Chapter 2

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'You would not believe your eyes-'  I slam my hand on the alarm clock. I groan and sit up. Lila is leaning on the wall and smiling.
"Well someones a morning person." I mumble. She laughs and goes to wake up her twin. She's really smart for an eight year old.
I get off my bed and grab my oversized hoodie and shorts. I walk outside to see my package I ordered last night. I walk back into the house with the package hidden under my clothes.
I walk into the bathroom conjoined to our room. I unwrap the binder and put it on. It fits perfectly and I smile. I throw on my clothes and then look at my hair.
"This again." I whisper. I sigh and brush my messy brown hair out. I grab my green beanie and stuff my hair into it.
As I walk out of the bathroom, I run into my little sister Lily. She falls back and I grab her arm.
"That was fun!" She exclaims as I pull her upright. I chuckle and walk by her.
I grab my backpack and phone. I run down the stairs, jumping down the last four. I smile as I grab a granola bar.
"Bye parental figures!" I yell as I run onto the bus. The ride isn't long and I walk into the lunchroom about ten minutes later.
I plop down onto my seat beside Cody and pull out my history homework. He smiles as he grabs my paper off the table.
I put in my earphones and play the song 'All good things fall apart' from the chorus.
'Tell me what you hate about me!
Whatever it is I'm sorry!
I know I can be dramatic
But everybody said we had it!
I'm coming to terms with a broken heart
I guess that sometimes good things fall ap-'
Julie rips out my earphones. I glare up at her. She laughs and sits by Milly.
"So we were asking, what are you doing after school today Mia?" Anna says looking at me. I cringe silently at the name. Why that name universe??????????
"I. Um. I'm going to the park with this girl I met yesterday." I say. Cody raises his eyebrows but says nothing.
"Ok." Says Milly. I go back my music but I can't seem to get into it. 
The bell rings and I trudge to my first class. Cody sits beside me.
"Are you okay Mia?" He asks. I sigh inwardly. But instead of letting that show I turn to Cody and smile.
" Yup! Of course! " I say with certainty. His forehead wrinkles and I can tell he doesn't believe me but I cant bring myself to care.
My history teacher walks in and starts the lesson. The day goes by quickly and soon enough it's lunch.
As I walk to my locker Ashley grabs my arm.
"Are we still up for after school?" She asks. I nod and she smiles.
" I'll see you then! " she yells to me as she runs to her other friends. I grab my lunchbox and walk outside.
Its cloudy out as I climb the roof of the janitor's shed. I eat my lunch and listen to music. I finish eating and scroll through instagram.
My phone alerts and I pull it out of my pocket.
Anna: where are you Mia?
I groan and put my head in my hands. Mia. Mia. Mia. The words reply over and over in my mind. The roof I'm sitting on starts spinning. I brace myself.
"Mia!" Milly screams. I slip off of the roof and fall on my butt. A jolt of pain goes through my spine.
Cody runs over to me and sits beside me.
"Why didn't you come to lunch with us?" He asks as the others show up. Julie leans on the shed while Anna rubs my back. Milly squats in front of me.
" n-no reason. I was just... Tired. " I reply. I can never tell them the real reason.
Julie nods and grabs my stuff of the roof. Cody pulls me up and we walk into the hallway. I walk to my locker and grab my stuff for last period.
The others say their goodbyes and walk to their next class as the first bell rings. Ashley runs up to me.
"C'mon!" She says. She grabs me and puts my stuff in my backpack.
" B-but what about la-last period? " I ask. She waves her hand dismissively and drags me out of the building.
We walk over to her car. It's yellow and sleek. We stop in front of it and she unlocks it.
We get into her car and she drives off. Her car smells like cherries because of the air freshener hanging from her backseat. The drive is silent and awkward but I dont make a move to say anything. She parks at an unfamiliar place.
We walk out to the park. I see the group of people that were with her earlier sitting there. She walks over to them and pats the bench the are all sitting across from.
I look around to find that I can't see out of the thick woodland. I take off my jacket and take in the cool air. I tie it around my waist and pull my phone from my pocket. I peer over it pretending to text someone but actually not.
They are huddled together in a group of four. They all have blonde hair except one, who has bright pink. Maybe Ashley is a popular kid.
I put my phone away as they all turn to me simultaneously.
"We know your secret!" The pink haired girl exclaims smiling.

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