Chapter 13

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"Your first testosterone shot is tomorrow at nine am," the doctor tells me. My heart races as I leap off the table and hug my dad. He pats my head softly and chuckles.
We walk out of the office and sign out. Dan holds the door open for me and I walk over to the car. I get in and sit next to Antonio who takes off his headphones. He taps Mike on the shoulder and Mike looks over at me.
"I start tomorrow!" I exclaim happily. Antonio high fives me and Mike ruffles my hair. Dad and Dan get in the car and we drive off. They drop me off at school and I grab a pass from the hall monitor before walking to my third period.
"Sorry I'm late miss, I had a doctor's appointment," I explain. She nods and I sit in the back. I lightly run my hand through my shaved hair and smile. Best feeling in the world.
I frown as I remember that Ashley broke into the house and shaved some of my hair off when I was sleeping. I mentally shrug and start taking notes again.
I feel a piece of paper hit my back and I discretely pick it up from the floor. I put it in my desk and open it when the teacher turns towards the board.
Hey tranny.
I look around and see the boy Ashley's dating smirking back at me. I sigh and turn back to the teacher. The bell finally rings and I walk to my fourth period. I sit through science quietly and listen as the teacher gives us notes that half the class doesn't even bother to write down.
I finish the rest of the notes and start on the worksheet that she has out. I finish it and put it on her desk before leaving a couple of minutes early.
I walk out of class and to my locker. I put away my stuff and grab my lunch. The bell rings and people come pouring out of their classes. I speed walk to lunch and sit down at our usual table.
Anna and Julie walk up hand in hand. They sit next to each other and talk about a movie that they went to go see last night. Their first date went well and they became official about a month ago. Cody and Milly walk in laughing and sit down across from me.
Alex sits down beside me, giving me a small smile before frowning at his phone. I slowly eat my lunch and listen to everyone else talk.
I squirm anxiously in my seat as time goes by. Nobody stops the conversation to listen to me and I frown slightly. I grab my stuff and get up from the table, walking to my next class.
I do homework from other classes as I wait for lunch to be over. The bell rings and the teacher walks into the class, jumping as he sees me. He regains his composure and smiles at me. I wave as other students walk in.
The rest of class goes by depressingly slow ad I stare down at my paper. I sigh and rest my head on my desk. I look up as someone shakes me.
"The bell rang a couple of minutes ago," a boy says. I nod and grab my stuff from beside me. I walk out to Dan's car and climb in. We drive home in silence.
I walk up to my room and lay out on my bed. I hear a knock on my door. I groan in response. The door creaks open and the bed dips as someone sits down beside me.
"C'mon Max. You need to get ready," Mike says. I look up at him confused. He chuckles and picks me up off the bed. He slings me over his shoulder and brings me over to the gaming room.
Dan and Antonio sit on the couch waiting for us. Mike sets me down on the gaming chair and sits on the couch beside Dan. I stare at them expectantly.
"It's a surprise. Go get ready. Casual but not too casual," Dan says. I nod and walk to my room. I grab an outfit from my closet and quickly throw it on. I walk back to the gaming room and pose.
"It looks great! Let's go!" Antonio exclaims excitedly. I laugh and follow them out the door. I get in the car and look down at my chest. I can't wait to get top surgery.
Dan pulls up to a house and turns off the car. I go to get out but Mike grabs my hand. I turn around and Antonio puts a blindfold on me. I groan as they lead me out of the car. 
I step through a front door and stop. Antonio slowly takes the knot out of the blindfold. He quickly pulls it off and I open my eyes.
"Surprise!" Everyone yells. I look around and see all my friends there. My dad stands by a cake on the table. Alex runs up to me and hugs me.
Happy almost first testosterone shot! " He yells backing up. I smile and nod. He pulls me over to the cake and I blow out the candles before dad cuts it.
We all eat cake before we play Mario Kart for the rest of the time. My friends start to leave one by one, wishing me luck with everything.
"We have to leave. Alex if you want we can pick you up tomorrow morning at seven," Dan says. Alex nods and gives me a hug before walking home. I hug Milly and thank her and her parents for the party.
Antonio drags me out of the house and into the car. Dad speeds home and I jump out as we get there. I run upstairs and flop onto my bed exhausted.
I stare up at the ceiling, relieved that my friends didn't forget about everything. My brothers come in with a laptop and we watch Nextflix until we fall asleep.

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