Chapter 13

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Haley's P.O.V.-

I was woken up to my alarm clock blaring Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides. I screamed because I was woken up by screaming and fell off the bed -_- I can tell this is gonna be an awesome day. *Note sarcasm* I walked out of my room and across the hall to talk to Liz. Opening the door I saw her grabbing her clothes. "I'll get Sky ready, and the boys up." I said beginning to walk out. She nodded in return and I went to wake everyone up. I opened the door next to Liz's room to see a sleeping Cameron. Haha not for long I thought to myself. "GET UP CAMERON!" I screamed moving onto the next room. I continued this in all the boy's rooms changing the name depending on the room. I got to Sky's room seeing her already awake. No surprise there. I got her dressed and brought her into the living room. "Hey Matt keep an eye on her for me?" I asked seeing him sitting on the couch. "Of course come here Sky." he said opening his arms. Lightly laughing I saw Lizzy walking towards me. "Go get ready I'll order food for them." she said pushing me into my room.

Lizzy's P.O.V.-

After I showered I changed into my merch because the rule was we had to be wearing something that said Magcon on it. I took out my phone and ordered room service for everyone. Sitting on the couch and scrolling through twitter I heard the doorbell ring. I got up opening the door I thanked the lady, and called everyone to eat. I strapped Sky into her chair with her plate, and started to eat my food. I went to go find Haley so she had enough time to eat and bumped into her into the hallway, we wearing the same shirt and took a selfie together captioning it #twinning. We have problems dont judge. I finished my food before her because I got some before going to find her. "Can you do headcount?" She asked rushing to finish because we needed to be at the venue in 20 minutes. "Yeah no problem." I said standing up on my chair. "EVERYONE CLEAN UP YOUR PLATES AND GET IN LINE FOR HEAD COUNT!!" I screamed getting off the chair. We have to do a headcount because the boys left Matt at the hotel once and he was late for the meet and greet. I walked into the hallway with Sky and started to count. I gave her to Nash when I got to him and continued counting. "Whats the verdict?" Haley asked coming out of the kitchen with water for everyone. "10 boys, 1 toddler, amd the 2 of us." I said going to help her hand out water. "Alright that's 13 so were good." she said walking towards the door. "ALRIGHT TROOPS OUT!" I said leading the way out. We al pilled into the limo and off to the venue we went.

//A.N// thanks for reading and tell us what you think in the comments :) and if you want go read Haley's fanfic on @michaelsweaterpaws

here are the links:
Haley and Lizzys matching outfit (Lizzys is the left and Haley's  is right

Sky's outfit:

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