Chapter Seven Somethin' strange is going on here.

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Remira was angered at Merin's tone and bit Merin on the arm scuttling off to the living room. Merin's chased after her and saw Remira standing on a table hissing at Merin. "Stop acting childish and get off of my table!" Merin said while attempting to pull Remira off the table. "No!" Remira hisses and scratched Merin's arm and attempted to run away but Merin was able to retrain Remira. "Let me go you incompetent human!" Remira said while struggling to break away from Merin. "Ok, Ok i'll stop, just let go of me!" Merin let Remira loose and sat down on the couch while Remira sat on the floor in front of the couch. "What did you mean by "you incompetent human!" Merin said curiously yet exhausted. "What do you think it means" replied Remira, somewhat intrigued at the conversation approaching. "Well, im assuming we are at least the same species or something. I know your scaley appearance is not really normal- but I didn't want to seem rude so i didn't ask." Merin replied. "It is true that my form mostly represents that of a human, which is what I am for the most part. Which explains my scaley appearance, and my some-what sharp teeth." Said Remira. "So your human- but also not?" Replied Merin "Indeed" said Remira. "So how do you even exist? Wait that was rude, I mean, how is it possible for you to have these features?". "My being does not concern you, perhaps you should be more worried about yourself than anything, for the events to come are very vivid to me, but unclear to you.". And at that the conversation was ended due to Remira losing interest and wanted waffles, so I obliged because she was nice enough to tell me information she didn't have too. The rest of the day was spent with Remira and me watching Tv and laughing at the failed stunts people attempt to pull off.

But as the last stunt was about to show, Remira started to act strange, as if she sensed something. She got up and scurried over to the door to look through the peep hole, and then to the window and let down the blinds. "Remira what are you doing?". "Someones here" She said whilst locking the doors and letting down the blinds on all windows. "Remira no ones here" "Yes, someone is here, you just cant sense them, but i can" a loud bang followed her words, and the sound of sharp claws could be heard on the porch scraping against the wood as whatever it was walked. "Hurry!" Remira said while grabbing my arm and running into the bathroom and locking the door behind us. "Who is it?" I said worriedly. "I don't know I just know its someone". The sound of footsteps were getting closer, and small growls could be heard amongst them. I heard the doors lock slowly turn and the sound of the door opening followed after. Footsteps could be heard coming from the living room and then going in a completely opposite direction. It was slowly ceeping its way towards the bathroom, step by step its strides seems to become more sure of itself, as if it knew we were in the bathroom without even looking. It was not too far away from the door when something could be heard breaking from behind the door, it seemed to have bumped into something. Are predicament was unsure, and even Remira didn't seem to know what to do. All we could do was sit in the bathroom and wait for whatever was behind that door.

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