Chapter 9

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  "When will you realize that Mommy doesn't want to play with you!?" Mother slapped my little 5 year old cheek which caused me to slam onto the floor. My trembling hand grazed the bruised cheek and I looked at Mother with teary eyes. "Don't you love me Mother?"

   She scoffed and continued doing her makeup for a night out with Father. "Sure I do sweetheart." I smiled and ran out of the room with joy in my heart. 'Mother loves me!"

   I stopped in the middle of the hall, ignoring the searing pain in my cheek and whispered as if it wear a pray, "Mother loves me."

   A strangle gasp crawled out of my throat as I woke up from a horrible memory. I struggled to draw a steady breathe as I hyperventilated. Calmdowncalmdowncalmdown. I frantically grabbed my now short hair and pulled hard. The pain somewhat brought me back to reality. She's in jail. She can hurt me from here.

   I inhaled slowly and removed my sweaty shirt. I frowned heavily and untangled myself from my sheets. A shiver coursed through my body as my feet touched the cold floor. I quickly walked into the bathroom. I walked past my cracked mirror and turned the shower all the way to hot. 

   My body slowly relaxed the longer I was under the steamy water. I ran my hand through my hair and I was still surprised at how short it was. Ollie is amazing for doing this. I recalled our little lunch together and I smiled at the memory. 

   Ollie is extremely snarky and blunt with mischief written in their brown eyes. They kinda remind me of the twins. I blushed at the thought of them and of my boyfriend. I shook my head which caused water droplets to hit the shower walls and I turned off the water.

   I exited the shower with a heavy sigh and proceeded to dry off. After doing my routine, I grabbed my uniform and started getting dressed as I put waffles in the toaster. I still haven't gotten a kitchen table, but I was able to buy a couch. Kyoya-senpai was nice enough to give me 10% of everything I make since I had to quit my job to be in the host club.

   After eating, I put on shoes, grabbed everything I needed and left my apartment. I got my lollipop from Ms. Pannie and gave her the usual wink then started walking to school. Feels like something is about to happen.

   I shrugged my shoulders before being tackled by someone. Oh fuck! I stumbled and heard a familiar snicker. I rolled my eyes and turned to give a scowl to Ollie. "Whaddup." I sighed as I turned around and continued walking. "Hey jackass! Don't ignore me! I'm important!."

   I scoffed and continued walking. I heard them grumble about being an author and being the reason I even exist. I brushed their nonsense mumbling away and continued walking. I heard their footsteps approach quickly before they stopped next to me. They're tall for female or maybe I'm just short.

   I took note of their outfit and saw that it was the male uniform instead of a dress. They noticed me staring and looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. "Like what you see?" I sighed and shook my head. "I just noticed that you're wearing the male uniform."

   "Well duh! I hate wearing dresses and it makes me dysphoric when I wear them, so after intense arguing with the school, I was able to convince them to give me the male uniform. Complaints wouldn't have been good for their reputation." They winked at me as a smirk danced on their lips.

   "You remind me of someone." 

  "Oh yeah? Do tell."

   "The twins." Their nose scrunched up at the mention of them. "Really? I don't really see it." I shrugged my shoulders and looked ahead. The school was coming into view. "You're not in my class right?"

   They shook their bright hair at me which bounced as they shook it. 

   We continued talking until I reached the music room. "This is my stop."

   "Cool. I'll see you soon. Have fun~" They winked at me and gave me a wave. A small smile appeared on my lips as I entered the room only to be knocked down by Honey-senpai. "Um h-"

   "Who was that Y/N-kun!?" 

   "A friend. Why?"

   "She's cute." A frown appeared on my lips as he said that. "Their pronouns are they/them." Honey-senpai looked confused but decided to let it go. [I can not stress this enough. RESPECT PEOPLE'S PRONOUNS OR I'LL SELL YOUR COLLARBONES ON E-BAY. Thank you :D]

   Honey-senpai got off of me and we walked in the room together. All activity seemed to stop as everyone looked at me. I froze as I stood at the doorway. "Hi?"

   Karou was the first to react. His face flared as he mumbled under his breathe. I tilted my head at him. "Can you repeat that?" He continued mumbling under his breathe. I rolled my eyes and walked up to him to place my finger under his chin. I forced his to look at me and his face seemed to get redder. "Speak up."

   "You look really hot." I inhaled sharply and removed my hand and tugged on some of the short strands. "Thanks." 

   Karou and I didn't notice a crowd forming around us as we continued being a flustered mess. He continued mumbling compliments under his breath as I fidgeted. 

   "Just kiss you two idiots." I whipped my head around and yelled, "Shut up Ollie!" They stuck their tongue out at me as Karou gently grabbed my chin. My eyes flashed to his as he continued getting closer to me. My eyes fluttered shut as he softly pressed his lips onto mine.

   I sighed and realized how much I missed his lips. I tangled my hands in his hair and applied more pressure into the kiss. I felt his lips turn up into a smile as he pulled back. I rested my forehead against his as he wore a dorky smile. 

   "You're pretty cute Karou." He got flustered and hid in the crook of my neck. I chuckled and was in complete bliss until Ollie yelled, "Y'all be cute! I made a wonderful decision!"

   They gave themselves a high five and walked out of the room. Ummmmmm ok?

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