Chapter 7

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I slam into a person and fall to the ground. I look up to see Kaitlyn standing there with a smirk on her face. I shrink back in surprise and quickly stand up.
"Oh, leaving so soon?" She snarls, grabbing my arms and pulling me back. I can only stand there in horror as she punches me in the face, sending me flying back a few feet.
I grunt as my back hits the cement. In the corner of my eye I see her walking towards me and I push myself up. I stand up wobbly and sway lightly.
She bolts in front of me and pushes me back onto the ground. She kicks me in the gut and on my arms, while I try to stand up. I push myself up onto my knees and stay there waiting for the next blow.
A hand goes on my shoulder and I freeze before seeing it's only Cody. Kaitlyn stalks closer to me as I kneel there, clutching my stomach. Anna and Julie walk up to us confused.
Kaitlyn starts sprinting my way and I flinch back quickly, causing my right arm to flare up with pain. Suddenly she's pulled back by someone. Milly holds her by the collar of her shirt and Alex stands beside her. 
Milly brings her up and yells something at her. Alex holds his hand over his mouth, trying to conceal his laughter. Kaitlyn runs away with her head down.
Alex turns around and sees me kneeling on the ground. He stands there shell shocked for a moment before running over.
He grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes. I nod slightly and he starts checking over me. The others stand there making sure that nobody gets to close to me.
"Are you okay?" He asks after checking me over for the gazillionth time. I nod and then grimace in pain. He frowns and grabs my hand.
"Yeah, no. We're taking you to the nurse dude," he says pulling me up. I groan in pain and he frown softly. I walk to the nurse, leaning on Alex for support.
Julie opens the door and I stumble in. I lose my grip on Alex and fall halfway onto the bed. I grimace in pain and groan. I see the others wince behind me.
I pull myself up and sit on the bed. Alex sits down beside me and gingerly wraps an arm around my shoulders. I blush slightly but luckily it goes unnoticed as the nurse walks in.
"Oh my goodness, what happened to you?" She says scrambling over to me. Cody explains what happened and she nods and turns to me.
"Well I'll get you fixed right up!" She exclaims walking around the office purposefully. She occasionally grabs something as she bustles around the room.
She comes back over to me and treats the cuts on my face and arms. Alex holds my hand lightly as she goes about her job. She finishes and stands back.
"Okay guys. That should be good. Just be careful with your bruises. I'll write you passes to your next class," she says. I nod as she quickly walks over to her desk.
She hands us the passes and ushers us out of the room. I walk to my class and the others walk to theirs. I hand my teacher the pass and wait until class ends.
As I walk to the lunchroom, I make sure that none of Ashley's croonies are anywhere around. I stop at my locker and grab my lunch pail.
I walk into the lunchroom and sit down next to Alex. The others soon get out of the lunch line and sit down at the table.
"Are you okay?" Milly asks. I nod and start eating my food. I glance over at Anna and see her drawing in her notebook again. I nudge Alex and nod at Anna.
He looks over confused and his face softens. She continues drawing, oblivious to me and Alex. She draws the girl with intricate detail.
I try to get a better look but the bell rings and Anna quickly closes her notebook. I sigh quietly and throw my trash away. I walk to my final class.
The teacher hands out a pop quiz and we work on it for the rest of class. I finish early and I decide to leave. I grab my stuff and text my friends that I'll be at the park.
I walk down to the park closest to the school and sit down near the pond. A duck waddles up to me and I feed it an extra piece of bread I had leftover from my lunch.
It snatches it right out of my hand and runs back to the pond. It swims over to it's small, yellow ducklings and feeds them. I smile as the duckling eat.
I pull out my book and read as I wait. I lean on my backpack and finish my book. When I look up, a shadow hovers over me.

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