Chapter 1

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I sit at the lunch table by my friends zoning out on the cloudy sky behind the big windows. It reflects my mood at this moment in time. I glance at my friend Cody.
"Hey Mia, what time is it?" Milly asks. I cringe at my name.
" 7:40. " I reply. I look back at Cody. He hands me his history homework.
" Is any of this right? " He asks. I look over the paper. I nod my head and give it back to him. His ocean blue eyes twinkle and I smile.
Everybody in the cafeteria gets up and walks into the hallways of the dreaded school. Milly, Julie, Cody, and Anna walk with me.
They talk about some test in math we have tomorrow that I should be worried about but can't bring myself to care about.
I play with the draw-strings of my jacket as I walk to my locker. I grab my stuff and head down to first period. I walk in and see a sub. Its going to be a long day.
The seconds tick by extremely slowly as I wait for it to be lunch. The bell finally rings and I launch myself out of my seat and run into the hallway.
I grab my lunchbox from my locker and sprint to the cafeteria. I see my friends sitting at a table near the entrance and walk over to them.
I sit with Cody on my left and Anna on my right. I open my lunchbox and grab my turkey sandwich. I bite into it and tune into the conversation.
"Did you know that there's this guy that just came out as transgender?" Julie asks.
Milly nods. " Yup! I think his name is Winston. " She says. I look away from my friends but keep listening to their conversation.
"Do you think anyone in this school is trans?" Anna asks from beside me. I stiffen up.
" Maybe. " Julie says. I relax a little and keep eating my sandwich. Julie clears her throat. I look up at her. She scans over all of us with her forest eyes.
I stiffen up as her eyes land on me for a second, but then they pass onto Anna and I relax.
"So what do you guys think about the cookies I baked on Sunday?" She asks excitedly, flipping her brown ponytail. I grin.
"They were great. Thanks Julie." I say. The others nod along and continue to talk about miscellaneous stuff.
I finish eating my lunch and throw my trash away. As I walk back to my table, a girl with waist length, blonde hair and green-blue eyes walks up to me.
"Do you want to hang out sometime?" She asks. I look her over. She doesn't seem like she's a bully.
" Sure. " I say. She hands me a slip of paper and walks away. I walk back to my lunch table with the paper in hand. I sit down and look at the paper.
It has a phone number on it. I put it in my jacket pocket and look back up at my friends.
I say bye to my friends and walk to my last class of the day. Science. Ugh.
I sit down at my table. I work until the bell rings. I pack up my stuff and walk to my locker.
I grab my backpack and go outside to the bus. I get on and sit in my seat. I pull out my phone and the number the girl gave me and add her to my contacts.
Mia: Hey. Its the girl you met in the lunchroom.
I look out the window as the trees go by and lean back in my seat. I hear my phone alert and pick it up off of the seat.
Mystery girl: hi!
Mia: So what's your name? I dont believe I ever caught it.
I wait for a reply and read my book. I hear my phone alert after a few minutes and pick it up.
Mystery girl: Sorry. I'm back! My name is Ashley.
I change her phone contact to Ashley.
Mia: I'm Mia. So want to hang out at the park tomorrow after school?
Ashley: sure! I'll be there!
My bus pulls up at my stop. I grab my backpack and send a quick reply to Ashley.
Mia: I'll see you then. I'll ttyl.
Ashley: ttyl
I get off the bus and walk the short distance to house. The wind threatens to knock me over as I open the front door but I just trip into the house as the wind slams the door shut.
"Mia!" My mom screams running at me. I wince at the name but quickly cover it with a fake smile and stand up to hug my mom.
"How was school my precious daughter?" I inwardly groan.
" It was great mom! " I say with no enthusiasm whatsoever. She laughs and pulls me into the kitchen.
"I'm making meatloaf!" She states. I smile. I love meatloaf.
" Can I go to the park to after school tommorow? " My mom nods. I grin and walk up to my room. I see my 3 brothers Mike, Antonio, and Dan playing video games as the twins Lila and Lily play with their dolls.
I smile as I walk into my room and put my backpack down. I close my door and leap onto my bed and it groans under my weight.
I go to the GC2B website and order a nude extra small chest binder. One step at a time.
I go on Instagram and scroll aimlessly through it.
"TIME FOR DINNER!" my mom yells up the stairs. I run down as fast as I can and jump into my seat. Dan, my eldest brother, chuckles.
" You sure love your meatloaf. " I nod and grab some. I chow down on it.
My stepfather sits down at the head of the table and starts a conversation with my mom.
"Did you hear about that one transgender kid?" He asks her. She nods.
"Such a disgusting thing really." I choke on my food. Dan pats my back and hands me a glass of water.
"You okay Mia?" My mom asks. I nod.
"I got a piece of meatloaf stuck in my throat." I reply. She nods and continues the conversation with my stepfather.
"I will never have a trans kid. My kids will be pure." She states. I keep eating my meatloaf not tasting it anymore.
My stepfather bangs his hands on the table.
"THEY ARE DISGUSTING PEOPLE AND SHOULD BE KILLED FOR THAT! NOBODY SHOULD EVER BE TRANS!" he yells. Lily starts crying and Antonio pulls her onto his lap and hugs her.
"Please don't yell. You're scaring the little ones." Mike says. They boys are all older than the twins by at least 5 years. They are my biological brothers. Antonio is the youngest of us at 13 years old. The Mike who is 15. Then me. The sweet 16. And Dan is 17.
My stepfather sighs.
"Im sorry. I was just trying to get the point across." He says. I finish my meatloaf and excuse myself from the table. I walk to my room and change into my night clothes.
I climb into my bed and fall asleep to the sound of the rain pouring outside my window.

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