Chapter 12

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Haley's P.O.V.-

The ride back to the hotel was about 2 hours long, and everyone got bored very fast. Me, Liz, and Sky are all really close because we both love kids even if I don't look like I do. Everyone except me, and Sky fell asleep on the ride home some because of jet lag, but mostly because were all lazy. Sky saw I was awake and walked over, crawling into my lap. She looked really tired so I decided to ask. "Hey Sky, are you tired?" I asked quietly so I didn't wake anyone else up. She just nodded and curled up on my lap slowly falling asleep. Since everyone else was asleep I decided I might as well take a nap to because its my favorite thing to do besides eat, as I've said before. I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep with Sky curled up on my lap.


Still Haley's P.O.V.-

I was rudely awoken by camera clicking noises. "Who the f-f-f-f-fudge turned the sun on?" I said remembering Sky was around somewhere. "They look so cute." I heard who I think was Matt whisper to someone. I opened my eyes and looked around remembering we were in the limo. I also realized everyone had their phones out and were taking pictures. I looked down confused, why I chose to look down I don't know that's not the point though. Sky was still asleep on my lap, and me being the slow person I am realized they were taking pictures of me and sky. "Are we there yet?" I asked looking around as everyone was grabbing their bags. "No Haley, were taking our bags and jumping out of a moving car, then walking to the hotel." Liz said trying to be sarcastic. Just to annoy her I decided to say, "Awesome its like a GTA scene." Making everyone but her laugh. "Come on guys, the drivers getting pissed." Carter said looking out the window towards the driver holding the door for us. "Hayes, can you and Taylor take my bags so I can take Sky in?" I asked. "Yeah sure." They both said each grabbing a bag. We all thanked the driver and walked into the lobby to check in. "Name ?" the guy behind the counter said looking up. He immediately checked out Lizzy, as she did the same. "It should be under Magcon or Bart." Aaron said. "Right, so your room is like a house, everyone has their own rooms, and there's a living room, and kitchen." The guy said handing Shawn the key. "Top floor, room 520 ." the guy said winking at Liz. Nash thanked him and led our group over to the elevator. I really hate elevators and Taylor knows that so he always finds a way to get me out of riding them. "Hey guys I gotta talk to Haley real quick so you guys go ahead and well meet you up there with Sky." He said smiling. We got a bunch of okays in return and the group piled into 2 elevators. "Thanks T." I said smiling. "Yeah, yeah now come on we've got a lot of stairs to climb." He said starting up them, with me and a sleeping Sky following. We finally reached the top of the hotel after what felt like hours. We didn't have a key so Taylor kicked the door as quietly as possible to not wake Sky up. She can sleep through a lot after living with the Grier's but she can only take so much. Carter opened the door for us and told me where Sky's room was. Bart has a lot of money so he was able to get Sky a nursery kind of room. (Link in authors note) It also had soundproof walls so we didn't wake her up. I put her in her bed for now and went to the living room where everyone else was. I took a seat next to a bored looking Liz. "That dude downstairs was totally checking you out." I said seeing her cheeks going red. "Shut up my brothers gonna here you." she whisper yelled at me lightly smaking me in the face. "Ugh fine." I said getting my phone to order a pizza because it was already 6 o'clock. Yeah time flies when your with having fun they say. I dont know who they is though. Whatever. "Hi can I get 5 cheese pizzas and 3 meatball pizzas delieverd to *insert hoel name here*" I said ordering stuff everyone likes, and yes we need 8 pizzas we all eat a lot so its never wasted. They were gonna be here in 20 minutes so I decided to get Sky up and awake, becasuse like her brothers it takes a little work to get her up. I decided to change my clothes and shower first, because I just felt gross from the plane. I took a five minute shower as usual and grabbed whatever was on top of my suitcase which was sweats (link with authors note) I then went to wake Sky up. I was suprised to see she was actually awake. "Hey Sky you want some pizza?" I asked. "Yes, yes, yes." She said jumping up and down. "Alright go to the living room and play with your toys and I'll get you some." I said watching her run out of the room. I laughed and walked after her seeing she already got Matt to play with her. "Wheres Lizzy?" I asked sitting down next to Cam and leaning into him. "She went to shower and change." he said putting his arm around me. We all do this to each other as best friend jestures but Cam is one of the people Im closest to here. As I began to watch T.V. the doorbell rung. "I cant get a break I said grabbing my wallet and heading to the door. Opening the door I grabbed the pizza and put it on the hall table thing. Handing the dude $200 I said "Keep the change as a tip." smiing and closing the door. "JACK, JACK, AND TAYLOR KITCHEN NOW!" I screamed through the house thing. "Whats up H?" Jacky asked looking worried. "I need help setting the table so Jack plates paper please, Jacky cups and drinks please there should be soda in the fridge, and Taylor napkins please." I said giving out orders. "Aye, Aye captin." they said saluting me and getting to their assignments. "SHAWN, NASH KITCHEN PLEASE!" I screamed something I do very often. "Yeah?" they both asked/said walking into the kitchen. "Nash I need you to get your sisters chair out of her room." I said "And Shawn use this," I said giving him my phone the microphone app open "and tell everyone to come eat." Nash came back with Sky's chair and sat down at the table with the Jacks and Taylor. I set Sky up with some cheese pizza when Matt brought her in and everyone slowly sat down and started eating. After everyone finished eating Liz took over. Me and Liz keep these boys in order through these events or everything would probably fall a part. "Alright everyone go to your rooms and to bed were getting up at 10 tomorrow so we have enough time for everything before the first event." She said climbing off the chiar she was standing on. Everyone slowly piled out of the kitchen because it was now 11. We talk a lot and tend to loose track of time whenever we eat. Me and Liz cleaned up the plates and empty pizza boxes. I took Sky out of her chair and started towards her room. "Im putting Sky to bed." I said to Liz. She nodded back and I went to Sky's room. I changed her into her pjs and put her into bed for the second time today. I also checked every room and said goodnight to all of the boys on my way back to the kitchen. This is the only time im serious because its the first show tomorrow and I want it to run smooth. "The kitchens good bae." Liz said walking towards her room across from mine. "Alright nite I said hugging her." I walked into my room to tired to change and climbed into bed. Tomrrow is also the only day i will willingly wake up early. With that I set an alarm on my phone for 9:45 and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

//A.N.// so that was a longer chapter sorry for any mistakes its 2 am haha. tell us what you think in the comments and thanks for reading the links are below :)

haleys changed outfit-

lizzys changed outfit-

skys room-

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