lies and truth

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POV unknown.
I'm in a different place then I should be. A field green. A few houses and a stone wall surrounding them a tall Castle on a mound in the centre.they is only one other person present. I turn to see a man. Young. Possibly in his twenties. In robes red and white with a hood up, covering his face. "What are you doing?" He asks. His voice distorted. I can't seem to answer. Then the world changes and I'm suddenly in the fright zone. And I see fire and in the middle of the flame, I see three individuals. One of them, a tall woman with long blond hair I can't see her face but I do see her weapon a sword bigger than any I've seen before it also had a blue stone of some kind. She seems familiar. She stands ready to attack. The second person I see is Catra? I think it hard to tell something different but what? She was ready to attack as well but if it was the women or the third person I did not know. My attention quickly turns to the third person. A man. In robes not red and white but blue and white with other colour in they I couldn't see his face. He had two blades extruding from his wrist one point at Catra the other at this mystery lady with the sword. He seems ready to kill.

I wake up suddenly sitting up quickly hitting my head on the top buck. "Och" I rub my head in the place where I hit it. I get out slowly to see the other are all gone. 'Training' I remember. I rush to get everything on. I had a standard training uniform. The only unique feature was that I used two swords. They're made with the same as the tanks we have. They're surprisingly light but are durable, design to take a hit from any princess. "All squadrons report to training area immediately" I hear a female voice call out over the speaks. This is it. I think as I rush there. To find everyone except Catra. "Hey Charlie, have you seen Catra anywhere?" The blond hair and the blue-eyed Adora asks. Funny, anyone who sees us would think we're related because are hair and eye colour are the same and we're about the same height as well. But we're not "Sorry, Adora. I haven't" I quickly placed the green visor on my face. "okay thanks any," she says.  She says something under her breath but I'm not sure what. "at attention cadets, your simulation is about to begin here's your scenario you'll be passing through the treacherous whispering Woods to reach the heart of the rebel insurgency, bright moon." One of the other cadets. Kyle, I think, gulps. The commander continues. "To defeat the Queen of the princesses and liberate bright moon in Lord Hordak name." He stops. 'Yeah when I think who's going to stop the rebels I think a bunch of cadets are going to do it' I think to myself. "Where's Catra?" He suddenly asks. "She'll be here, I promise," Adora says. "Yeah, I'm sure she will," I add. He looks at his pad and presses something. "The Whispering Woods is full of princesses vicious, violent, instigators they will take you out if given the chance don't give it to them good luck recruits"

almost immediately we are fired upon by practice drones a slightly loose track of the others. I run headfirst into one of the drones pulling my left sword with my right hand I stabbed into it. Hitting in just the right place to cause it to deactivate. "Come on this way" Adora calls out we all fall in behind her. We move quickly but I get speciation that someone else is watching us. I see Kyle get hit in front of me. The others turn to see. I instinctively used my unique Vision. I close my eyes and open them but the world is now dark blue. Any of my objectives a highlighted Orange and any of my enemies are highlighted red. What I saw was a lot of red and nearly nothing else. I could hear the other but it's muffled. I watch as three of the drones fires on the other. They raised their Shields as Adora yelled "run"

I jump up onto the fake trees and swing forward of one of the branches landing on a drone and jump off to land next Adora. We kept running for a moment. Still being shot from above. I stop leave with Adora when Lonnie yells. "Adora, charlie" we both look back at her to see she's looking at the floor, the tiles highlighted the red. I go left as they.  fall away. After this, a giant drone appears. It zaps the ground by Adora causing some of it to Fall. I once more pull out my sword. At the same time, Adora pulls her extending Pole weapon. She seems to go straight of its head I guess that what you'll call it. I go for one of the legs joints. I jump up stabbing into the robot leg it starts to as I jump back I see that Adora had finished it off mostly. Then catra appears walking slowly toward the three legs still present and knocks them down. I get to my feet and brush myself down.
"training exercise successfully completed" I hear over the intercom again.

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