Chapter 6

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A/N So I've been wanting to do a X male oneshot book sooooooo should I????? Also, don't forget to vote whether or not reader should get a haircut!!! Enjoy


   Karou POV

   His apartment is kinda sad. I looked around and saw almost nothing. There were no furniture anywhere in the apartment and he had a sad excuse of a bed. I felt a frown come onto my lips before turning to M/N. "Your apartment is kinda sad." He shrugged his shoulder at me. "I'm a kinda sad person."

   I raised an eyebrow before walking up to him. He tilted his head up at me which I thought was absolutely adorable. M/N wasn't that much shorter than me. Only by a few inches. "I'm going to help you decorate one of these days?" Now it was his turn to raise an eyebrow. "Why? I don't want your mom's money in my apartment."

   I dramatically grabbed my chest in feign hurt. "I'm wounded M/N! And here I thought I was your favorite twin." The corner of his mouth twitched before he turned around to put the groceries away.  

   Since he wasn't looking, I decided to let myself look all I want. His beanie is super cute on him! My eyes traveled down to his mom jeans which made me question his sanity, but who am I to judge? His ass looks really good in those jeans though. 

   The thought made heat rise up to my face and I had to look at a crack in the wall to try and calm myself down. "Karou? You're not getting a fever or anything are you?" Almost like a chain reaction, my face just got hotter and more red.

   M/N frowned at me which pulled his scar. He walked up to me and placed his cold hands onto my cheeks (ASS CHEEKZ). "Your face is hot. Are you sure your not sick?"

   "Maybe your hands are just really cold M/N." He shrugged and removed his hands from my face. I felt a frown pulling at the corners of my mouth, but I fought the urge. I really want to hold him. He looked at me one more time before walking back to the kitchen. "Do you want to stay for dinner? I'm making tacos." I want to stay forever. "Tacos sound amazing." He nodded in my direction before he turned on the stove and started cooking the meat.

   After watching him cook for a few minutes, an idea popped into my head. A mischievous smirk planted onto my lips as I slowly walked up to M/N. I gently wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my head into the crook of his neck. I felt his jump a little, but he didn't look at me. "M/N~." Look at me please~." I could almost feel him roll his E/C eye and his creamy white eye at me. "Go flirt with someone else  Karou." I tightened my hold his waist in protest. "But I want to flirt with you M/N." His body moved against mine as he sighed. He didn't say anything, so I remained where I was.

   He's so cuddly. His neck is so warm too. I kinda want to kiss it. Heat rushed to my face and I quickly buried my head into his neck. A small giggled escaped from his lips. "Karou, stop. That tickles." 

   I patted his stomach as I continued to nuzzle into his neck. More giggles escaped from his lips and I never wanted them to stop. "I wink wam wen wove wif chu." M/N giggled again since my lips kept brushing the sensitive part of his neck. "Karou, stop tickling me and repeat what you said."

   "Ne M/N, it's embarrassing~."

   "Then why did you say it in my neck weirdo?"

   "Becauseeeeee, you wouldn't have understood me." I heard him huff and add the taco seasoning. Should I say something? I want to, but I've only known him for about 2 months. It kinda feels soon, but I also feel like I'm going to explode if I don't say something. "M/N?" He hummed at me in acknowledgement. "Do you like anyone?" 

   "What does that mean Karou?" I huffed and I felt him shiver against me. "Do you have a crush on anyone?" He tilted his head and rested it on my shoulder. "I think I do. I tend not to get crushes considering how I look." My grip tightened and he placed his cold hand onto my own. "I know someone who likes you." He hummed and moved the pot over and turned the stove off. "Food's ready." I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. 

   His eyes widen in surprise before relaxing again. "What Karou?" My cheeks turned red again before I leaned down and whispered into his ear, "Don't you want to know who likes you?" He shuddered and nodded his head slightly. I brushed my lips over his cheek before gently placing them onto his.

   They were so soft and plump. The scar added an odd, rough texture, but how I loved it. I applied more pressure and almost squealed into his mouth when he wrapped his arms around my neck and somehow pressed me closer to him. He sighed through is nose and I pulled back to look at him. His E/C eye seemed brighter and more awake. His eyes couldn't seem to stay in one place.

   His eyes moved from my eyes to my lips and back. He lowered his head and whispered softly under his breath, "Please kiss me again." My moved my hand slowly to the back of his head and said against his lips, "Gladly."

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