"How bloody embarrassing."

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I ran all the way to the music block. How could my clock possibly be out of sync? I just changed the batteries a few days ago.

Then I saw him. Ethan was leaning on the side of the entrance door. I could tell he looked bothered. I ran behind a tree and got my mirror out. I wiped my sweat off my face with a mini towel, then gulped down the water from my water bottle.

I turned around and started to walk back towards the building only to see that he wasn't there.

"If you're going to hide from me behind a tree, at least make it less obvious." said a familiar voice.

I jumped in shock and looked behind me. How bloody embarrassing. "I wasn't hiding from you, I just had to do my shoelaces."

Ethan looked at my shoes then laughed. "Do my shoelaces, yeah right. Now hurry up, I reserved the room for an hour. Now we only have 40 minutes left." He made his way back inside the Music Block.

I slapped my forehead in frustration and embarrassment. You have slip ons. Lena, you have slip ons. You don't have to do your shoelaces. I groaned then followed after Ethan.

We arrived at the practice room and unpacked silently. "So, did you practice?", I asked, hoping to start up a conversation.

"Yes, I did. You?"

"No... I didn't have the time. Sorry." I buried my face in my plaits.

"For a music scholar, you're quite unorganised. But whatever, let's just get on with this." he remarked.

He's being so cold to me. If it's because I was 20 minutes late then that's just petty. You can't be that upset over someone being late.
But still, how are we supposed to practice if we can't communicate properly?

ETHAN'S POV: Flashback to 1 hour ago.

Oh right, I have rehearsals with Lena. It's already 3:40, so i think i might start to walk over now.

The weather is nice today. The sun is shining through the Autumn leaves but there is a chill breeze. It isn't too hot nor is it too cold. Just perfect. I'm in a pretty good mood and I am hungry.

I take a detour to Starbuck's across the road. I buy a ham and cheese panini along with a caramel frappe. It was 4:00 by the time I finished. I haven't seen Lena walk past the window in front of me to make it to the Music Block so I assume she isn't here yet. I ask a girl named Natalie if she knew anyone called Lena Young. Their colour lanyards are the same so I supposed they were in the same year. To my luck, Natalie said yes. I got Lena's phone number and called her. She said she was on her way.

Just then, the door swung open and the bell chimed.

"Oh Ethan! I haven't seen you forever! Excluding those times when I watched you on TV."

I then heard a giggle. It was that voice which sent chills down my spine.

I turned around and saw her with a huge grin on her face.

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