Chapter 9

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Taylor's P.O.V.

I woke up to the fabulous sound of my phone blaring the siren alarm clock setting. (note the sarcasm) I chucked my phone at the wall to get it to shut up forgetting it wasn't a normal alarm clock, because I was still half asleep. Thankfully I have a life proof case. Sometime during all of this I woke Jacky up, and he started laughing at me while giving me my phone. "Shut up man it's to early to be happy." I said standing up. "Go find Jack and wake him up, I'll get the girls up." Still laughing the idiot goes downstairs to find Jack. It wasn't even that funny there's something seriously wrong with that kid. Anyways I went into Haley's room to wake her, and Liz up. Only Haley was there so I just decided to wake her up. "Wake up Haley we have to go to the airport soon." I whispered. I don't know why I thought that would work, so no surprise she didn't wake up. So being the wonderful brother I am I decided to wake her up like this. "HALEY GET YOUR ASS UP WE HAVE TO GO!!!!" I started screaming while jumping on her bed and hitting her with a pillow. "WHAT HAPPENED, DID SOMEONE DIE!!!" She jumped up screaming. I started laughing and just my luck fell right off the bed. fml. "Come on Haley we gotta go." I said standing up. "I'll be down in a second you can go." She said. I knew very well she was just going to go back to sleep, so I grabbed her phone pulled her out of bed, and dragged her downstairs. We got downstairs, and went into the living room to find Jacky taking pictures of our couch. "Why the actual blueberry muffins is he taking pictures of our couch." Haley whispered to me. "I have no idea but let's go find out." I said dragging her once again, to the couch. Turns out Jacky wasn't taking pictures of the couch but he was taking pictures of Liz and Jack snuggled up sleeping on the couch. "Awwww!" Me and Haley said in synch. We both pulled out our phones and stated taking pictures. After everyone finished taking their pictures, and uploading them to Twitter, and instagram I had to start being serious or we were gonna miss the plane. "Alright Jacky, go shower in the guest bedroom, Haley wake them up then go shower in your room. Jacky and I will be done by the time they get out so tell Jack to come shower in my room, and Liz to go in the guest room." I said and started heading up the stairs to shower.

Haley's P.O.V.

So since I was given the job of waking Jack, and Lizzy up, and I'm such a great friend I decided to wake them up like this. I opened the microphone app I had on my phone got a pillow, climbed on the couch, and started yelling into my phone. "GET YOUR ASS'S (don't know how to spell that oops) UP OUR YOU'LL MISS THE PLANE!!" I screamed over, and over. Lizzy flew up knocking Jack right off the couch. I bursted out laughing, and when Lizzy saw me, being the great friend she is decided to kick me off the couch as well. "Haley what the fuck is wrong with you." she said rubbing her head. "Taylor told me to wake you up so I did." I said smiling innocently. "Your an idiot." Jack said glaring at me. "Whatever get up. Lizzy go shower in the guest room, and Jack go to Taylor's room." I said dragging them up the stairs. We seem to be in a 'drag people around' mood this morning, oh well. I went into my room, and took a 5 minute shower. I always take quick showers. I then put on my outfit, and went into my room to do my last minute packing. I threw all my electronics, and extra chargers into my carry on, took out my phone and beats and went downstairs with my luggage. Everyone else was still upstairs so I decided to give them a time warning. "5 MINUTES TILL THE TAXI GETS HERE!!" I screamed up the stairs. I opened the fridge, and saw Taylor made breakfast to take with us last night. I mentally awed at my brother, but don't tell anyone. ok? Good. Anyways I grabbed a lunch box and threw the food, and drinks in it. Outside I heard a horn. "TAXIS HERE!!" I screamed up the stairs again. I grabbed my luggage and the lunch box and went outside. I put my stuff in the trunk and hopped in the backseat with my phone and beats. A few minutes later everyone was settled and we were off to the airport.

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