.

Jura followed up by sending multiple rocks at Brain, each of them slamming into him as they began to bury the man. When he was completely sealed up in a mass of rock, Jura raised his hands and clasped them together. "Grah!" At the same time, the rocky formation exploded and Brain landed on the ground in heap.

The group cheered as Jura walked over to the fallen Oración Seis member. "So tell me, what was the real reason behind targeting Cait Shelter." He asked, but Brain wasn't listening.

"No... I've been... Defeated? Midnight, you mustn't lose. If you do... That person will..." Brain said before passing out.

Jura knelt next to the man. "That person? Elaborate." He said but it was no use, the Brain was out for the count.

Naruto noticed some of the markings on the Brain's face start to fade away. "Hey look, some of those lines on his face are disappearing."

Juvia noticed it too. "Come to think of it, wasn't there more the last time we saw him? Juvia could have sworn she saw more."

Lucy shivered. "Stop it~! You're gonna give me nightmares..."

"Hey you guys!"

The group turned to see Wendy and Charla running in their direction. Naruto met them half way. "Wendy-Chan, and Charla! Glad to see you guys are okay!"

Wendy nodded before continuing. "It's terrible! This thing is headed towards my guild!"

Naruto pat the little girl on the head, much to Charla's disapproval. "Don't worry, Jura just finished off the leader."

Lucy nodded. "And he was the one controlling this thing, so now that he's defeated Nirvana should stop as well."


"Get your filthy paws off of Wendy, you beast!" Charla yelled and scratched Naruto's hand, who yelped in pain.

"Charla! Be nice!" Wendy scolded but the cat just huffed and turned away. The young dragon slayer pouted before turning her attention over to Naruto. "I'm sorry, Charla means well. She's just a little over protective."

"It's okay, I get it." Naruto said and laughed it off. 'That cat is in for some serious pranks once this is all over...' When everyone wasn't looking, he began giggle mischievously.

Lucy noticed her partner's antics and sweatdropped. 'I've got a bad feeling about this...'

Jura decided to take the opportunity to speak. "I hate to rain on everyone's parade, but it is not over just yet."

The others looked at him questioningly. "What do you mean?"

The Lamia Scale mage continued. "We may have defeated the one controlling Nirvana, but it is still moving. We should go to the control area and try to stop it there."

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