Chapter 12

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Karou's POV

   "What up whores?!" Ollie burst through the doors of the music room with a shining smile but slightly dull eyes. Their girlfriend had broken up with them previously for someone else and everyone had seen their heart crack a little. They turned cold towards the girl and said in an icy voice, "I hope you enjoyed the 4 months we had." The girl tried to get Ollie to understand that they just didn't feel the same way anymore, but they had made their decision.

   It's been about a week since then and they're slowly recovering. Y/N smiled softly at Ollie as they firmly hugged him. "Not you of course Y/N. You're a thot and I would never disrespect a thot." He snickered a them slightly as he let go. Ollie turned towards me and gave me a friendly smirk. "You're a whole whore Karou."

   "I'm a slut please and thank you." Ollie laughed at me as loud crash echoed through the music room. We all turned around and saw Tamaki-senpai stuck in one of the long curtains.Don't ask us how he did that, we have no idea. "Mommy! Help!" We seemed to collectively cringe as he called Kyoya-senpai. Ollie seemed unfamiliar with this and raised a slit eyebrow in Tamaki-senpai's direction.

   "I'm sorry but who's Mommy?"

   "According to club position, we all know it's me." Kyoya-senpai gracefully walked pasted up and jerked the curtain. Tamaki-senpai fell to the marble floors with a loud thud. He whimpered and complained how no one treated him with respect anymore. "We never did", Haruhi said from the couch. The savage girl didn't even stop eating her fancy tuna.

   Tamaki-senpai melted into a pool of sadness and self-pity before going to the corner to grow mushrooms. "No one loves me anymore. I'm so lonely."

   Haruhi and Ollie wore matching scowls in his direction. They both look so different yet have so much of the same personality. Haruhi with her masculine hair cut and bare face. Ollie with clear glasses, short brown hair and sharp glitter eyeliner that could cut someone. Haruhi tends to be blunt and to the point while Ollie could destroy your self-esteem without blinking an eye. It doesn't surprise anyone that the get along so well.

   "Stop being a baby Tamaki." Tamaki-senpai jerked his head in Ollie's direction before lunging at them. None of us had enough time to react before he tackled them to the ground. His hands pinned their wrist against the cool floor and straddled their hips. "I'm not a baby Ollie-kun! So mean to me! And here I thought you loved me." He pouted down at them as they wore a blank expression.

   "This is very hetero of us right now." 

   Tamaki-senpai seemed to realize their position and jumped 6 feet into the air off of Ollie. While Tamaki-senpai was bowing repeatedly and apologizing; I stole a kiss from Y/N's soft lips. He gladly kissed me back with a small smile. I glided my hand down his jawline, causing a shiver of pleasure to shake his body. He pulled back and gazed at me with gentle eyes. "I love you." I bumped my forehead against his as I mumbled against his lips,

   "And I to you my love."

                                                                                     The End  

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