Chapter 11

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A/N This is the second to last chapter(Maybe)!! Enjoy


   Y/N POV

"Who's topping?" My cheeks turned the faintest shade of pink before I turned my head towards the couch. "You are," I mumbled. 

   "Huh?" Karou leaned closer to me. I huffed slightly and grabbed the back of his neck. I brought my swollen lips to his ear and whispered, "You are. You're gonna fuck me." He exhaled shakily before pulling back. "You sure? I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with." I nodded at him as he looked into my E/C eye and my blind eye.

   He slid off my body and grabbed my right hand. His soft skin rubbed against my own calloused ones. His thumb caressed my hand as we walked into my bedroom. The blackout curtains caused shadows to dance on his body. You almost couldn't see my F/C sheets behind him. I bit my lip before grabbing the hem of my shirt.

   Karou turned red before fumbling to grab the hem of his own shirt. I snickered as he got stuck in his shirt. His arms were above his head, stuck in the sleeves with his whole torso exposed for me to see.

   I went silent as my eye traced his skin. The smooth dip of his hip to his perked nipples. I subconsciously licked my bottom lip.

   "Can you stop eye-fucking me and get me out?" I jerked at the sound of his voice before going to help him. I placed my hand on his waist to make him stable, but he jumped away with a squeak. I stood there with a raised eyebrow at him.

   "Your hands are cold." I rolled my eyes in his direction even though he couldn't see me. "My hands are always cold." I couldn't see his face, but I could tell he was pouting at you. "Y/N~. Help me please; I'm horny."

   I resisted the urge to smack my forehead at his bluntness before I grabbed his shirt and jerked it over his head. He yelped in surprise before sending a blinding smile at me. I offered a ghost of a smile at him before grabbing the belt loops of his pants and slammed my lips onto his the same time my hips slammed into his. He moaned quietly into the kiss before taking control.

   He slid his tongue pass my lips and explored my wet cavern. I weaved my hands into his hair and tugged gently. A moaned left his mouth before he pulled back. He eyes were glazed over with lust as he lips turned bright pink. "Do that again." I tugged gently on his hair again as he groaned with pleasure. "Harder Y/N."

   I firmly gripped his hair before roughly pulled his head back. He gasped in surprise before moaning. I locked my lips on his exposed neck and left sloppy kisses all over. His soft hands gripped my hips as if I were a life raft. I started sucking on his neck, leaving a litter of faint hickeys. I moved down to the part of his neck where it meets his shoulder and bit down. A strangled moan left his swollen lips as I continued to abuse that spot. His hands slid up my torso, causing me to shiver, before pushing me away by the shoulders.

   I looked up at him in confusion before I saw the look on his face. His neck was marked with kisses and hickeys. Red cheeks and even redder lips with lust filled eyes. He pushed me until my legs hit the end of the bed. He roughly pushed me down and crawled between my legs. He hands slid up my thigh and groped my ass. I lightly gasped as I rolled my hips against his.

   He moaned quietly before tasting my lips again. I tangled my hands in his hair once more and tugged hard. He panted slightly before pulling back and decorating me with hickeys. His tongue savored the taste of my neck before sinking his teeth into the dip of my shoulder.

   I dug my fingers into his lower back as he moved lower on me. He took one my nipples into his mouth and sucked harshly. I arched into his mouth as my hard on strained against the material of my pants.

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